Rally Islas Canarias 2024

Rally Islas Canarias 2024

02. 05. 2024 - 04. 05. 2024

Bonato Yoann
Yoann Bonato
Benjamin Boulloud
Bonato Yoann
Citroën C3 Rally2
Boulloud Benjamin
Após PE
PE Nome da PE Extensão (km) Tempo Ordem na PE Dif. p/líder
Média, velocidade Ordem após PE Tempo total Dif. p/líder Penalização
1 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 1.8 00:01:33.9 10. 00:00:03.4
69.01 10. 00:01:33.9 00:00:03.4
2 Agüimes - Santa Lucía 1 14.83 00:09:03.1 1. 00:00:00.0
98.30 1. 00:10:37.0 00:00:00.0
3 Tejeda 1 11.07 00:06:31.5 4. 00:00:02.9
101.79 2. 00:17:08.5 00:00:00.2
4 Artenara - Gáldar 1 21.15 00:13:27.8 3. 00:00:06.1
94.26 3. 00:30:36.3 00:00:03.8
5 Agüimes - Santa Lucía 2 14.83 00:09:03.9 1. 00:00:00.0
98.16 1. 00:39:40.2 00:00:00.0
6 Tejeda 2 11.07 00:06:27.3 3. 00:00:01.6
102.90 1. 00:46:07.5 00:00:00.0
7 Artenara - Gáldar 2 21.15 00:13:21.7 4. 00:00:04.9
94.97 1. 00:59:29.2 00:00:00.0
Data e hora PE Infomação
03.05.2024 19:05 7 flash info (16 - Bonato Yoann / Boulloud Benjamin): Very happy with the afternoon, the car is perfect, the tyres work well. This afternoon was higher in temperature and the tyres work well. We'll continue tomorrow like this. The fight is on, we have to push very hard, so it's fun.
03.05.2024 17:05 5 flash info (16 - Bonato Yoann / Boulloud Benjamin): The temperature is higher so it is a bit more difficult with the tyres. The last one will be very difficut, especially with the temperature. We hope this afternoon will be better than this morning.
03.05.2024 13:05 4 flash info (16 - Bonato Yoann / Boulloud Benjamin): Everything was okay, but it is very difficult with the tyres. The older asphalt completely destroys the tyres I think. But we are OK for the moment - different to the last one, especially for the grip.
03.05.2024 11:05 2 flash info (16 - Bonato Yoann / Boulloud Benjamin): The weather is perfect so first position is perfect as well. Not perfect with my driving on this one, but it's so beautiful here.
02.05.2024 22:05 1 flash info (16 - Bonato Yoann / Boulloud Benjamin): I was like a beginner on the arena, it was too slippery and I was too careful. I pushed the throttle and the handbrake too much. It's my first rally and I have to improve myself with the new car and be more confident.