Rally Estonia 2023

Rally Estonia 2023

20. 07. 2023 - 24. 07. 2023

Rovanperä Kalle
Kalle Rovanperä
Jonne Halttunen
Toyota Gazoo Racing WRT
Toyota GR Yaris Rally1 Hybrid
Halttunen Jonne
OS Nazwa OS Długość [km] Czas Kolejność na OS Strata do lidera
Śred. prędkość Kolejność po OS Łączny czas Strata do lidera Kary
1 Tartu vald 1 3.35 00:03:03.2 4. 00:00:00.7
65.83 3. 00:03:03.2 00:00:00.1
2 Peipsiääre 1 24.35 00:13:25.2 3. 00:00:09.1
108.87 2. 00:16:28.4 00:00:03.2
3 Mustvee 1 17.09 00:08:49.9 3. 00:00:02.5
116.10 2. 00:25:18.3 00:00:03.9
4 Raanitsa 1 21.45 00:10:19.5 3. 00:00:04.5
124.65 2. 00:35:37.8 00:00:06.8
5 Peipsiääre 2 24.35 00:13:18.7 1. 00:00:00.0
109.75 2. 00:48:56.5 00:00:02.1
6 Mustvee 2 17.09 00:08:46.1 1. 00:00:00.0
116.94 1. 00:57:42.6 00:00:00.0
7 Raanitsa 2 21.45 00:10:05.7 5. 00:00:03.5
127.49 1. 01:07:48.3 00:00:00.0
8 Neeruti 7.6 00:04:33.9 3. 00:00:01.8
99.89 1. 01:12:22.2 00:00:00.0
9 Mäeküla 1 10.27 00:05:39.3 1. 00:00:00.0
108.97 1. 01:18:01.5 00:00:00.0
10 Otepää 1 11.15 00:05:44.7 1. 00:00:00.0
116.45 1. 01:23:46.2 00:00:00.0
11 Mäeküla 2 10.27 00:05:34.2 1. 00:00:00.0
110.63 1. 01:29:20.4 00:00:00.0
12 Otepää 2 11.15 00:05:37.6 1. 00:00:00.0
118.90 1. 01:34:58.0 00:00:00.0
13 Elva 1 11.73 00:05:55.1 1. 00:00:00.0
118.92 1. 01:40:53.1 00:00:00.0
14 Kanepi 1 16.48 00:07:58.5 1. 00:00:00.0
123.99 1. 01:48:51.6 00:00:00.0
15 Elva 2 11.73 00:05:48.7 1. 00:00:00.0
121.10 1. 01:54:40.3 00:00:00.0
16 Kanepi 2 16.48 00:07:49.0 1. 00:00:00.0
126.50 1. 02:02:29.3 00:00:00.0
17 Tartu vald 2 3.35 00:03:00.0 1. 00:00:00.0
67.00 1. 02:05:29.3 00:00:00.0
18 Karaski 1 12.04 00:06:00.0 1. 00:00:00.0
120.40 1. 02:11:29.3 00:00:00.0
19 Kambja 1 18.5 00:09:23.6 1. 00:00:00.0
118.17 1. 02:20:52.9 00:00:00.0
20 Karaski 2 12.04 00:05:55.3 1. 00:00:00.0
121.99 1. 02:26:48.2 00:00:00.0
21 Kambja 2 (Power Stage) 18.5 00:09:14.9 1. 00:00:00.0
120.01 1. 02:36:03.1 00:00:00.0
Data i czas OS Informacja
23.07.2023 13:07 21 flash info (69 - Rovanperä Kalle / Halttunen Jonne): An important event, this one. For the championship it's a really important place to get good points and the plan was this exactly. It's my favourite event of the calendar so I knew we had to push here, and it went well. Big thanks to the team - the car was working well always. It's a shame that we couldn't fight with Ott Tänak this weekend - I am sure he will show the speed in Finland.
23.07.2023 12:07 20 flash info (69 - Rovanperä Kalle / Halttunen Jonne): It's quite nice. Definitely on this one I didn't want to push too much anymore, I wanted to have good tyres for the Power Stage. Hopefully in this one we didn't use them too much but it's nice to have good pace also.
23.07.2023 12:07 19 flash info (69 - Rovanperä Kalle / Halttunen Jonne): For sure the driving is good. We could be a bit faster by pushing and taking risks but the driving is clean and that's why the clock is liking it!
23.07.2023 12:07 18 flash info (69 - Rovanperä Kalle / Halttunen Jonne): I just drive how I feel good. That's our pace at the moment with no risks and I cannot be any slower than that to be honest!
22.07.2023 20:07 17 flash info (69 - Rovanperä Kalle / Halttunen Jonne): Really nice day. I was oiling the air filter before that stage and it was so sandy that I almost had to change it halfway through! I enjoyed it - the stages are amazing.
22.07.2023 18:07 16 flash info (69 - Rovanperä Kalle / Halttunen Jonne): For sure the feeling is nice. I have really enjoyed the afternoon especially, it has been really nice. The car is working well and these are my favourite stages of the entire calendar, so why wouldn't I be enjoying them at full speed? A lot of fans as well, it's really cool.
22.07.2023 17:07 15 flash info (69 - Rovanperä Kalle / Halttunen Jonne): It's feeling also quite easy at the moment and the car is working well. I don't need to push so much, I just keep the driving really clean and the times come. I don't see any need to back off, it's going well like this.
