Pozició | Nem | Pilóta / Navigátor Versenyautó |
Csoport | Szakasz idő | Átlagsebesség msp/km |
Kül.elsőtől Kül.előzőtől |
1 | 38 |
Citroën DS3 R3T |
RC3 | 00:07:37.8 | 114.26 0.00 |
00:00:00.0 00:00:00.0 |
2 | 46 |
Renault Clio R3 |
RC3 | 00:08:10.5 | 106.64 2.25 |
00:00:32.7 00:00:32.7 |
Pozició | Nem |
Pilóta / Navigátor Versenyautó |
Pozició | Szakasz idő Büntetések |
Össz. idő | Kül.elsőtől Kül.előzőtől |
1 | 38 |
1 |
Citroën DS3 R3T |
RC3 1 |
00:08:50.0 |
00:08:50.0 | 00:00:00.0 00:00:00.0 |
2 | 46 |
2 |
Renault Clio R3 |
RC3 2 |
00:09:24.6 |
00:09:24.6 | 00:00:34.6 00:00:34.6 |
Információ a gyorsasági szakaszról 2 | |
(2 - Lukyanuk Alexey / Arnautov Alexey): We just followed the lines, no big cuts, but the grass is everywhere. It's normal here. | |
(3 - Sirmacis Ralfs / Kulšs Māris): I think for the first stage it was good, but I didn't wake up, I didn't hear all pace notes. I hope the second stage will be better. | |
(1 - Kajetanowicz Kajetan / Baran Jarosław): OK, quite good. We saw lines only at two or three places. Good wake up, it was hard morning. | |
(17 - Plangi Siim / Sarapuu Marek): I saw someone cutting really much, I think it was Egon, pushing really much. OK, it was nice stage. | |
(16 - Kaur Egon / Simm Silver): We have some quick guys coming from the back. It was a bit hard to get use to the grip, the grip was not so good. You feel that the car does not have enough power to pull you through those fifth gear corners. | |
(5 - Kołtun Jarosław / Pleskot Ireneusz): Not happy, in the beginning we were sleeping too much. | |
(6 - Jeets Raul / Toom Andrus): I didn't take it so risky this morning. It was little bit slow, we could go faster. | |
(14 - Arai Hiroki / MacNeall Glenn): I still need to learn this kind of gravel roads. Sometimes I can take the curves much faster. | |
(12 - Katsuta Takamoto / Barritt Daniel): Quite slippery, but I think it's good. We are here primary to test but I think it won't be bad. | |
(15 - Aus Rainer / Koskinen Simo): It was almost OK, but there are few slippy places and we did lot of mistakes. We hade one big moment on fifth gear. | |
(19 - Domżała Aron / Gospodarczyk Szymon): Very nice, nice grip. Lot of fun, however we have to do some pacenote changes. | |
(11 - Habaj Łukasz / Woś Piotr): It's little bit wet so I think it's not bad. We have clean road so so it's not very slippery. But it's hard for me to say because I have no experience here. | |
(7 - Kasperczyk Tomasz / Syty Damian): We have fixed the car and now we try to go a little bit faster, but not push too much. I try to focus and we will see on the next stage. | |
(20 - Maarend Mait / Kapp Mihkel): It was bit slippery. This is my first time in this car, but it was fun. | |
(4 - Tarabus Jaromír / Trunkát Daniel): technical problem - engine before SS 2 |