Barum Czech Rally Zlín 2012

Barum Czech Rally Zlín 2012

30. 08. 2012 - 02. 09. 2012


Fecha y hora TC Información
02. 09. 2012 16:15 CET 15 retired (28 - Jakeš Miroslav / Norek Igor): retired after SS 15
02. 09. 2012 16:14 CET 15 retired (59 - Růžička Tomáš / Novák Jaroslav): retired after SS 15
02. 09. 2012 13:39 CET 15 Rally was finished prematurely as accident of st. nr. 32 at SS 13 followed by fatal injury of one spectator.
02. 09. 2012 13:18 CET 15 SS cancelled.
02. 09. 2012 13:34 CET 14 Rally was finished prematurely as accident of st. nr. 32 at SS 13 followed by fatal injury of one spectator. Results after SS 13 are final.
02. 09. 2012 13:10 CET 14 SS is cancelled.
02. 09. 2012 12:38 CET 13 Stage is cancelled because of crash 32. Other crews will go alternate route and will obtain notional time.
02. 09. 2012 12:28 CET 13 retired (32 - Kopáček Václav / Singer Tomáš): accident in SS 13
02. 09. 2012 12:22 CET 13 retired (3 - Kopecký Jan / Dresler Pavel): technical problem - engine in SS 13
02. 09. 2012 12:21 CET 13 (7 - Kresta Roman / Gross Petr): was out of road
02. 09. 2012 16:13 CET 12 retired (70 - Kačírek Petr / Černoch Bohumil): technical problem - differential after SS 12
02. 09. 2012 16:13 CET 12 retired (62 - Vlček Martin / Lasevič Richard): technical problem after SS 12
02. 09. 2012 12:52 CET 12 retired (69 - Zpěvák Daniel / Mišurec Petr): technical problem - axleshaft after SS 12
02. 09. 2012 12:03 CET 12 retired (51 - Březík Martin / Pospíšil Petr): technical problem after SS 12
02. 09. 2012 11:42 CET 12 retired (86 - Havlásek Marcel / Koutský Miroslav): technical problem - engine in SS 12
02. 09. 2012 11:31 CET 12 (72 - Zdráhala Zdeněk / Rýdlová Markéta): puncture
02. 09. 2012 10:46 CET 12 retired (16 - Tlusťák Antonín / Škaloud Jan): technical problem - engine in SS 12
02. 09. 2012 09:44 CET 12 rain on stage
02. 09. 2012 11:27 CET 11 (31 - Barvík Vladimír / Gabrhelík Pavel): puncture
02. 09. 2012 11:19 CET 11 (111 - Laurent Dominique / Mastacan Jan): problems with clutch
02. 09. 2012 10:44 CET 11 retired (64 - Svačina Marcel / Vybíral Ivo): accident in SS 11
02. 09. 2012 10:42 CET 11 (69 - Zpěvák Daniel / Mišurec Petr): was out of road
02. 09. 2012 10:32 CET 11 (60 - Rujbr Patrik / Nesvadba Richard): was out of road
02. 09. 2012 10:47 CET 10 retired (44 - Minařík Lubomír / Ryšánek Jan): technical problem - engine after SS 10
02. 09. 2012 10:20 CET 10 (92 - Blaťák Ondřej / Vichtora Ondřej): puncture
02. 09. 2012 10:19 CET 10 retired (40 - Consani Robert / Klinger Nicolas): technical problem - engine after SS 10
02. 09. 2012 09:43 CET 10 (1 - Hänninen Juho / Markkula Mikko): spun
02. 09. 2012 09:36 CET 10 (8 - Gonon Florian / Arlettaz Sandra): was out of road
02. 09. 2012 09:22 CET 10 retired (2 - Pech Václav / Uhel Petr): technical problem - engine in SS 10
02. 09. 2012 09:21 CET 10 (4 - Mikkelsen Andreas / Fløene Ola): second puncture
02. 09. 2012 09:19 CET 10 (4 - Mikkelsen Andreas / Fløene Ola): puncture
02. 09. 2012 08:25 CET 10 Weather is cloudy, dry roads, temperature around 15.
