Rally Liepaja 2020

Rally Liepaja 2020

14. 08. 2020 - 17. 08. 2020

Ανεπίσημα αποτελέσματα
Εμφανίζονται: Abarth
ΕΔ 10 - Neste
Μήκος ΕΔ: 18.11km
Θέση No Οδηγός / Συνοδηγός
Ομάδα ΕΔ Μέση ταχύτητα
Διαφ. πρώτ.
Διαφ. προηγ.
1 29
Rada Martin / Jugas Jaroslav
Fiat 124 Abarth RGT
RGT 00:12:27.3 87.24
Θέση No
Οδηγός / Συνοδηγός
Θέση ΕΔ
Συνολικός χρόνος Διαφ. πρώτ.
Διαφ. προηγ.
1 29

Rada Martin / Jugas Jaroslav
Fiat 124 Abarth RGT 
01:58:08.1 00:00:00.0
Πληροφορίες για την Ε.Δ. 10
flash info (38 - Jeets Gregor / Sikk Kuldar): Quite good day for me, in last stage I pushed really hard, 3 little mistakes but OK.
flash info (24 - Érdi Tibor jun. / Kovács Szabolcs): We have a problem with engine, the same as in the Polish rally. We tried to go to the finish line.
flash info (39 - Nitišs Reinis / Mālnieks Andris): I pushed, I tried maybe not the best but this is the first time in our rally program, in ERC. We're fighting, thanks to our sponsors, I'm happy we made some show for the fans.
flash info (15 - Battistolli Alberto / Scattolin Simone): We finished, we are here. Apart from this adventure, the engine issue, it was great. I'm looking forward to some brainwash after this.
flash info (34 - Rådström Dennis / Johansson Johan): Martin and Ken were on good pace. Good points for the championship.
flash info (30 - Torn Ken / Pannas Kauri): Actually, we didn't have any pressure, it was hard to drive. We are happy, here we are.
flash info (21 - Mayr-Melnhof Nikolaus / Welsersheimb Poldi): It was extremely tough for us. We were struggling a lot first day, second day we got slightly into the rhythm. We'll go home and learn a lot, next time we come more prepared. Thanks to our team, they were all great.
flash info (10 - Marczyk Miko / Gospodarczyk Szymon): We're happy, now our experience is much better. Of course it was a pity we had a puncture yesterday. Final stage was hard, tyres were worn out and I didn't have enough experience with driving on such surface with tyres. It's been great to drive here.
flash info (11 - Dinkel Dominik / Mayrhofer Ursula): The rally was very impressive, really fast stages. We learnt every stage, we were first car on the road, a lot of experience, a lot of learning, a lot of improvement.
flash info (17 - Johnston Sean / Kihurani Alexander): Absolutely satisfied. We got the experience, got the kilometres. Good feeling, so much fun. With more commitment and driving will time definitely be there. We are happy.
flash info (7 - Llarena Efrén / Fernandez Sara): We're satisfied with the progress, it was difficult for us, it's the first rally on gravel for us. We learnt a lot, yesterday we didn't do well but today we changed the setup and everything was working well. Thanks to the team, it was perfect.
flash info (5 - Gryazin Nikolay / Aleksandrov Konstantin): We did some mistakes but alright. Thanks to the team who repaired the car overnight, thanks to my father who gave me an opportunity to drive Hyundai in this rally. Thanks to people who cheered me.
flash info (3 - Solberg Oliver / Johnston Aaron): It's been very tough. It was very hectic, not a clean run. We started with stall yesterday but we kept pushing. We spun in the last stage, lost 20 seconds but it was still a good stage. Thanks to everyone, it's been an amazing weekend.
flash info (2 - Østberg Mads / Eriksen Torstein): It was OK, to be honest. It's been very good test for us. We are happy to stay in the fight.
flash info (1 - Lukyanuk Alexey / Eremeev Dmitry): It was very amazing race, good tyres, good setup. We tried to push, I think we scored good points for the championship so we are happy with the result. We are also happy to be in the finish line.
flash info (16 - Pietarinen Eerik / Linnaketo Antti): I'm happy with the time, happy with driving.
flash info (4 - Breen Craig / Nagle Paul): I lost some seconds at the end but I'm really happy with the progress, driving on gravel and tarmac. It's very very unfortunate what happened today.
flash info (9 - Lindholm Emil / Korhonen Mikael): Run was OK, clean, pace yesterday was encouraging. We had some issues with the car, I made some mistakes but it's a game.
flash info (8 - Munster Grégoire / Louka Louis): Not so easy on gravel, pacenotes were not bad in general. We learn, we had a little bit of cleaning which is good for learning. Tyres are almost done, I think, we had sometimes almost no grip so we had to drive efficiently.
flash info (19 - Heikkilä Mikko / Arpiainen Henri): I think our tyres are quite dead but it was fun. Grip was just freaky sometimes. Rally was difficult for us, yesterday I made a lot of mistakes, today it was better.
flash info (18 - Jeets Raul / Toom Andrus): Difficult rally for us, I'm very happy, nice to drive in ERC. We'll see what's gonna be prepared for us next.
flash info (14 - Cais Erik / Žáková Jindřiška): I enjoy to be at the end as much as possible, I'm really happy. Thanks to my partners and team, to my family, it was a difficult weekend.