22.07.2023 16:07 14 flash info (69 - Rovanperä Kalle / Halttunen Jonne): It's quite slippy now, I think the road is cleaning also so it gets a bit faster all the time. We are driving good, nothing big in there. On one slippy corner I ran a bit wide but it's going well.
22.07.2023 14:07 13 flash info (69 - Rovanperä Kalle / Halttunen Jonne): I am surprised about the time, I was sure that for the first time today it was not a good time. I was not pushing much, for sure the driving was clean, but I felt like I left some time in there. Anyway, it looks to be okay.
22.07.2023 11:07 12 flash info (69 - Rovanperä Kalle / Halttunen Jonne): The time looks quite good. I was pushing like hell the whole stage to be honest. It's enjoyable in the car. The jumps are harsh but it's a good job for the fans and I tried to push hard.
22.07.2023 10:07 11 flash info (69 - Rovanperä Kalle / Halttunen Jonne): That's quite good. A bit cleaner driving than in the morning on this one so everything is fine. It's nice to follow the line of the others!
22.07.2023 09:07 10 flash info (69 - Rovanperä Kalle / Halttunen Jonne): Nothing crazy, I just tried to clean up the driving a bit to be more clean and precise. This stage felt a bit better, a good first loop I would say.
22.07.2023 09:07 9 flash info (69 - Rovanperä Kalle / Halttunen Jonne): It was the worst stage of the weekend for me so far. Now that there is a line I need to get used to the grip a little bit. I can drive much faster so let's see what we can do.
21.07.2023 17:07 8 flash info (69 - Rovanperä Kalle / Halttunen Jonne): Not such a bad day overall. I am a bit disappiinted that I lost a bit of time going wide in one corner but it was not so bad. I tried to push a bit but in the first pass conditions it's not so easy. Overall, not a bad day.
21.07.2023 17:07 7 flash info (69 - Rovanperä Kalle / Halttunen Jonne): The ruts were not so bad in this one. Definitely tricky now because it's really dry in here with a bit of loose gravel on the lines. We did a clean stage.
21.07.2023 15:07 6 flash info (69 - Rovanperä Kalle / Halttunen Jonne): This one was maybe a bit more clear, but really soft. I don't know why but it seems there is always like not even 0-car lines, it was just like normal car lines in the road.
21.07.2023 14:07 5 flash info (69 - Rovanperä Kalle / Halttunen Jonne): Really bad for us to be honest. So many small cars went through between that the line is really horrible and on the small roads I don't have any option other than to follow it. It was a bit wet in places, the road condition is not easy.
21.07.2023 12:07 4 flash info (69 - Rovanperä Kalle / Halttunen Jonne): Let's see how the guys from behind come, but definitely we did everything we could. I was pushing really hard all morning.
21.07.2023 12:07 3 flash info (69 - Rovanperä Kalle / Halttunen Jonne): Quite tricky still. There were some sections which were a bit better, but some were worse. It's crazy how much loose gravel there is, there is not much more I can do. We are driving quite well at the moment. I need to push quite hard and it's not easy when you don't have any grip - you are all the time on the limit.
21.07.2023 12:07 2 flash info (69 - Rovanperä Kalle / Halttunen Jonne): It's going to be really bad. I was pushing all the time on this stage and I am using the road everywhere. I can't do anything more but it's going to be cleaning a lot. We did our best.
20.07.2023 21:07 1 flash info (69 - Rovanperä Kalle / Halttunen Jonne): I didn't stress too much about this one, it's a tricky stage so we just did a clean run through with no push. Tomorrow is going to be interesting, opening the road will be a big challenge it seems, there is a lot of loose gravel on the road on Friday's stages. We need to do our best and see where we are tomorrow.