Lotos Rally Poland 2014

Lotos Rally Poland 2014

26. 06. 2014 - 29. 06. 2014

Meeke Kris
Kris Meeke
Paul Nagle
Citroën Total Abu Dhabi World Rally Team
Citroën DS3 WRC
Nagle Paul
Después del Tramo Cronometrado
TC Nombre TC Longitud [km] Tiempo Orden en TC Dif. 1ro.
Velocidad promedio Posiciones después de TC Tiempo total Dif. 1ro. Penalización
1 Milki 1 14.54 00:06:57.7 3. 00:00:03.7
125.31 3. 00:06:57.7 00:00:03.7
2 Kruklanki 1 17.24 00:09:07.1 4. 00:00:02.0
113.44 3. 00:16:04.8 00:00:04.4
3 SSS Mikolajki Arena 1 2.5 00:01:51.4 4. 00:00:03.0
80.79 3. 00:17:56.2 00:00:07.0
4 Wieliczki 1 12.89 00:05:49.8 4. 00:00:01.5
132.66 3. 00:23:46.0 00:00:05.7
5 Kapciamiestis 1 12.92 00:06:28.2 5. 00:00:06.7
119.81 4. 00:30:14.2 00:00:11.6
6 Margionys 1 17.97 00:10:15.8 8. 00:00:24.5
105.05 5. 00:40:30.0 00:00:36.0
9 Wieliczki 2 12.89 00:05:42.9 4. 00:00:03.9
135.33 5. 00:46:12.9 00:00:38.4
10 SSS Mikolajki Arena 2 2.5 00:01:49.5 4. 00:00:02.6
82.19 5. 00:48:02.4 00:00:40.0
Fecha y hora TC Información
27.06.2014 22:06 10 flash info (3 - Meeke Kris / Nagle Paul): This is my first ever time to be in the fight with the big guys and due to bad starting position had no opportunity to fight.
27.06.2014 19:06 9 flash info (3 - Meeke Kris / Nagle Paul): It has not been interesting at all. Our little trip to Lithuania didn't work out.
27.06.2014 13:06 6 flash info (3 - Meeke Kris / Nagle Paul): The road is destroyed, what can you do? There are ruts over a foot deep after 7 cars. There is nothing you can do.
27.06.2014 12:06 5 flash info (3 - Meeke Kris / Nagle Paul): Ruts were too huge, it was like a full second pass, I lost so much speed in the corners.
27.06.2014 09:06 4 flash info (3 - Meeke Kris / Nagle Paul): Very fast stage, really enjoyable. On some very fast places it is difficult on the first run to commit to the notes.
26.06.2014 20:06 3 flash info (3 - Meeke Kris / Nagle Paul): Very tricky stage, the dust was a big problem. If we have to do this in the dark it is going to be a disaster. There is some loose gravel and it is difficult to find the grip.
26.06.2014 17:06 2 flash info (3 - Meeke Kris / Nagle Paul): It is absolutely beautiful. Just the nature of these roads, right, left, all the time flat out. Absolutely no moments, Paul calling the notes like a Sunday paper.
26.06.2014 17:06 1 flash info (3 - Meeke Kris / Nagle Paul): I am quite happy. My pacenotes were little cautious on some places, we could have been a bit faster.