Rally Argentina 2013

Rally Argentina 2013

30. 04. 2013 - 04. 05. 2013

Resmi olmayan sonuçlar
Kategori Listesi: 6
ÖE 7 - Amboy - Yacanto 1
ÖE Uzunluğu: 39.16km
Sıra No Sürücü / Yardımcı Sürücü
Grup ÖE Zamanı Ortalama Hız
Birinciye Fark
Öndekine Fark
1 93
Porcaro Jorge / Porcaro J.
Peugeot 206 XS
6 00:39:38.9 59.26
2 91
Pelaez Pablo / Leguizamon D.
Peugeot 206 XS
6 00:39:46.2 59.08
Sıra No
Sürücü / Yardımcı Sürücü
Sıra ÖE Zamanı
Toplam Zaman Birinciye Fark
Öndekine Fark
1 91

Pelaez Pablo / Leguizamon D.
Peugeot 206 XS 
03:49:55.3 00:00:00.0
2 93

Porcaro Jorge / Porcaro J.
Peugeot 206 XS 
04:55:11.8 01:05:16.5
Özel etap hakkında bilgi 7
flash info (8 - Ogier Sébastien / Ingrassia Julien): We went a bit straight over the mud, it was a long slow corner tightening and we went basically straight and had to reverse. My handbrake did not work to save me.
flash info (1 - Loeb Sébastien / Elena Daniel): Push again like in the first one. It was ok, it is tricky and very fast. The grip is quite good and then suddenly you lose the grip, some watersplashes
flash info (2 - Hirvonen Mikko / Lehtinen Jarmo): I try to push, but it is really tricky. I went off once and I hit a rock with the rear right tyre, but I dont think it slowed us down too much.
flash info (7 - Latvala Jari-Matti / Anttila Miikka): I try to stiffen, but I am not very good in the fog, I dont like to take chances. I need to be sensible now.
flash info (5 - Novikov Evgeny / Minor Ilka): I am following the splits and the last one I was -1 to Mikkelsen. I do not know how the others will drive in the fog so I have to push a bit.
flash info (9 - Mikkelsen Andreas / Markkula Mikko): After 10 kms I was struggling with some understeering, it was not easy.
flash info (11 - Neuville Thierry / Gilsoul Nicolas): I think more and more foggy into the stage, the last 6 or 7 kms it was difficult to see the road, some big watersplashes. Lucky we get through, I enjoy the driving.
flash info (21 - Prokop Martin / Ernst Michal): Still the same, problem with the doors, they are opening very often, it is not easy. We try to fix it and keep it closed.
flash info (23 - Pozzo Gabriel / Stillo Daniel): It is ok, no problem. This stage was very difficult, too much fog. Difficult for us to find the rhythm. The car is going well, no problem.
flash info (10 - Sordo Dani / Del Barrio Carlos): In the high revs it is ok, in the really low revs no power. We will try to find the problem. I think I lost a lot of time with my drive.
flash info (4 - Østberg Mads / Andersson Jonas): The feeling is quite good, difficult conditions, it is the same for everyone. I am not pushing 100%, especially in the mud or in the fog. We are on target for our position we can catch and that is all we can do.