Cyprus Rally 2017

Cyprus Rally 2017

16. 06. 2017 - 18. 06. 2017

Galatariotis Simos
Simos Galatariotis
Antonios Ioannou
Petrolina - Eni Racing Team
Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X R4
Ioannou Antonios
After SS
SS SS name Length [km] Time Order in SS Diff. leader
Aver. speed Order after SS Total time Diff. leader Penalty
9 Psaltis Eneos Yeri 1 22 00:13:17.7 2. 00:00:31.8
99.29 2. 00:13:17.7 00:00:31.8
10 Cytanet Avdelero 1 23.43 00:16:39.1 2. 00:00:22.9
84.42 2. 00:29:56.8 00:00:54.7
11 Psaltis Eneos Yeri 2 22 00:13:11.0 2. 00:00:22.7
100.13 2. 00:43:07.8 00:01:17.4
12 Cytanet Avdelero 2 23.43 00:16:28.3 2. 00:00:18.9
85.35 2. 00:59:36.1 00:01:36.3
13 Love Cyprus Golden Stage 1 5.31 00:03:20.7 2. 00:00:17.8
95.25 2. 01:02:56.8 00:01:54.1
14 Love Cyprus Golden Stage 2 6.17 00:05:16.9 3. 00:00:29.1
70.09 2. 01:08:13.7 00:02:23.2
Date and time SS Information
18.06.2017 15:06 14 flash info (26 - Galatariotis Simos / Ioannou Antonios): It was probably one of the hardest rallies for me. I am very happy with my time, with my co-driver Antonis, thanks to everyone. I do not know if the Mitsubishi is designed for such rough conditions. What I have to admit is that its suspension is not very suitable for such kind of surface. We had several issues throughout the rally but we are happy to be here.
18.06.2017 15:06 13 flash info (26 - Galatariotis Simos / Ioannou Antonios): Yes, I am excited but cautious. I will not be pushing too hard so everything will be alright.
18.06.2017 12:06 12 flash info (26 - Galatariotis Simos / Ioannou Antonios): It was really rough. Unfortunately, the gravel was very soft because of the sand, it was slippery but OK, we managed to come through successfully. Some big bumps surprised me suddenly as I could not see them at the first sight, it was difficult to react and to read the road.
18.06.2017 11:06 11 flash info (26 - Galatariotis Simos / Ioannou Antonios): It is very hot inside the car, we push and push, even more and more. We made a couple of mistakes but time seem to be very good.
18.06.2017 09:06 10 flash info (26 - Galatariotis Simos / Ioannou Antonios): I am hot, we were used to high temperatures but we are not any more. We are happy, time is good, pace is good.
18.06.2017 08:06 9 flash info (26 - Galatariotis Simos / Ioannou Antonios): Good morning, the stage is better than yesterday because there have been just a few cars that came through, not as bad as yesterday.