Rally Argentina 2016

Rally Argentina 2016

21. 04. 2016 - 24. 04. 2016

Přehled informací

Datum a čas RZ Informace
24. 04. 2016 15:59
24. 04. 2016 20:59 CET
18 flash info (2 - Latvala Jari-Matti / Anttila Miikka): Nevím, co se stalo. Jel jsem pomalu. Fakt nevím.
24. 04. 2016 15:59
24. 04. 2016 20:59 CET
18 (2 - Latvala Jari-Matti / Anttila Miikka): trefil most
24. 04. 2016 13:16
24. 04. 2016 18:16 CET
18 flash info (20 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): Nemůžu tomu uvěřit. Dal jsem do té erzety úplně všechno. Velké díky všem, zejména těm co mě sledují doma na Novém Zélandu. Na tuto erzetu jsem se chystal tři týdny. Byla úzká a klikatá a opravdu mi neseděla. Nemyslel jsem si že máme šanci. S tímhle autem toho vyhrajeme ještě hodně.
24. 04. 2016 13:13
24. 04. 2016 18:13 CET
18 flash info (1 - Ogier Sébastien / Ingrassia Julien): Bylo to těžké. Nejel jsem na maximum. Nehledě na výsledek byl to úžasný víkend a je úžasné tu být.
24. 04. 2016 13:11
24. 04. 2016 18:11 CET
18 flash info (9 - Mikkelsen Andreas / Jæger Anders): Se třetím místem jsem spokojený. Po Mexiku jsem potřeboval dokončit závod. Bodově jsme si polepšili.
24. 04. 2016 13:09
24. 04. 2016 18:09 CET
18 flash info (4 - Sordo Dani / Martí Marc): Bylo to dobré. Ok, první den jsme byl zklamaný z toho, kolik jsme ztratili času, ale jsem nadšený z bitvy mezi Haydenem (Paddon) a Sebem (Ogier).
24. 04. 2016 13:06
24. 04. 2016 18:06 CET
18 flash info (5 - Østberg Mads / Fløene Ola): Udělali jsme co šlo. Byli jsme dobře připraveni a odvedli dobrou práci. Jsem spokojený. Před Portugalskem budeme tvrdě pracovat.
24. 04. 2016 13:04
24. 04. 2016 18:04 CET
18 flash info (3 - Neuville Thierry / Gilsoul Nicolas): Abych byl upřímný, byl to strašný víkend. Se všemi našimi problémy nebylo snadné dostat se do tempa. Byl to dobrý víkend pro tým, ale ne pro nás.
24. 04. 2016 13:02
24. 04. 2016 18:02 CET
18 flash info (81 - Ligato Marcos / García Rubén): Velmi dobrý závod. Máme na to jezdit dobré časy. Jsem spokojený. Doufám, že se za rok vrátím.
24. 04. 2016 13:00
24. 04. 2016 18:00 CET
18 flash info (6 - Camilli Eric / Veillas Benjamin): A je to. Jsme šťastní, že jsme dokončili a bez problémů. Auto fungovalo dobře a my jsme se ukázali. Jsme spokojení.
24. 04. 2016 12:59
24. 04. 2016 17:59 CET
18 flash info (16 - Solberg Henning / Minor Ilka): Tenhle víkend jsem si užil. Měli jsme hodně problémů, ale jsem v cíli.
24. 04. 2016 12:58
24. 04. 2016 17:58 CET
18 (2 - Latvala Jari-Matti / Anttila Miikka): zastavil v RZ18
24. 04. 2016 12:57
24. 04. 2016 17:57 CET
18 (12 - Tänak Ott / Mõlder Raigo): defekt levé přední pneumatiky v RZ18
24. 04. 2016 12:54
24. 04. 2016 17:54 CET
17 flash info (20 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): Byla to velmi, velmi těžký erzeta. Bylo velice těžké odhadnout správnou rychlost. Není co více dodat.
