Rally Guanajuato México 2014

Rally Guanajuato México 2014

05. 03. 2014 - 09. 03. 2014

Nem hivatalos eredmények
Kategória lista: RC4
Gyors 2 - Los Mexicanos 1
gyorsasági szakasz hossza: 9.88km
Pozició Nem Pilóta / Navigátor
Csoport Szakasz idő Átlagsebesség
1 78
Orduña L. / Fonseca G.
Ford Fiesta ST
RC4 00:12:28.4 47.53
Pozició Nem
Pilóta / Navigátor
Pozició Szakasz idő
Össz. idő Kül.elsőtől
1 78

Orduña L. / Fonseca G.
Ford Fiesta ST 
00:14:08.9 00:00:00.0
Információ a gyorsasági szakaszról 2
retired (74 - Zea Paul / Nuñez Juan Carlos): retired before SS 2
flash info (8 - Atkinson Chris / Prévot Stéphane): My ALS switch fell off before the stage, so I had to run in road mode. No ALS, no power. I will try to swap it over.
(8 - Atkinson Chris / Prévot Stéphane): technical problem
flash info (11 - Guerra Benito / Rozada Borja): The time is okay, it is my first stage in this car, below 8 minutes is ok. In the second pass, I push abit more.
flash info (21 - Prokop Martin / Tománek Jan): Was good, I improve a lot, had a good feeling with the car. We had a problem with the start, we could make it uphill at the start to the time control, so we get penalty.
flash info (7 - Neuville Thierry / Gilsoul Nicolas): There was some dust, but not a lot. I had a good clean run.
flash info (6 - Evans Elfyn / Barritt Daniel): Not an easy one by any means, quite lose in there. We had quite a lot of dust at the start.
flash info (5 - Hirvonen Mikko / Lehtinen Jarmo): We get a puncture already on there, it slowed us down a little bit. A couple of places it was a problem with dust.
(5 - Hirvonen Mikko / Lehtinen Jarmo): puncture
flash info (3 - Meeke Kris / Nagle Paul): Got caught in a lot of dust, in a little twisty section in the bushes I had to come back to 2nd gear where I should have been in 5th. It does not seem to be cleaning, there is still a lot of lose on the top.
flash info (9 - Mikkelsen Andreas / Markkula Mikko): Just in the third corner it was so dusty, I did not see and I drive over something. The dust was terrible, really bad.
flash info (4 - Østberg Mads / Andersson Jonas): Its quite a good start. There was some problem with the dust, it was very difficult to see in some places, so maybe I was too careful. When I can see, I can see a line.
flash info (1 - Ogier Sébastien / Ingrassia Julien): It is difficult, I did not see so much of a line at all. Also we have problem with dust, a couple of places we lost some seconds with dust.
flash info (2 - Latvala Jari-Matti / Anttila Miikka): The road is in a nice conditions, it is very clean there is no rock. On the top of the surface there is a big pollution before the hard ground. For sure I am not getting to the hard ground. It may be that we lose some time, I don't know.