Rally Islas Canarias 2024

Rally Islas Canarias 2024

02. 05. 2024 - 04. 05. 2024

Armstrong Jon
Jon Armstrong
Eoin Treacy
Armstrong Jon
Ford Fiesta Rally2 MkII
Treacy Eoin
Peale LK
LK Lk nimi Pikkus (km) Aeg Järjekord LK Vahe liidriga
Keskmine kiirus Järjekord peale LK Aeg kokku Vahe liidriga Karistus
1 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 1.8 00:01:35.9 16. 00:00:05.4
67.57 17. 00:01:35.9 00:00:05.4
2 Agüimes - Santa Lucía 1 14.83 00:09:09.9 12. 00:00:06.8
97.09 13. 00:10:45.8 00:00:08.8
3 Tejeda 1 11.07 00:06:31.6 5. 00:00:03.0
101.77 10. 00:17:17.4 00:00:09.1
4 Artenara - Gáldar 1 21.15 00:13:29.6 5. 00:00:07.9
94.05 6. 00:30:47.0 00:00:14.5
5 Agüimes - Santa Lucía 2 14.83 00:09:07.6 6. 00:00:03.7
97.49 5. 00:39:54.6 00:00:14.4
6 Tejeda 2 11.07 00:06:29.1 6. 00:00:03.4
102.42 5. 00:46:23.7 00:00:16.2
7 Artenara - Gáldar 2 21.15 00:13:28.1 13. 00:00:11.3
94.22 6. 00:59:51.8 00:00:22.6
Kuupäev ja kellaaeg LK Informatsioon
03.05.2024 19:05 7 flash info (8 - Armstrong Jon / Treacy Eoin): It's been a good day, I tried to have a good rhythm in there but everything is getting really hot so it is more about managing tyres and managing brakes. But it's been a fantastic day and we'll see if we can carry it on tomorrow.
03.05.2024 17:05 5 flash info (8 - Armstrong Jon / Treacy Eoin): Rewatching the first run on the video and being a bit more confident [helped]. There's a bit of pollution in places but overall really happy, we just need to keep up the pace right now.
03.05.2024 14:05 4 flash info (8 - Armstrong Jon / Treacy Eoin): The pedal gets slightly longer [if the brakes overheat], it's all important to be easier on the brakes when you feel length go into the pedal. You have to be gentle with the car on the downhill. We had a good run through though.
03.05.2024 12:05 2 flash info (8 - Armstrong Jon / Treacy Eoin): We'll take that, it's my first time in seven years in this type of car on this type of road. We made some technical tweaks last night because the car wasn't really doing what I wanted. Demanding stage here but we enjoyed it.
02.05.2024 22:05 1 flash info (8 - Armstrong Jon / Treacy Eoin): Definitely the stuff of dreams, alaways a bit daunting going into this stage after what I did two years ago in the first corner. Big thanks to the team and the sponsors for the car, we're really looking forward to it.