24. 04. 2016 15:57
24. 04. 2016 20:57 CET
16 retired (87 - Preto Luciano / Der Ohannesian Marcelo): odstoupil po RZ 16
24. 04. 2016 15:55
24. 04. 2016 20:55 CET
16 (88 - Padilla Geronimo / García Nicolás): poškozené kolo
24. 04. 2016 12:49
24. 04. 2016 17:49 CET
16 flash info (20 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): Byla to hrozná erzeta. Neuvěřitelné podmínky a několikrát nám zhasnul motor když jsme dobržďovali do vlásenek. Jednou mi trvalo 5s abych ho zase nastartoval. Musíme to vyřešit.
24. 04. 2016 12:48
24. 04. 2016 17:48 CET
16 (9 - Mikkelsen Andreas / Jæger Anders): hodiny v RZ16
24. 04. 2016 12:46
24. 04. 2016 17:46 CET
16 flash info (5 - Østberg Mads / Fløene Ola): Byli jsme mimo trať. Šlo o malé nedorozumnění se spolujezdcem. V mlze to není jednoduché.
24. 04. 2016 03:54
24. 04. 2016 08:54 CET
16 na zkoušce je mlha
24. 04. 2016 15:51
24. 04. 2016 20:51 CET
14 retired (87 - Preto Luciano / Der Ohannesian Marcelo): odstoupil v RZ 14
23. 04. 2016 16:42
23. 04. 2016 21:42 CET
14 flash info (42 - Fuchs Nicolás / Mussano Fernando): Byla to dlouhá erzeta. Musím si udržet vedení. Nejedu víc než na 80 procent.
23. 04. 2016 16:39
23. 04. 2016 21:39 CET
14 flash info (34 - Al-Kuwari Abdulaziz / Duffy Killian): Je velice obtížné jet s vozem jako je tento (pouze náhon zadní nápravy), ale je pro nás výhodnější odjet erzety než dostat penalizace za Rally 2.
23. 04. 2016 16:38
23. 04. 2016 21:38 CET
14 (31 - Evans Elfyn / Parry Craig): zastavil aby vyměnil další kolo po defektu na RZ14
23. 04. 2016 16:36
23. 04. 2016 21:36 CET
14 (37 - Bertelli Lorenzo / Scattolin Simone): defekt pravé přední pneumatiky na RZ14
23. 04. 2016 16:35
23. 04. 2016 21:35 CET
14 flash info (6 - Camilli Eric / Veillas Benjamin): Tlačili jsme na pilu, ale myslím, že volba pneumatik nebyla dobrá.
23. 04. 2016 16:31
23. 04. 2016 21:31 CET
14 flash info (16 - Solberg Henning / Minor Ilka): Bylo to jak se patří... (o vraku Latvaly)
23. 04. 2016 16:29
23. 04. 2016 21:29 CET
14 flash info (3 - Neuville Thierry / Gilsoul Nicolas): Viděl jsem auto Jari-Mattiho (Latvala). Vypadalo to na velkou ránu. Doufám, že jsou oba ok. Tahle erzeta byla ok, ale odezva motoru byla občas horší.
23. 04. 2016 16:26
23. 04. 2016 21:26 CET
14 flash info (20 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): Opravdu? Wow! (reakce na Latvalovo odstoupení) To mění běh věcí. Stále se potýkám s pneumatikami.
23. 04. 2016 16:20
23. 04. 2016 21:20 CET
14 flash info (9 - Mikkelsen Andreas / Jæger Anders): Je mi líto Jari-Mattiho (Latvala). Jel dobře. My jsme v pohodě a máme komfortní odstupy.
23. 04. 2016 16:18
23. 04. 2016 21:18 CET
14 retired (2 - Latvala Jari-Matti / Anttila Miikka): havárie v RZ 14
23. 04. 2016 15:04
23. 04. 2016 20:04 CET
13 flash info (31 - Evans Elfyn / Parry Craig): Teď je pro mě důležité získat tolik bodů do šampionátu kolik jen půjde.
23. 04. 2016 15:03
23. 04. 2016 20:03 CET
13 flash info (42 - Fuchs Nicolás / Mussano Fernando): Je to úžasné. Velmi drsná rally. Teď musím být opatrný, abych vyhrál.
