Cyprus Rally 2018

Cyprus Rally 2018

14. 06. 2018 - 17. 06. 2018

Resmi olmayan sonuçlar
Kategori Listesi: ERC3
ÖE QS - Qualify
ÖE Uzunluğu: 6.33km
Sıra No Sürücü / Yardımcı Sürücü
Grup ÖE Zamanı Ortalama Hız
Birinciye Fark
Öndekine Fark
1 24
Pellier Laurent / Combe Geoffrey
Peugeot 208 R2
RC4 00:03:45.791 100.93
2 26
Muradian Artur / Kulikov Yuriy
Renault Clio R3
RC3 00:03:58.245 95.65
3 28
Munnings Catie / Sánchez Alba
Peugeot 208 R2
RC4 00:04:06.018 92.63
4 30
Televantos C. / Stavrou Takis
Ford Fiesta R2
RC4 00:04:18.074 88.30
5 29
Mannouris C. / Mannouris A.
Citroën DS3 R3T
RC3 00:04:30.722 84.17
6 25
Falcón Emma / Gonzalez E.
Citroën DS3 R3T
RC3 00:04:36.514 82.41
Sıra No
Sürücü / Yardımcı Sürücü
Sıra ÖE Zamanı
Toplam Zaman Birinciye Fark
Öndekine Fark
1 24

Pellier Laurent / Combe Geoffrey
Peugeot 208 R2 
00:03:45.791 00:00:00.000
2 26

Muradian Artur / Kulikov Yuriy
Renault Clio R3 
00:03:58.245 00:00:12.454
3 28

Munnings Catie / Sánchez Alba
Peugeot 208 R2 
00:04:06.018 00:00:20.227
4 30

Televantos C. / Stavrou Takis
Ford Fiesta R2 
00:04:18.074 00:00:32.283
5 29

Mannouris C. / Mannouris A.
Citroën DS3 R3T 
00:04:30.722 00:00:44.931
6 25

Falcón Emma / Gonzalez E.
Citroën DS3 R3T 
00:04:36.514 00:00:50.723
Özel etap hakkında bilgi QS
(22 - Polykarpou Panikos / Shialos Constantinos): technical issue - fuel pump pressure
flash info (29 - Mannouris Christos / Mannouris Andreas): OK, we did good, there were some big rocks so we had some problems but OK.
flash info (28 - Munnings Catie / Sánchez Alba): The key thing is our time is good, I am happy with it. I think we make a good job.
flash info (26 - Muradian Artur / Kulikov Yuriy): It was good time for this stage, we are keeping the pace. We damaged the car more than we expected last time so we had to go to the factory to fix the body.
flash info (25 - Falcón Emma / Gonzalez Eduardo): This rally is too bad for me, it is too fast, I will try to change some things on my driving.
flash info (24 - Pellier Laurent / Combe Geoffrey): I am happy to drive this car, it is a fantastic one. We will try to push more than some of our colleagues for the rest of the weekend and we will try to win the ERC3 category.
flash info (23 - Psaltis Andreas / Chrysostomou Andreas): Everything OK, it is nice here, lets get the experience, so far we are OK. It is hot, yeah, we are boiling.
flash info (22 - Polykarpou Panikos / Shialos Constantinos): We seemed to have a slight problem with fuel pump pressure. It should be running a bit smoother but we have to find out how to fix it.
flash info (21 - Posedias Michalis / Damianou Kyriacos): It was OK, we are going fast, it was very good. It was very hot but it is OK.
flash info (20 - Panteli Petros / Christodoulou Kyprias): We have good time. We are trying new tyres right know.
flash info (19 - Melegari Zelindo / Cecchi Andrea Marco): I am really tired. It is good time. The car is really good, we need to find a good setup. We will push.
flash info (18 - Alonso Juan Carlos / Monasterolo Juan Pablo): I am good, we are sticking to the pacenotes. It is really shame, it was my mistake last time, we will try to enjoy the rally and improve.
flash info (17 - Chilimintris Antonis / Elia Stelios): It is our first time in the rally. I think it was good, not bad. Our target is to finish and to have a good result.
flash info (16 - Yiangou Panayiotis / Constantinou Constantinos): Hyundai is a good car, I like it. Everything is working OK. No, it is our first rally, tomorrow morning we will push.
flash info (15 - Štajf Vojtěch / Ehlová Marcela): It is nice to be back. It is the first rally on the gravel with this car. We are still learning a lot but we will try to speed up and change our position for the rest of the weekend. We are enjoying ourselves, the weather is good, the car is working perfectly. We are talking to Skoda, to make a deal and represent with the car in the Middle-East Rally Championship, we will see if the car is OK in the finish of the Cyprus Rally.
flash info (12 - Botka Dávid / Mesterházi Márk): The stage is good and there are very big cuts.
flash info (9 - von Thurn und Taxis Albert / Degandt Bjorn): It was good, we improve quite a bit. We are happy. You know there are some points which are very tricky, some corners are too narrow, sometimes you do not have to cut it at all, people are just going through. You know we lost a little bit of time, easy time. I have to be smarter. I cannot wait to make it to the finish, I have a lot of fun and will try not to make any stupid mistakes.
flash info (7 - Tsouloftas Alexandros / Chrysostomou Antonis): We have good feeling in the car, we are trying to push hard. We missed a corner so we lost a little bit of time there and we had to reverse back.
flash info (10 - Avcioğlu Orhan / Korkmaz Burçin): It is quite hard, I find it very enjoyable so I think it should be alright. No, I will not be pushing hard, this rally is about survival, I am not going to take any big risk. We need to be aware of the stones, they are very tricky.
flash info (8 - Nordgren Juuso / Suominen Tapio): For sure we are quite happy with time. It is a really good time for Nasser, I know he is really fast in this conditions. We have a really positive feeling, good atmosphere working in the team, we are trying to have good pace. In this weekend we will not be in the attack mode, we want a clear rally and so a restart in this season.
(7 - Tsouloftas Alexandros / Chrysostomou Antonis): missed junction
flash info (14 - Nobre Paulo / Morales Gabriel): The Cyprus rally is like a video game, it is very very slippery. We are trying to go fast in some corners, some corners are narrow a little bit.
flash info (6 - Galatariotis Simos / Ioannou Antonios): It was good. We seemed to have a minory issue because we were going a little bit wider in the last corner but we are OK.
flash info (5 - Ptaszek Hubert / Szczepaniak Maciej): The Rally Acropolis was good, you know we are still getting faster. Time is good but in compare to free practise it was on a bit different place now, there was one corner more. We will see to get more experience so we will see.
flash info (4 - Herczig Norbert / Ferencz Ramón): The stage was pretty dusty but everything was OK. We could not arrange test before the rally unfortunately. Time is quite OK but it is not enough.
flash info (3 - Al-Attiyah Nasser / Baumel Matthieu): It was a really nice rally. We are trying to do our best. We had a one big moment you know but we try to do our best in the stage. You know we like the rally.
flash info (2 - Magalhães Bruno / Magalhães Hugo): I am trying to find a good setup. This time is big challenge for the setup, I think we make a good job. The car setup needs to be probably a bit higher, some parts have to be cut.
flash info (1 - Lukyanuk Alexey / Arnautov Alexey): It is gonna be drama this weekend. It is a long way to be in front of many other rally drivers. Nasser knows better how to handle the surface.
Stage surface: 100% gravel