Cyprus Rally 2015

Cyprus Rally 2015

25. 09. 2015 - 27. 09. 2015

Magalhães Bruno
Bruno Magalhães
Hugo Magalhães
Magalhães Bruno
Peugeot 208 T16
Magalhães Hugo
След СЕ
СЕ Име на СЕ Дължина [км] Време Класиране за СЕ Разлика с водача
Средна скорост Класиране след СЕ Неофициални резултати Разлика с водача Наказание
9 Yeri 1 13.14 00:07:32.9 4. 00:00:18.9
104.45 4. 00:07:32.9 00:00:18.9
10 DHL Ayia Marina 1 11.41 00:07:13.0 4. 00:00:22.6
94.86 4. 00:14:45.9 00:00:41.5
11 Kellia 1 10.04 00:05:36.2 3. 00:00:16.0
107.51 4. 00:20:22.1 00:00:57.5
12 Tseri 1 12.99 00:06:56.9 2. 00:00:06.6
112.17 4. 00:27:19.0 00:00:56.4
13 Yeri 2 13.14 00:07:28.0 3. 00:00:16.3
105.59 4. 00:34:47.0 00:01:12.7
14 DHL Ayia Marina 2 11.41 00:07:09.1 2. 00:00:21.9
95.73 4. 00:41:56.1 00:01:34.6
15 Kellia 2 10.04 00:05:36.8 5. 00:00:16.0
107.32 4. 00:47:32.9 00:01:50.6
16 Tseri 2 12.99 00:06:57.2 2. 00:00:16.7
112.09 2. 00:54:30.1 00:02:07.3
Дата и време СЕ Информация
27.09.2015 15:09 16 flash info (15 - Magalhães Bruno / Magalhães Hugo): It's perfect, last year we were third, this year second. I have to thank to my sponsors, to my mechanics, they did great jobs. We are in finish, we are very very happy.
27.09.2015 14:09 15 flash info (15 - Magalhães Bruno / Magalhães Hugo): Stages are very rough at the moment. We have to watch the road carefully.
27.09.2015 14:09 15 (15 - Magalhães Bruno / Magalhães Hugo): damaged front end
27.09.2015 13:09 14 flash info (15 - Magalhães Bruno / Magalhães Hugo): It's better than before, the stage is very rough, the car is heating a lot.
27.09.2015 13:09 13 flash info (15 - Magalhães Bruno / Magalhães Hugo): I lost the concentration, it's difficult to drive in these conditions. The car works well.
27.09.2015 11:09 12 flash info (15 - Magalhães Bruno / Magalhães Hugo): The car was much better in last two stages. For the moment we are happy.
27.09.2015 10:09 11 flash info (15 - Magalhães Bruno / Magalhães Hugo): Lot of dust, very difficult stage. The setup is not OK, the rear is too soft. But in the moment it's fine.
27.09.2015 09:09 10 flash info (15 - Magalhães Bruno / Magalhães Hugo): It's completely impossible to drive inside this car. Breathing, concentration, everything.
27.09.2015 08:09 9 flash info (15 - Magalhães Bruno / Magalhães Hugo): It's crazy, I don't know where comes the dust inside, but it's everywhere, I'm like spectator on side of the road. We try to be little safe, we changed the mapping to not overheat the engine.