23. 04. 2016 15:00
23. 04. 2016 20:00 CET
13 (34 - Al-Kuwari Abdulaziz / Duffy Killian): Šel přes střechu do pole a musel vyměnit pravou zadní pneumatiku než mohl dokončit RZ.
23. 04. 2016 14:58
23. 04. 2016 19:58 CET
13 (34 - Al-Kuwari Abdulaziz / Duffy Killian): stopped in the 13th SS
23. 04. 2016 14:57
23. 04. 2016 19:57 CET
13 flash info (16 - Solberg Henning / Minor Ilka): Máme opravený posilovač řízení. Všechno funguje. Snažím se udržet sedmé místo.
23. 04. 2016 14:54
23. 04. 2016 19:54 CET
13 flash info (2 - Latvala Jari-Matti / Anttila Miikka): Byla to velmi rychlá a ze začátku zrádná erzeta.
23. 04. 2016 14:53
23. 04. 2016 19:53 CET
13 flash info (20 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): Volba pneumatik byla kompromisem. Ovládání vozu nebylo špatné, ale hned po startu bylo auto trochu neklidné.
23. 04. 2016 14:52
23. 04. 2016 19:52 CET
13 flash info (9 - Mikkelsen Andreas / Jæger Anders): Všechno je v pořádku.
23. 04. 2016 14:51
23. 04. 2016 19:51 CET
13 flash info (5 - Østberg Mads / Fløene Ola): Je to trochu lepší, ale mám pořád problém s podřazováním.
23. 04. 2016 14:50
23. 04. 2016 19:50 CET
13 flash info (1 - Ogier Sébastien / Ingrassia Julien): Nemyslím na své soupeře, ale jen na svou jízdu.
23. 04. 2016 12:05
23. 04. 2016 17:05 CET
12 flash info (37 - Bertelli Lorenzo / Scattolin Simone): Stále máme potíže s motorem.
23. 04. 2016 12:02
23. 04. 2016 17:02 CET
12 flash info (20 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): Není snadné dohnat Jari-Mattiho (Latvala), ale budeme se snažit na něj dál tlačit.
23. 04. 2016 12:01
23. 04. 2016 17:01 CET
12 flash info (5 - Østberg Mads / Fløene Ola): Jedu na doraz. Měli jsme i pár horkých chvil.
24. 04. 2016 15:43
24. 04. 2016 20:43 CET
11 retired (35 - Al-Suwaidi Khalid / Bernacchini Giovanni): odstoupil v RZ 11
24. 04. 2016 15:43
24. 04. 2016 20:43 CET
11 (31 - Evans Elfyn / Parry Craig): dvojitý defekt
24. 04. 2016 15:42
24. 04. 2016 20:42 CET
11 (16 - Solberg Henning / Minor Ilka): problémy s posilovačem řízení
24. 04. 2016 15:42
24. 04. 2016 20:42 CET
11 (3 - Neuville Thierry / Gilsoul Nicolas): problémy s motorem
24. 04. 2016 15:41
24. 04. 2016 20:41 CET
11 flash info (20 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): I am trying to push this morning, lucky not to have a puncture.
24. 04. 2016 15:41
24. 04. 2016 20:41 CET
11 flash info (4 - Sordo Dani / Martí Marc): I really like, fast stage with the car.
24. 04. 2016 15:41
24. 04. 2016 20:41 CET
11 flash info (9 - Mikkelsen Andreas / Jæger Anders): There was a lot of cleaning and the guys in the back will be so much faster. We tried to keep the pace without taking any risks. We are driving clever.
24. 04. 2016 15:40
24. 04. 2016 20:40 CET
11 flash info (5 - Østberg Mads / Fløene Ola): I pushed really hard. I used a lot of energy on this after the recce to have a good run here and it worked really well.
24. 04. 2016 15:40
24. 04. 2016 20:40 CET
11 flash info (1 - Ogier Sébastien / Ingrassia Julien): We are going to lose a lot here, but it is a great stage. Quite technical, nice to drive.
