Rally Australia 2017

Rally Australia 2017

17. 11. 2017 - 19. 11. 2017

Latvala Jari-Matti
Jari-Matti Latvala
Miikka Anttila
Toyota Gazoo Racing WRT
Toyota Yaris WRC
Anttila Miikka
Peale LK
LK Lk nimi Pikkus (km) Aeg Järjekord LK Vahe liidriga
Keskmine kiirus Järjekord peale LK Aeg kokku Vahe liidriga Karistus
1 Pilbara 1 9.71 00:05:23.0 8. 00:00:05.8
108.22 8. 00:05:23.0 00:00:05.8
2 Eastbank 1 19.05 00:10:01.1 4. 00:00:04.8
114.09 4. 00:15:24.1 00:00:10.6
3 Sherwood 1 26.68 00:13:01.6 6. 00:00:10.5
122.89 6. 00:28:25.7 00:00:21.1
4 Pilbara 2 9.71 00:05:16.9 7. 00:00:02.9
110.31 5. 00:33:42.6 00:00:24.0
5 Eastbank 2 19.05 00:09:53.6 5. 00:00:04.8
115.53 6. 00:43:36.2 00:00:28.7
6 Sherwood 2 26.68 00:12:39.8 3. 00:00:01.7
126.41 4. 00:56:16.0 00:00:30.4
7 Destination NSW SSS 1 1.27 00:01:03.3 3. 00:00:00.9
72.23 4. 00:57:19.3 00:00:30.0
8 Destination NSW SSS 2 1.27 00:01:02.5 6. 00:00:01.6
73.15 4. 00:58:21.8 00:00:29.9
Kuupäev ja kellaaeg LK Informatsioon
19.11.2017 10:11 6 flash info (10 - Latvala Jari-Matti / Anttila Miikka): I wanted to to be faster than that but I did all I could on these hard tyres. It was not so clean as I thought, especially in the cuts where there was dirt on the road. I was a bit too careful where it was dirty.
19.11.2017 10:11 5 flash info (10 - Latvala Jari-Matti / Anttila Miikka): We took a hard tyre, and on the loose gravel its okay, but on the polished surfaces I'm struggling.
19.11.2017 09:11 4 flash info (10 - Latvala Jari-Matti / Anttila Miikka): We hit a stick in a bank 3 km from the start. It isn't too messy. I took it maybe too careful in the beginning after that I got better.
17.11.2017 00:11 3 flash info (10 - Latvala Jari-Matti / Anttila Miikka): I'm happy with the car now after the intercom issue. I thought we had a good run here but when I look at the other times I'm not so sure. I wanted to be closer to Ott.
16.11.2017 23:11 2 flash info (10 - Latvala Jari-Matti / Anttila Miikka): The intercom is good now, the cable to my helmet was broken but we fitted a spare. Without the front diffuser the front turn-in wasn't so good. I didn't expect this stage to be so tough.
16.11.2017 22:11 1 flash info (10 - Latvala Jari-Matti / Anttila Miikka): I think it happened at the first corner - under heavy braking we hit one of the rubber things that protect the road. Otherwise I didn't drive well, I have a problem with the intercom - a broken cable I think. I didn't hear all the notes, very distracting.