02. 09. 2012 09:33 CET 9 retired (17 - Odložilík Roman / Tureček Martin): technical problem - engine after SS 9
01. 09. 2012 19:44 CET 9 (17 - Odložilík Roman / Tureček Martin): problems with engine
01. 09. 2012 19:13 CET 9 (19 - Orsák Jaroslav / Šmeidler David): puncture
01. 09. 2012 18:53 CET 9 (5 - Flodin Patrik / Bergsten Göran): puncture
01. 09. 2012 20:27 CET 8 retired (47 - Pénzes Zsolt / Kerekes József): technical problem - engine after SS 8
01. 09. 2012 20:08 CET 8 retired (73 - Pokorný Zdeněk / Teplá Veronika): technical problem after SS 8
01. 09. 2012 19:50 CET 8 retired (105 - Drapela Johann / Baier Julia): technical problem in SS 8
01. 09. 2012 19:47 CET 8 (105 - Drapela Johann / Baier Julia): puncture
01. 09. 2012 19:13 CET 8 (61 - Chentre Elwis / D'Herin Igor): hit the deer
01. 09. 2012 18:59 CET 8 (47 - Pénzes Zsolt / Kerekes József): problems with engine
01. 09. 2012 18:39 CET 8 foggy
01. 09. 2012 18:25 CET 7 (23 - Arai Toshihiro / Moscatt Dale): was out of road
01. 09. 2012 18:21 CET 7 retired (41 - Trnovec Petr / Staněk Miroslav): technical problem after SS 7
01. 09. 2012 17:14 CET 7 retired (83 - Srb Michal / Koubek Ondřej): technical problem - driveshaft before SS 7
01. 09. 2012 16:45 CET 7 retired (51 - Březík Martin / Pospíšil Petr): accident in SS 7
01. 09. 2012 16:36 CET 7 (41 - Trnovec Petr / Staněk Miroslav): was out of road
01. 09. 2012 16:22 CET 7 (88 - Rada Martin / Jugas Jaroslav): problems with gearbox
01. 09. 2012 16:11 CET 7 Stage was stopped because fire of 25, stage will continue.
01. 09. 2012 16:06 CET 7 retired (25 - Nikara Jarkko / Kalliolepo Jarkko): accident in SS 7
01. 09. 2012 16:01 CET 7 (30 - Hudec Martin / Picka Petr): puncture
01. 09. 2012 15:59 CET 7 (15 - Barrable Robert / Loudon Stuart): was out of road
01. 09. 2012 15:38 CET 7 (6 - Wiegand Sepp / Gottschalk Timo): was out of road
01. 09. 2012 14:27 CET 7 heavy fog on the highest places of the stage
01. 09. 2012 16:24 CET 6 (90 - Martinec Roman / Píža Josef): puncture
01. 09. 2012 16:22 CET 6 retired (88 - Rada Martin / Jugas Jaroslav): problems with gearbox
01. 09. 2012 16:01 CET 6 (67 - Matys Antonín / Vaněček Aleš): was out of road
01. 09. 2012 15:35 CET 6 (50 - Kneifel Milan / Blažek Jaroslav): problems with electrics
01. 09. 2012 14:54 CET 6 (5 - Flodin Patrik / Bergsten Göran): problems with engine
01. 09. 2012 14:53 CET 6 (11 - Tarabus Jaromír / Trunkát Daniel): problems with servo
01. 09. 2012 16:27 CET 5 retired (103 - Picek Luboš / Dohnal Miloš): technical problem in SS 5
01. 09. 2012 16:21 CET 5 (88 - Rada Martin / Jugas Jaroslav): problems with gearbox
01. 09. 2012 15:56 CET 5 retired (100 - Stratieva Ekaterina / Poenaru Carmen): technical problem - gearbox in SS 5
01. 09. 2012 15:51 CET 5 Stage stopped because of crash 106. Other cars will go as liaison and will optain notional time.