23. 04. 2016 11:59
23. 04. 2016 16:59 CET
11 (31 - Evans Elfyn / Parry Craig): stopped in SS11
24. 04. 2016 15:45
24. 04. 2016 20:45 CET
10 retired (38 - Arias Didier / Nunes Hector): odstoupil po RZ 10
24. 04. 2016 15:45
24. 04. 2016 20:45 CET
10 retired (90 - Frisiero Fabio / Agnese Giovanni): odstoupil po RZ 10
24. 04. 2016 15:39
24. 04. 2016 20:39 CET
10 retired (49 - Bestard Augusto / Mendonca Fernando): odstoupil v RZ 10
24. 04. 2016 15:39
24. 04. 2016 20:39 CET
10 (88 - Padilla Geronimo / García Nicolás): poškozené kolo
24. 04. 2016 15:37
24. 04. 2016 20:37 CET
10 (42 - Fuchs Nicolás / Mussano Fernando): defekt
24. 04. 2016 15:36
24. 04. 2016 20:36 CET
10 (34 - Al-Kuwari Abdulaziz / Duffy Killian): defekt
24. 04. 2016 15:35
24. 04. 2016 20:35 CET
10 flash info (16 - Solberg Henning / Minor Ilka): The power steering broke in the stage. So, so hard. My fingers are shaking.
24. 04. 2016 15:33
24. 04. 2016 20:33 CET
10 flash info (81 - Ligato Marcos / García Rubén): Very good time, we know very well this stage and we push a lot. Next two stages are quite new, but we know some places, we want to continue like this.
24. 04. 2016 15:33
24. 04. 2016 20:33 CET
10 flash info (12 - Tänak Ott / Mõlder Raigo): We tried our best but my side window is coming loose and in the high speed section a lot of wind was coming in on my face.
24. 04. 2016 15:32
24. 04. 2016 20:32 CET
10 flash info (37 - Bertelli Lorenzo / Scattolin Simone): Turbo was the problem, did not finish fixing it last night, they finish this morning. The problem now is after a third of the stage no power. It is not like yesterday, but we do not have full response from the engine.
24. 04. 2016 15:32
24. 04. 2016 20:32 CET
10 flash info (6 - Camilli Eric / Veillas Benjamin): It was difficult, I know this stage from last year and it is very very tough. It is easier for us today, more confidence with the car.
24. 04. 2016 15:30
24. 04. 2016 20:30 CET
10 flash info (3 - Neuville Thierry / Gilsoul Nicolas): First morning that everything is working.
24. 04. 2016 15:30
24. 04. 2016 20:30 CET
10 flash info (2 - Latvala Jari-Matti / Anttila Miikka): Hayden has done a really good stage, as we have done a good stage, an amazing time. I’m ok, the feeling is good.
24. 04. 2016 15:30
24. 04. 2016 20:30 CET
10 flash info (20 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): Enjoyed that stage, we were pushing. On a couple of corner we were carrying too much speed and slid wide, lost 2 or 3 seconds there.
24. 04. 2016 15:30
24. 04. 2016 20:30 CET
10 flash info (9 - Mikkelsen Andreas / Jæger Anders): We had a good stage, really good rhythm. Really driving hard but in a controlled way. The end here is so narrow and at the beginning it is so fast and wide.
24. 04. 2016 15:29
24. 04. 2016 20:29 CET
10 flash info (5 - Østberg Mads / Fløene Ola): Pretty good stage, I was really pushing hard and I had a really nice rhythm. Nothing big.
24. 04. 2016 15:29
24. 04. 2016 20:29 CET
10 flash info (1 - Ogier Sébastien / Ingrassia Julien): Ok, but the first time for me to do this stage, last year I did not do this stage. Is a good stage, happy with my drive.
24. 04. 2016 15:23
24. 04. 2016 20:23 CET
8 (32 - Ptaszek Hubert / Szczepaniak Maciej): defekt
24. 04. 2016 15:13
24. 04. 2016 20:13 CET
8 flash info (81 - Ligato Marcos / García Rubén): No mistakes, the car is is perfect. The more kilometres I can do, the more I can feel the car. I am in a good place.
24. 04. 2016 15:12
24. 04. 2016 20:12 CET
8 flash info (6 - Camilli Eric / Veillas Benjamin): A tough day. I like these stage, it is an adventure. This afternoon, I like the car. Driving in WRC, sometimes I hear a noise and I worry about the condition.
