PZM Rally Poland 2016

PZM Rally Poland 2016

30. 06. 2016 - 03. 07. 2016

Paddon Hayden
Hayden Paddon
John Kennard
Hyundai Motorsport
Hyundai i20 WRC
Kennard John
KP KP naam Lengte [km] Tijd Tussenstand in KP Verschil leider
Gemiddelde snelheid Tussenstand na KP Totale tijd Verschil leider Straftijd
1 Super Special Stage Mikolajki Arena 1 2.5 00:01:47.3 6. 00:00:01.1
83.88 6. 00:01:47.3 00:00:01.1
2 Chmielewo 1 6.52 00:03:15.9 1. 00:00:00.0
119.82 2. 00:05:03.2 00:00:00.2
3 Wieliczki 1 17.3 00:09:02.7 4. 00:00:04.1
114.76 3. 00:14:05.9 00:00:04.0
4 Swietajno 1 21.14 00:10:06.5 3. 00:00:01.7
125.48 3. 00:24:12.4 00:00:04.4
5 Stare Juchy 1 13.5 00:06:45.3 1. 00:00:00.0
119.91 2. 00:30:57.7 00:00:02.6
6 Chmielewo 2 6.52 00:03:12.5 3. 00:00:01.8
121.93 2. 00:34:10.2 00:00:01.9
7 Wieliczki 2 17.3 00:08:55.7 6. 00:00:05.5
116.26 3. 00:43:05.9 00:00:04.2
8 Swietajno 2 21.14 00:09:59.5 4. 00:00:05.5
126.95 3. 00:53:05.4 00:00:09.4
9 Stare Juchy 2 13.5 00:06:39.1 1. 00:00:00.0
121.77 3. 00:59:44.5 00:00:07.5
10 Super Special Stage Mikolajki Arena 2 2.5 00:01:48.7 9. 00:00:02.7
82.80 3. 01:01:33.2 00:00:10.2
11 Gołdap 1 14.75 00:07:30.5 2. 00:00:04.2
117.87 3. 01:09:03.7 00:00:14.4
12 Stańczyki 1 25.27 00:13:45.4 3. 00:00:04.7
110.22 3. 01:22:49.1 00:00:19.1
13 Babki 1 21.02 00:10:22.3 4. 00:00:05.8
121.60 3. 01:33:11.4 00:00:24.9
14 Stańczyki 2 25.27 00:13:27.3 2. 00:00:00.1
112.69 3. 01:46:38.7 00:00:23.5
15 Babki 2 21.02 00:10:07.8 4. 00:00:02.3
124.50 3. 01:56:46.5 00:00:24.4
16 Gołdap 2 14.75 00:07:29.9 3. 00:00:00.4
118.03 3. 02:04:16.4 00:00:24.6
17 Super Special Stage Mikolajki Arena 3 2.5 00:01:48.6 9. 00:00:03.2
82.87 3. 02:06:05.0 00:00:27.8
18 Baranowo 1 21.25 00:10:48.5 5. 00:00:05.0
117.96 3. 02:16:53.5 00:00:30.4
19 Sady 1 8.55 00:04:35.4 5. 00:00:04.2
111.76 3. 02:21:28.9 00:00:31.5
20 Baranowo 2 21.25 00:11:37.6 5. 00:00:19.1
109.66 3. 02:33:06.5 00:00:26.6
21 Sady 2 8.55 00:04:56.4 5. 00:00:09.4
103.85 3. 02:38:02.9 00:00:28.5
Datum en tijd KP Informatie
03.07.2016 12:07 21 flash info (4 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): That's much too close for comfort. I really struggled with the conditions here. It was very slippery and I had no confidence with the car.
03.07.2016 11:07 20 flash info (4 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): Really, really slippery. Difficult to judge the speed. We're trying to take it easy.
03.07.2016 10:07 19 flash info (4 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): My priority is keeping the gap behind to Neuville. Taking it steady. I'm leaving the battle ahead to Andreas and Ott.
03.07.2016 09:07 18 flash info (4 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): The drive wasn't too bad but the car is too soft - we thought the road would be more slippery. We didn't lose too much. The gap to Neuville increased - that's good. We'll make some setup changes before the next stage.
02.07.2016 19:07 17 flash info (4 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): Not too bad a day. We've been consistent. Not the fastest, but no mistakes, and that's the biggest thing. We lost some time here again getting covered in mud.
02.07.2016 17:07 16 flash info (4 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): It took half the stage before the tyres came up to temperature. I think the rain will make a big difference tomorrow. We've tested in the wet here and it makes things very slippery.
02.07.2016 16:07 15 flash info (4 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): A lot of grip in there now - it's almost like a tarmac road in places. I had an absolute blast in there.
02.07.2016 15:07 14 flash info (4 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): Nice and committed not too many mistakes. Hard tyres all round was good.
02.07.2016 12:07 13 flash info (4 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): We're driving our own rally. Over driving a bit here - hanging it out in a few ditches. We'll try and keep the pressure on.
02.07.2016 11:07 12 flash info (4 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): A difficult one on the soft tyres. They were moving around right from the start - that's just something I have to get used to. A few wide moments but generally happy.
02.07.2016 10:07 11 flash info (4 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): There's a bit of cleaning to do, and the guys behind will be quick, but the car feels perfect - it's set-up just as I like it.
01.07.2016 19:07 10 flash info (4 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): Jari-Matti's car fired mud over our windscreen three times.
01.07.2016 17:07 9 flash info (4 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): We've made a setup change to improve the balance but this was a tricky stage. It's not good driving in dust when you're in sixth gear. It feels good to get to the end of the day.
01.07.2016 17:07 8 flash info (4 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): The afternoon loops are not so good for us. The car balance isn't great. I know what we have to change but for now we just have to get through and limit the time loss.
01.07.2016 16:07 7 flash info (4 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): It's really difficult. The ruts are so deep and in the corners you can't even turn. I was very, very untidy.
01.07.2016 14:07 6 flash info (4 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): No understeer for us but maybe too low on the ride height.
01.07.2016 11:07 5 flash info (4 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): The times are pretty close near the top. I had a lot of understeer in here. We have plenty of things to improve on in the afternoon.
01.07.2016 10:07 4 flash info (4 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): Not so bad and better than the last stage. I was trying to be a bit more aggressive here. I can tidy it up a bit.
01.07.2016 09:07 3 flash info (4 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): A lot of cuts in there. No drama. I was trying to be smooth but I reckon I could have been more aggressive.
01.07.2016 07:07 2 flash info (4 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): I really enjoyed the driving but it's a little disappointing that since the recce the organisers have put things in the corners, like bits of wood, to stop us cutting.
30.06.2016 19:06 1 flash info (4 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): A nice clean start. Looking forward to the rally starting again in the morning.