01. 09. 2012 15:51 CET 5 retired (106 - Fišer Miroslav / Středa Hynek): accident in SS 5
01. 09. 2012 15:25 CET 5 retired (77 - Búš Martin / Stross Jiří): technical problem - engine after SS 5
01. 09. 2012 15:23 CET 5 retired (79 - Janczak Rafał / Grudziński Michał): technical problem in SS 5
01. 09. 2012 15:21 CET 5 retired (42 - Pantálek Milan / Coufalík Karel): technical problem after SS 5
01. 09. 2012 14:53 CET 5 (5 - Flodin Patrik / Bergsten Göran): problems with engine
01. 09. 2012 14:52 CET 5 (11 - Tarabus Jaromír / Trunkát Daniel): problems with servo
01. 09. 2012 16:20 CET 4 (88 - Rada Martin / Jugas Jaroslav): problems with gearbox
01. 09. 2012 14:35 CET 4 retired (49 - Kornicki Szymon / Hundla Robert): technical problem - steering after SS 4
01. 09. 2012 14:27 CET 4 (49 - Kornicki Szymon / Hundla Robert): was out of road
01. 09. 2012 14:12 CET 4 (61 - Chentre Elwis / D'Herin Igor): puncture
01. 09. 2012 13:57 CET 4 retired (38 - Kangur Martin / Ots Andres): accident in SS 4
01. 09. 2012 13:53 CET 4 retired (28 - Jakeš Miroslav / Norek Igor): technical problem - engine in SS 4
01. 09. 2012 13:47 CET 4 (18 - Triner Emil / Machů Petr): problems with alternator
01. 09. 2012 13:31 CET 4 (6 - Wiegand Sepp / Gottschalk Timo): puncture
01. 09. 2012 13:31 CET 4 (5 - Flodin Patrik / Bergsten Göran): problems with engine
01. 09. 2012 13:23 CET 4 (5 - Flodin Patrik / Bergsten Göran): spun
01. 09. 2012 12:51 CET 4 small rain on the stage
01. 09. 2012 14:18 CET 3 retired (104 - Yakimakho Dmitri / Zakharava Volha): technical problem - water pump after SS 3
01. 09. 2012 14:18 CET 3 retired (45 - Medici Davide / De Luis Daniele): technical problem - gearbox after SS 3
01. 09. 2012 12:36 CET 3 (106 - Fišer Miroslav / Středa Hynek): puncture
01. 09. 2012 12:26 CET 3 (64 - Svačina Marcel / Vybíral Ivo): was out of road
01. 09. 2012 12:02 CET 3 (62 - Vlček Martin / Lasevič Richard): puncture
01. 09. 2012 11:58 CET 3 (35 - Matics Mihály / Viczena Gábor): was out of road
01. 09. 2012 11:44 CET 3 (38 - Kangur Martin / Ots Andres): puncture
01. 09. 2012 11:40 CET 3 (2 - Pech Václav / Uhel Petr): problems with differential
01. 09. 2012 09:59 CET 3 Road is wet, especially in forest parts with mud.
01. 09. 2012 12:36 CET 2 (25 - Nikara Jarkko / Kalliolepo Jarkko): was changing gearbox before SS 2
01. 09. 2012 11:59 CET 2 (108 - Dohnal René / Kouřil Rudolf): puncture
01. 09. 2012 11:54 CET 2 retired (96 - Vladyka Daniel / Šivic Pavel): technical problem in SS 2
01. 09. 2012 11:53 CET 2 (105 - Drapela Johann / Baier Julia): puncture
01. 09. 2012 11:23 CET 2 (66 - Vágner Miloš / Škardová Martina): puncture
01. 09. 2012 10:52 CET 2 retired (59 - Růžička Tomáš / Novák Jaroslav): civil accident before SS 2
01. 09. 2012 10:30 CET 2 (4 - Mikkelsen Andreas / Fløene Ola): wrong tyre choice
01. 09. 2012 10:29 CET 2 (3 - Kopecký Jan / Dresler Pavel): wrong tyre choice
01. 09. 2012 10:24 CET 2 (97 - Vojáček Josef / Zábojník Roman): technical problem - starter before SS 2
01. 09. 2012 09:58 CET 2 Stage is becoming dry after night rain, temperature is 22.
01. 09. 2012 09:30 CET 2 (5 - Flodin Patrik / Bergsten Göran): Changing alternator in service before SS 2.
01. 09. 2012 09:29 CET 1 (25 - Nikara Jarkko / Kalliolepo Jarkko): technical problems - gearbox
01. 09. 2012 00:01 CET 1 retired (9 - Valoušek Pavel / Kostka Lukáš): technical problem - engine in SS 1
01. 09. 2012 00:01 CET 1 (61 - Chentre Elwis / D'Herin Igor): broken wheel
31. 08. 2012 23:59 CET 1 retired (89 - Kašík Martin / Uhřík Karel): technical problem - engine in SS 1
31. 08. 2012 23:48 CET 1 (104 - Yakimakho Dmitri / Zakharava Volha): technical problem
31. 08. 2012 23:46 CET 1 retired (68 - Štefan Roman / Šillerová Klára): technical problem - engine before start
31. 08. 2012 22:08 CET 1 SS was interrupted due to undisciplined spectator.
31. 08. 2012 21:15 CET 1 In Zlín is 17 °C, track is wet, no rain now.
31. 08. 2012 23:47 CET retired (106 - Fišer Miroslav / Středa Hynek): retired in SS 1