24. 04. 2016 15:12
24. 04. 2016 20:12 CET
8 flash info (16 - Solberg Henning / Minor Ilka): I think it has gone well. We are quite fast, I try what I can.
24. 04. 2016 15:12
24. 04. 2016 20:12 CET
8 flash info (3 - Neuville Thierry / Gilsoul Nicolas): We have the same feeling, we try to get a way with it. We have quite a few issues with engine idling at high revs, the engine is running perfectly.
24. 04. 2016 15:10
24. 04. 2016 20:10 CET
8 flash info (2 - Latvala Jari-Matti / Anttila Miikka): It was good stage, I really pushed hard. It is really gruesome this stage. The second time it is always easier. It is always easier to make the time on the second time.
24. 04. 2016 15:09
24. 04. 2016 20:09 CET
8 flash info (20 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): Still pretty good in there, happy with my pace in there. We have a small issue with the rear damper, small damage, doesn’t effect the handling just makes it uncomfortable in the car.
24. 04. 2016 15:09
24. 04. 2016 20:09 CET
8 flash info (4 - Sordo Dani / Martí Marc): I think we have a problem. This stage I don’t like a lot.
24. 04. 2016 15:09
24. 04. 2016 20:09 CET
8 flash info (9 - Mikkelsen Andreas / Jæger Anders): It was a good stage. I try to drive smart neat and tidy. I think I find a pace where I am comfortable. It's nice to finish eh day with a good stage, only one small stage to go.
24. 04. 2016 15:09
24. 04. 2016 20:09 CET
8 flash info (1 - Ogier Sébastien / Ingrassia Julien): One f the best, I have done the maximum everywhere. I maybe lose 10-seconds in there. The roads were really difficult today. I had good fun in the car.
24. 04. 2016 15:06
24. 04. 2016 20:06 CET
7 retired (49 - Bestard Augusto / Mendonca Fernando): odstoupil v RZ 7
24. 04. 2016 15:05
24. 04. 2016 20:05 CET
7 (32 - Ptaszek Hubert / Szczepaniak Maciej): byl mimo trať
24. 04. 2016 15:03
24. 04. 2016 20:03 CET
7 retired (37 - Bertelli Lorenzo / Scattolin Simone): technická závada - motor před RZ 7
24. 04. 2016 15:03
24. 04. 2016 20:03 CET
7 flash info (20 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): There is a long way to go, we are in striking distance.
24. 04. 2016 15:03
24. 04. 2016 20:03 CET
7 flash info (2 - Latvala Jari-Matti / Anttila Miikka): It was a very good stage for us. Everything is going good, happy with the car, happy with the driving.
24. 04. 2016 15:02
24. 04. 2016 20:02 CET
7 flash info (4 - Sordo Dani / Martí Marc): Now it is much better, but it is difficult.
24. 04. 2016 15:00
24. 04. 2016 20:00 CET
6 (42 - Fuchs Nicolás / Mussano Fernando): defekt
24. 04. 2016 14:58
24. 04. 2016 19:58 CET
6 flash info (81 - Ligato Marcos / García Rubén): No problem with the car, it goes well, nice stage.
24. 04. 2016 14:58
24. 04. 2016 19:58 CET
6 flash info (6 - Camilli Eric / Veillas Benjamin): We push a bit more, I know where I lose the time and I know why. It was a good stage for us and I am happy.
24. 04. 2016 14:58
24. 04. 2016 19:58 CET
6 flash info (37 - Bertelli Lorenzo / Scattolin Simone): No power at all… I don’t know.
24. 04. 2016 14:58
24. 04. 2016 19:58 CET
6 flash info (16 - Solberg Henning / Minor Ilka): It’s ok. I think I will stay on the same pace. I have a small problem with the gear change still. I try to push in there.
24. 04. 2016 14:57
24. 04. 2016 19:57 CET
6 flash info (3 - Neuville Thierry / Gilsoul Nicolas): The car is good. We have only to come back in the points now. A good rhythm.
