Cyprus Rally 2014

Cyprus Rally 2014

18. 09. 2014 - 21. 09. 2014

Hudec Martin
Martin Hudec
Petr Picka
Hudec Martin
Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX
Picka Petr
Peale LK
LK Lk nimi Pikkus (km) Aeg Järjekord LK Vahe liidriga
Keskmine kiirus Järjekord peale LK Aeg kokku Vahe liidriga Karistus
10 Tseri 1 14.25 00:08:53.4 10. 00:00:42.1
96.18 10. 00:08:53.4 00:00:42.1
11 Asinou 1 11.52 00:12:46.7 13. 00:01:00.5
54.09 11. 00:21:40.1 00:01:42.6
12 Xerarkaka 1 21.05 00:22:38.6 14. 00:02:21.1
55.78 13. 00:44:18.7 00:04:03.7
13 Tseri 2 14.25 00:08:44.6 9. 00:00:41.6
97.79 13. 00:53:43.3 00:05:23.1 00:00:40.0
14 Asinou 2 11.52 00:12:35.9 10. 00:00:59.3
54.86 13. 01:06:19.2 00:06:22.4 00:00:40.0
15 Xerarkaka 2 21.05 00:23:37.4 12. 00:03:03.2
53.46 12. 01:29:56.6 00:08:55.6 00:00:40.0
Kuupäev ja kellaaeg LK Informatsioon
21.09.2014 15:09 15 flash info (25 - Hudec Martin / Picka Petr): Close after the start we lost second gear. And going in this stage without it it was very difficult - only first and third gear. It was the most stage I have ever driven.
21.09.2014 15:09 14 flash info (25 - Hudec Martin / Picka Petr): The car is OK, the co-driver is OK, we enjoy it very much.
21.09.2014 13:09 13 flash info (25 - Hudec Martin / Picka Petr): The car is now OK and the stage is amazing. We thought after leaving the service the driveshaft was bad, but it was only a wheel.
21.09.2014 10:09 12 flash info (25 - Hudec Martin / Picka Petr): Not good, I feel the time will be very bad. I had bad rhytm.
21.09.2014 10:09 11 flash info (25 - Hudec Martin / Picka Petr): The stage was very nice, from hairpin to hairpin, I tried to have good rhytm. I hope the time is not bad.
21.09.2014 08:09 10 flash info (25 - Hudec Martin / Picka Petr): The road position is bad, we are sweeper crew. But stage was nice, lot of sideways, first nice stage of the weekend.
LK 13
Ajakontroll 12C
00:00:40.0 Late in TC