Enteria Rally Příbram 2013

Enteria Rally Příbram 2013

04. 10. 2013 - 06. 10. 2013

Nem hivatalos eredmények
Kategória lista: SA/1
Gyors 2 - Milín - Bohostice
gyorsasági szakasz hossza: 9.24km

Gyorsasági szakaszon:

Nincs kiválasztva versenyzőpáros

Információ a gyorsasági szakaszról 2
With deep sadness we have to announce that the second stage 35 Enteria Rally Pribram 2013 accident occurred crew no 37 passenger fatality Jan Jinderle jun. deeply and feel with the rest of the team and let us at least so far they expressed their condolences. Competition was prematurely terminated after the accident.
Stage is cancelled, other crews will use alternative route.
Stage is stopped because of crash st.no.37.
retired (37 - Máša Jiří / Jinderle Jan jun.): accident in SS 2
Stage was stopped for few minutes because chicane was damaged.