24. 04. 2016 14:57
24. 04. 2016 19:57 CET
6 flash info (2 - Latvala Jari-Matti / Anttila Miikka): The battle is very good. This stage is not one of my favourites. I am careful not to push too much.
24. 04. 2016 14:57
24. 04. 2016 19:57 CET
6 flash info (20 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): Cleaned up the driving a lot more after we adjusted the pace notes this morning. Very hard for the car so took it a bit easy.
24. 04. 2016 14:57
24. 04. 2016 19:57 CET
6 flash info (4 - Sordo Dani / Martí Marc): That was nice, Ogier was pushing very hard. That was ok, we do not have any damage.
24. 04. 2016 14:56
24. 04. 2016 19:56 CET
6 flash info (9 - Mikkelsen Andreas / Jæger Anders): It was much better, happy with that stage. That was a clean run, I was very safe.
24. 04. 2016 14:56
24. 04. 2016 19:56 CET
6 flash info (5 - Østberg Mads / Fløene Ola): This was very nice, I really enjoyed this stage. I had a very good rhythm in there, I am happy.
24. 04. 2016 14:56
24. 04. 2016 19:56 CET
6 flash info (1 - Ogier Sébastien / Ingrassia Julien): I am focusing on myself and I am happy with my stage. I really pushed. I am happy with the car. It will probably be rougher on the next one.
24. 04. 2016 14:59
24. 04. 2016 19:59 CET
5 retired (18 - Gorban Valeriy / Korsia Volodymyr): technická závada po RZ 5
24. 04. 2016 14:54
24. 04. 2016 19:54 CET
4 retired (12 - Tänak Ott / Mõlder Raigo): technická závada - alternátor po RZ 4
22. 04. 2016 11:02
22. 04. 2016 16:02 CET
4 flash info (12 - Tänak Ott / Mõlder Raigo): We have an electricity problem. Can we continue? We will see.
22. 04. 2016 10:58
22. 04. 2016 15:58 CET
4 flash info (34 - Al-Kuwari Abdulaziz / Duffy Killian): We lost the front bumper in the previous stage. The car is okay but here we lost 30sec in the dust cloud from Fuchs ahead.
22. 04. 2016 10:58
22. 04. 2016 15:58 CET
4 flash info (42 - Fuchs Nicolás / Mussano Fernando): Broken power steering. The pump broke and I drove the whole stage without power assistance. My co-driver changed gears for me all the way through.
22. 04. 2016 10:57
22. 04. 2016 15:57 CET
4 flash info (32 - Ptaszek Hubert / Szczepaniak Maciej): A nice stage - really fast. I lost my rhythm a bit, but we are here and happy.
22. 04. 2016 10:55
22. 04. 2016 15:55 CET
4 flash info (81 - Ligato Marcos / García Rubén): After water splash was very muddy. I have to stop to remove the damper as it was broken the radiator.
22. 04. 2016 10:55
22. 04. 2016 15:55 CET
4 (12 - Tänak Ott / Mõlder Raigo): problémy s alternátorem
22. 04. 2016 10:33
22. 04. 2016 15:33 CET
4 flash info (6 - Camilli Eric / Veillas Benjamin): It is quite difficult, but I like this stage. There is a lot of rocks, particularly after 10 cars. Maybe a problem with the turbo.
22. 04. 2016 10:30
22. 04. 2016 15:30 CET
4 flash info (3 - Neuville Thierry / Gilsoul Nicolas): The car was making trouble since this morning and finally this stage the engine was stopping many times so I had to stop and find the lose connection.
22. 04. 2016 10:29
22. 04. 2016 15:29 CET
4 flash info (37 - Bertelli Lorenzo / Scattolin Simone): This one was ok. We are here. It is quite nice but also dangerous, we touch the bottom of the car, quite tricky.
22. 04. 2016 10:25
22. 04. 2016 15:25 CET
4 flash info (16 - Solberg Henning / Minor Ilka): It is coming. It is quite rough but it is ok.
