Kenotek Ypres Rally 2015

Kenotek Ypres Rally 2015

25. 06. 2015 - 27. 06. 2015

McCormack Martin
Martin McCormack
James O'Reilly
McCormack Martin
Škoda Fabia S2000
O'Reilly James
Gyorsasági szakasz után
Gyors Gyorsasági neve Hossza (km) Idő Sorrend ezen szakaszon Kül.elsőtől
Átlagsebesség Sorrend ezen szakasz után Össz. idő Kül.elsőtől Büntetés
1 Langemark 12.56 00:07:10.7 6. 00:00:03.5
104.98 6. 00:07:10.7 00:00:03.5
2 Dikkebus 1 14.22 00:08:36.9 22. 00:00:38.7
99.04 16. 00:15:47.6 00:00:42.2
3 Wijtschate 1 13.81 00:07:50.8 11. 00:00:14.5
105.60 13. 00:23:38.4 00:00:54.3
4 Mesen 1 7.48 00:04:14.6 7. 00:00:06.2
105.77 11. 00:27:53.0 00:00:49.3
5 Dikkebus 2 14.22 00:08:12.0 11. 00:00:22.8
104.05 9. 00:36:05.0 00:01:04.4
6 Wijtschate 2 13.81 00:07:47.1 10. 00:00:15.4
106.44 8. 00:43:52.1 00:01:18.3
7 Mesen 2 7.48 00:04:12.8 8. 00:00:05.4
106.52 8. 00:48:04.9 00:01:21.0
Dátum és idő Gyors Információ
26.06.2015 21:06 7 flash info (14 - McCormack Martin / O'Reilly James): All in all we have had a great day. It has been brilliant, just need to work on a few things.
26.06.2015 21:06 6 flash info (14 - McCormack Martin / O'Reilly James): Everything is going well. We had a better run through that stage. Car is going good, everything is coming together.
26.06.2015 20:06 5 flash info (14 - McCormack Martin / O'Reilly James): That was good, couple corners to the end it felt like we had a puncture.
26.06.2015 18:06 4 flash info (14 - McCormack Martin / O'Reilly James): This one was pretty good, we had better rhytm.
26.06.2015 18:06 3 flash info (14 - McCormack Martin / O'Reilly James): I was cautious on some places, but now we had a clean run.
26.06.2015 17:06 2 flash info (14 - McCormack Martin / O'Reilly James): We had an overshoot on a square right junction, went up the bank, spun around and I thought the car was wrecked.
26.06.2015 17:06 1 flash info (14 - McCormack Martin / O'Reilly James): Abolsutely fantastic in there. We had a big moment in sixth gear, but the car is absolutely fantastic.