Circuit of Ireland 2014

Circuit of Ireland 2014

17. 04. 2014 - 19. 04. 2014

Ingram Chris
Chris Ingram
Gabin Moreau
Ingram Chris
Renault Twingo R2
Moreau Gabin
KP KP naam Lengte [km] Tijd Tussenstand in KP Verschil leider
Gemiddelde snelheid Tussenstand na KP Totale tijd Verschil leider Straftijd
1 Loughries Village 6.92 00:04:17.2 11. 00:00:23.2
96.86 11. 00:04:17.2 00:00:23.2
2 Bucks Head 1 14.64 00:08:04.5 13. 00:00:46.1
108.78 12. 00:12:21.7 00:01:09.3
3 Hamiltons Folly 1 17.02 00:09:48.2 12. 00:01:01.1
104.17 11. 00:22:09.9 00:02:10.4
4 Lough Henney 1 10.55 00:06:17.4 11. 00:00:37.9
100.64 12. 00:28:27.3 00:02:48.3
5 Ballygowan 1 9.92 00:05:40.0 15. 00:00:36.5
105.04 12. 00:34:07.3 00:03:24.8
6 Bucks Head 2 14.64 00:08:06.5 15. 00:00:58.4
108.33 12. 00:42:13.8 00:04:23.2
7 Hamiltons Folly 2 17.02 00:09:43.1 13. 00:01:05.1
105.08 12. 00:51:56.9 00:05:28.3
8 Lough Henney 2 10.55 00:06:19.8 16. 00:00:44.8
100.00 11. 00:58:16.7 00:06:13.0
9 Ballygowan 2 9.92 00:05:34.5 10. 00:00:35.9
106.76 10. 01:03:51.2 00:06:44.9
10 Newtownards TT 2.3 00:02:10.5 7. 00:00:07.4
63.45 10. 01:06:01.7 00:06:50.5
Datum en tijd KP Informatie
18.04.2014 20:04 10 flash info (18 - Ingram Chris / Moreau Gabin): Pushed really hard. This morning was really perfect apart from my driving. We lost our brakes on the long stage, but I think we are leading overnight, really chuffed with that.
18.04.2014 19:04 9 flash info (18 - Ingram Chris / Moreau Gabin): We go theld up on the last stage on a really tight section. The car in front stopped in the middle of the road in front of us and we had to go up a bank. We have got no brakes as well. After 5-kilometres thge brakes are fading. I have to pump them for every corner.
18.04.2014 18:04 7 flash info (18 - Ingram Chris / Moreau Gabin): We lost the brakes so we have lost a lot of time, gutted really. We thought we sorted it, but last 2 stages half way through we lost them. We are just braking too early, I am having to pump it for every corner.
18.04.2014 17:04 6 flash info (18 - Ingram Chris / Moreau Gabin): On the first junction, I broke way too late and overshot a junction and maybe lost ten seconds, but after that it was ok.
18.04.2014 14:04 5 flash info (18 - Ingram Chris / Moreau Gabin): A lot to come but I keep scaring myself on these jumps. Biggest jump ever, like Finland on tarmac.
18.04.2014 13:04 4 flash info (18 - Ingram Chris / Moreau Gabin): I drove too slow on this stage, I think my pacenotes are a bit safe. I think the angles were too tight in pacenotes compared to what they actually are.
18.04.2014 12:04 3 flash info (18 - Ingram Chris / Moreau Gabin): Every crest was a big jump, I did not expect the stage to be so fast. Ridiculously scary
18.04.2014 12:04 2 flash info (18 - Ingram Chris / Moreau Gabin): We had a big moment. This thing takes some driving, you cannot go slow in it. You have to take risks to do anything. We went flat up this bank, I thought it was another roll.
18.04.2014 10:04 1 flash info (18 - Ingram Chris / Moreau Gabin): It is awesome. It was just a trundle round, very smooth and tidy. We have a new engine and it is just unbelievable.