22. 04. 2016 10:20
22. 04. 2016 15:20 CET
4 (3 - Neuville Thierry / Gilsoul Nicolas): zastavil v RZ
22. 04. 2016 10:19
22. 04. 2016 15:19 CET
4 flash info (2 - Latvala Jari-Matti / Anttila Miikka): Good stage, I think we did this stage in 2011, I think I remember it.
22. 04. 2016 10:19
22. 04. 2016 15:19 CET
4 flash info (20 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): A really difficult stage, a lot more slippy, loose gravel. A lot of fun but the speed is lost through the corners.
22. 04. 2016 10:19
22. 04. 2016 15:19 CET
4 flash info (4 - Sordo Dani / Martí Marc): The pedal is stuck…
22. 04. 2016 10:16
22. 04. 2016 15:16 CET
4 flash info (9 - Mikkelsen Andreas / Jæger Anders): It was alright, quite rough. Try to save the car in certain places. A little bit careful here and there.
22. 04. 2016 10:16
22. 04. 2016 15:16 CET
4 flash info (5 - Østberg Mads / Fløene Ola): I think it is going to clean for sure. It was okay, quite loose, a very good stage for us. I am driving good.
22. 04. 2016 10:15
22. 04. 2016 15:15 CET
4 flash info (1 - Ogier Sébastien / Ingrassia Julien): I did a very good stage, but tho one is very much drier. I am happy with my stage. Finally a bit better setup.
24. 04. 2016 14:52
24. 04. 2016 19:52 CET
3 retired (86 - Cancio Alejandro / Garcia Santiago): technická závada - turbo po RZ 3
24. 04. 2016 14:50
24. 04. 2016 19:50 CET
3 (86 - Cancio Alejandro / Garcia Santiago): problémy s turbem
22. 04. 2016 10:18
22. 04. 2016 15:18 CET
3 (32 - Ptaszek Hubert / Szczepaniak Maciej): defekt
22. 04. 2016 10:03
22. 04. 2016 15:03 CET
3 retired (31 - Evans Elfyn / Parry Craig): technická závada - elektrika před RZ 3
22. 04. 2016 09:44
22. 04. 2016 14:44 CET
3 (31 - Evans Elfyn / Parry Craig): problémy s elektrikou před RZ 3
24. 04. 2016 14:48
24. 04. 2016 19:48 CET
2 (86 - Cancio Alejandro / Garcia Santiago): problémy s přehříváním
24. 04. 2016 14:47
24. 04. 2016 19:47 CET
2 (42 - Fuchs Nicolás / Mussano Fernando): defekt
22. 04. 2016 09:20
22. 04. 2016 14:20 CET
2 retired (35 - Al-Suwaidi Khalid / Bernacchini Giovanni): odstoupil v RZ 2
22. 04. 2016 09:02
22. 04. 2016 14:02 CET
2 flash info (31 - Evans Elfyn / Parry Craig): Surprised to get the puncture, there was not even a big impact. The ground seems really soft.
22. 04. 2016 09:01
22. 04. 2016 14:01 CET
2 (31 - Evans Elfyn / Parry Craig): defekt
22. 04. 2016 08:59
22. 04. 2016 13:59 CET
2 flash info (81 - Ligato Marcos / García Rubén): A difficult start but everything is ok. We must continue to learn the car.
22. 04. 2016 08:57
22. 04. 2016 13:57 CET
2 flash info (6 - Camilli Eric / Veillas Benjamin): Really difficult - even on the recce. With so many rocks around I didn't want to take risks.
22. 04. 2016 08:55
22. 04. 2016 13:55 CET
2 flash info (18 - Gorban Valeriy / Korsia Volodymyr): Quite rough. Some mistakes. Hopefully next stage must be fine.
22. 04. 2016 08:52
22. 04. 2016 13:52 CET
2 flash info (37 - Bertelli Lorenzo / Scattolin Simone): It is very rough and I think we are a bit to soft.
22. 04. 2016 08:48
22. 04. 2016 13:48 CET
2 flash info (3 - Neuville Thierry / Gilsoul Nicolas): No confidence, no confidence at all. There was quite a lot of dust in the beginning and I lost the confidence there.
22. 04. 2016 08:44
22. 04. 2016 13:44 CET
2 flash info (12 - Tänak Ott / Mõlder Raigo): It is the dust that was really tricky. I try to go as fast as I can but I think I was pushing as much as I can but I had to back off in the end.
