Rally Liepaja 2020

Rally Liepaja 2020

14. 08. 2020 - 17. 08. 2020

Неофициальные результаты
Список категории: Abarth
СУ 7 - Sixt Rent a car
Длина СУ: 18.11km
Поз. Нет Пилот / Штурман
группа Время СУ Ср.скорость
Разн.от лидера
Разн.от пред.
1 29
Rada Martin / Jugas Jaroslav
Fiat 124 Abarth RGT
RGT 00:12:17.8 88.37
2 23
Mabellini A. / Arena Nicola
Fiat 124 Abarth RGT
RGT 00:18:08.0 59.92
Поз. Нет
Пилот / Штурман
Поз. Время СУ
Общее время Разн.от лидера
Разн.от пред.
1 29

Rada Martin / Jugas Jaroslav
Fiat 124 Abarth RGT 
01:31:02.4 00:00:00.0
2 23

Mabellini A. / Arena Nicola
Fiat 124 Abarth RGT 
01:39:23.9 00:08:21.5
Информация о СУ 7
retired (23 - Mabellini Andrea / Arena Nicola): technical problem - engine after SS 7
retired (20 - Galatariotis Simos / Ioannou Antonios): accident in SS 7
flash info (43 - Fuentes Sergio / Peña Alain): Very fast stage.
flash info (22 - Melegari Zelindo / Bonato Corrado): OK, we enjoyed it.
flash info (35 - Hokkanen Miika / Suorsa Rami): We tried to do some setup changes on the car but we had no grip at the front so it was hard to drive. We were lacking grip in the morning so we are lucky to make it to the service.
(37 - Westlund Adam / Arhusiander David): missed a junction
flash info (37 - Westlund Adam / Arhusiander David): It was quite good but we missed a junction, it was quite slippery in parts.
flash info (25 - Feofanov Dmitry / Kokins Normunds): technical issue - turbo in SS 7
flash info (25 - Feofanov Dmitry / Kokins Normunds): We had some troubles with turbo, we lost power in the middle of the stage.
flash info (38 - Jeets Gregor / Sikk Kuldar): This stage was OK for me, now it's good.
flash info (24 - Érdi Tibor jun. / Kovács Szabolcs): Loved this stage very much. I'm very happy now.
flash info (39 - Nitišs Reinis / Mālnieks Andris): It was OK, still careful at some places. I try to push more, we're OK. I'll try to push more in the second loop, to be more clean and maybe faster.
flash info (15 - Battistolli Alberto / Scattolin Simone): I don't have enough confidence, I have to improve a lot.
flash info (34 - Rådström Dennis / Johansson Johan): I think the car is working OK, clean run.
flash info (30 - Torn Ken / Pannas Kauri): This one was faster than the previous one, I really tried. Let's see in the second loop.
flash info (32 - Sesks Mārtiņš / Francis Renārs): This wasn't the best one, we were struggling with slow corners.
flash info (21 - Mayr-Melnhof Nikolaus / Welsersheimb Poldi): I know we damaged front right part of the bumper but we left it like that. It was a fantastic stage, we're having fun, it's a big bonus.
flash info (10 - Marczyk Miko / Gospodarczyk Szymon): Interesting loop for us, in the first stage we were struggling with too fast pacenotes and went too fast over the crest, in the second one it was good and in the last one we had slow pacenotes. We didn't have enough experience on gravel road but now it's good.
flash info (11 - Dinkel Dominik / Mayrhofer Ursula): It was a medium run. I went wide twice in the junction, I was struggling with my pacenotes but it's good learning again.
flash info (45 - McCourt Cathan / Fulton James): We enjoyed it. We are still, we're happy and enjoying it.
flash info (17 - Johnston Sean / Kihurani Alexander): The stage was so much fun. We knew it here, we knew we could push more in recce and that made the improvement. We enjoyed the driving, beautiful stage.
flash info (7 - Llarena Efrén / Fernandez Sara): OK, we tried to push a little bit. It's really good but we'll improve for sure.
(3 - Solberg Oliver / Johnston Aaron): hit a ditch
flash info (5 - Gryazin Nikolay / Aleksandrov Konstantin): Now it's not easy but we're trying to manage it. I hope in next loop the tyres will be working more, now it's a bit hard compound.
(4 - Breen Craig / Nagle Paul): puncture
flash info (3 - Solberg Oliver / Johnston Aaron): It was fine, no big damage, I just hit a hole in high speed and that made such damage.
flash info (2 - Østberg Mads / Eriksen Torstein): We're trying to improve. Currently looking on the time, it's not bad. I'm happy with that.
flash info (1 - Lukyanuk Alexey / Eremeev Dmitry): Looks like OK, very good stage, I give it the push and enjoyed it. We were struggling with the setup but no drama.
flash info (16 - Pietarinen Eerik / Linnaketo Antti): A lot of mistakes but car is good. I'll try to be faster next time.
flash info (4 - Breen Craig / Nagle Paul): There was absolutely nothing, I got a puncture in the middle of wide section, I don't know what happened.
flash info (9 - Lindholm Emil / Korhonen Mikael): We were already missing the inner side of the bumper but it's OK, we'll keep driving to the finish.
flash info (8 - Munster Grégoire / Louka Louis): The car is just amazing, we're confident in the stage. There's a lot of cleaning in the stage but it's good for learning. Actually, quite slippery, we were too fast at the beginning and lost some time.
flash info (19 - Heikkilä Mikko / Arpiainen Henri): Car is working perfectly, the stage was demanding, not 100% happy with the driving.
flash info (14 - Cais Erik / Žáková Jindřiška): It was a nice loop, a lot of sliding which affects the time.
flash info (18 - Jeets Raul / Toom Andrus): Difficult morning with broken gearshift, you lose time, nothing to do.