Pēc SS
Ātrumposms | Ātrumposma nosaukums | Garums | Laiks | Kārtība ātrumposmā | Starpība līdz līderim (s/km) |
Vidējais ātrums | Kārtība pēc ātrumposma | Kopējais laiks | Starpība līdz līderim | Sods |
1 | Rallyofchampions.com | 6.16 | 00:03:21.9 | 5. |
00:00:05.3 0.86 |
109.84 | 5. | 00:03:21.9 | 00:00:05.3 | |
2 | Volkswagen 1 | 16.88 | 00:09:28.3 | 5. |
00:00:14.1 0.84 |
106.93 | 5. | 00:12:50.2 | 00:00:19.4 | |
3 | LDz Cargo 1 | 18.68 | 00:10:16.0 | 6. |
00:00:31.4 1.68 |
109.17 | 5. | 00:23:06.2 | 00:00:50.8 | |
4 | LDz Cargo 2 | 18.68 | 00:09:37.8 | 7. |
00:00:20.2 1.08 |
116.39 | 5. | 00:32:44.0 | 00:01:11.0 | |
5 | Volkswagen 2 | 16.88 | 00:09:06.5 | 4. |
00:00:10.3 0.61 |
111.19 | 5. | 00:41:50.5 | 00:01:21.3 | |
6 | Neste Oil 1 | 21.31 | 00:11:18.6 | 8. |
00:00:28.9 1.36 |
113.05 | 5. | 00:53:09.1 | 00:01:39.5 | |
7 | Ventbunkers 1 | 10.42 | 00:05:09.2 | 8. |
00:00:11.1 1.07 |
121.32 | 5. | 00:58:18.3 | 00:01:50.6 | |
8 | Neste Oil 2 | 21.31 | 00:10:54.3 | 7. |
00:00:25.3 1.19 |
117.25 | 5. | 01:09:12.6 | 00:02:15.9 | |
9 | Ventspils Kalns 1 | 3.4 | 00:02:29.6 | 5. |
00:00:06.4 1.88 |
81.82 | 5. | 01:11:42.2 | 00:02:22.3 | |
10 | Ventbunkers 2 | 7 | 00:04:57.3 | 5. |
00:00:03.6 0.51 |
84.76 | 5. | 01:16:39.5 | 00:02:25.9 | |
11 | Swecon 1 | 21.34 | 00:12:29.4 | 7. |
00:00:39.7 1.86 |
102.51 | 6. | 01:29:08.9 | 00:03:05.6 | |
12 | Kuldīga 1 | 26.34 | 00:15:13.0 | 10. |
00:01:01.6 2.34 |
103.86 | 6. | 01:44:21.9 | 00:04:07.2 | |
13 | Swecon 2 | 21.34 | 00:12:16.9 | 9. |
00:00:40.1 1.88 |
104.25 | 6. | 01:56:38.8 | 00:04:46.1 | |
14 | Kuldīga 2 | 26.34 | 00:14:54.3 | 9. |
00:00:55.7 2.11 |
106.03 | 5. | 02:11:33.1 | 00:05:41.8 | |
15 | Ventspils Kalns 2 | 3.4 | 00:02:38.3 | 22. |
00:00:16.7 4.91 |
77.32 | 6. | 02:14:11.4 | 00:05:55.7 |
Datums un laiks | Ātrumposms | Informācija |
03.02.2013 14:02 | 15 | (9 - Švedas Vytautas / Sakalauskas Žilvinas): Very good. Victory in production cars is unexpectable. Hardest thing was just cruise today. |
03.02.2013 12:02 | 14 | (9 - Švedas Vytautas / Sakalauskas Žilvinas): Quite tricky and not easy at all, tough stage. Lot of understeering. |
03.02.2013 11:02 | 13 | (9 - Švedas Vytautas / Sakalauskas Žilvinas): More less good, traction was much better. Just crusing to the finish. |
03.02.2013 09:02 | 12 | (9 - Švedas Vytautas / Sakalauskas Žilvinas): I was driving like my grandfather. I'm just crusing. |
03.02.2013 08:02 | 11 | (9 - Švedas Vytautas / Sakalauskas Žilvinas): I had a moment, we stopped by Siim as he went off. Tyres were not good, I had no grip. |
03.02.2013 07:02 | 10 | (9 - Švedas Vytautas / Sakalauskas Žilvinas): Pretty good, I wake up already. Few mistakes, some early braking. |
02.02.2013 16:02 | 9 | (9 - Švedas Vytautas / Sakalauskas Žilvinas): No problem. This stage is just for fun for spectators. |
02.02.2013 15:02 | 8 | (9 - Švedas Vytautas / Sakalauskas Žilvinas): This stage is absolutely fantastic. |
02.02.2013 14:02 | 7 | (9 - Švedas Vytautas / Sakalauskas Žilvinas): It's pretty stage, but car isn't best. |
02.02.2013 11:02 | 6 | (9 - Švedas Vytautas / Sakalauskas Žilvinas): I lost a lot in first section. The main problem is me. |
02.02.2013 10:02 | 5 | (9 - Švedas Vytautas / Sakalauskas Žilvinas): I'm trying to save my tyres for next stage. |
02.02.2013 09:02 | 4 | (9 - Švedas Vytautas / Sakalauskas Žilvinas): Time is not so bad. But I¨m not feeling good. My neighbors were very noisy all the night, they had some party there. |
01.02.2013 18:02 | 3 | (9 - Švedas Vytautas / Sakalauskas Žilvinas): I'm happy to be here. We have problem with the lights. |
01.02.2013 16:02 | 2 | (9 - Švedas Vytautas / Sakalauskas Žilvinas): We had some problem, took carefully with pacenotes. We have to change them, conditions during recce were totally different. |