22. 04. 2016 08:44
22. 04. 2016 13:44 CET
2 flash info (2 - Latvala Jari-Matti / Anttila Miikka): There is some humidity and it is not so dry and it gets softer.
22. 04. 2016 08:44
22. 04. 2016 13:44 CET
2 flash info (20 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): Terrible stage for us, could not get any flow, dust hanging in the corners, couldn’t see the braking points. Really disappointed with that stage.
22. 04. 2016 08:44
22. 04. 2016 13:44 CET
2 flash info (9 - Mikkelsen Andreas / Jæger Anders): Not a very good stage, very slippery, more than I expected. Not very happy with the stage. We try to re-tune for the next stage. So much water into the car and I could not see anything the screen was so misty.
22. 04. 2016 08:36
22. 04. 2016 13:36 CET
2 flash info (5 - Østberg Mads / Fløene Ola): It was quite ok, not so bad. We had quite good rhythm in some sections.
22. 04. 2016 08:34
22. 04. 2016 13:34 CET
2 flash info (1 - Ogier Sébastien / Ingrassia Julien): It was tough at the end, more grip than I expected. It is ok, on this one the cleaning is not so bad. On this one the grip is not so bad for me.
21. 04. 2016 19:38
22. 04. 2016 00:38 CET
1 flash info (1 - Ogier Sébastien / Ingrassia Julien): The real stuff starts tomorrow. Was good atmosphere. I did a mistake after the jump, I went very wide.
21. 04. 2016 19:38
22. 04. 2016 00:38 CET
1 flash info (5 - Østberg Mads / Fløene Ola): It was quite a nice one. There was some gravel in there, that is nice on a gravel rally.
21. 04. 2016 19:32
22. 04. 2016 00:32 CET
1 flash info (9 - Mikkelsen Andreas / Jæger Anders): This stage was ok, I missed a little bit one turn.
21. 04. 2016 19:30
22. 04. 2016 00:30 CET
1 flash info (20 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): The car is good. Really nice car to drive. The real rally starts tomorrow. It is quite slippy, on the tarmac.
21. 04. 2016 19:29
22. 04. 2016 00:29 CET
1 flash info (4 - Sordo Dani / Martí Marc): Feeling good. For me it was really good, really nice stage. This was nothing though with the rally we have in front.
21. 04. 2016 19:28
22. 04. 2016 00:28 CET
1 flash info (2 - Latvala Jari-Matti / Anttila Miikka): We overshoot a junction, it was a surprise for me. I went wide and lost a little bit time, but everything is ok. The feeling is good.
21. 04. 2016 19:25
22. 04. 2016 00:25 CET
1 flash info (81 - Ligato Marcos / García Rubén): The feeling was good, but the start was not so good.
21. 04. 2016 19:22
22. 04. 2016 00:22 CET
1 flash info (12 - Tänak Ott / Mõlder Raigo): Every stage we try our best, quite tricky after no proper recce.
21. 04. 2016 19:22
22. 04. 2016 00:22 CET
1 flash info (3 - Neuville Thierry / Gilsoul Nicolas): The feeling is good, everything is positive for us to make a good stage. It was very slippy, I think I have done a good stage.
21. 04. 2016 19:19
22. 04. 2016 00:19 CET
1 flash info (16 - Solberg Henning / Minor Ilka): It’s good, I try my best, we wait and see.
21. 04. 2016 19:17
22. 04. 2016 00:17 CET
1 flash info (37 - Bertelli Lorenzo / Scattolin Simone): The confidence is good. We with to do another event like Mexico.
21. 04. 2016 19:17
22. 04. 2016 00:17 CET
1 flash info (18 - Gorban Valeriy / Korsia Volodymyr): Great atmosphere but really difficult stage, so difficult. Normal rally starts tomorrow.
21. 04. 2016 19:16
22. 04. 2016 00:16 CET
1 flash info (6 - Camilli Eric / Veillas Benjamin): Not pretty good as we do not have the launch control for the starting. I was a little bit careful.