Safari Rally Kenya 2023

Safari Rally Kenya 2023

21. 06. 2023 - 25. 06. 2023

Resultados no oficiales
Lista por categoría: ABSOLUT
TC 6 - Geothermal 2
Longitud TC: 13.12km

No hay tripulacion seleccionada

retired (40 - Davite Giancarlo / Vindevogel Sylvia): retired after SS 6
flash info (9 - Serderidis Jourdan / Malfoy Andy): I think I improved quite well, it's about one second per kilometre so I am very happy.
flash info (7 - Loubet Pierre-Louis / Gilsoul Nicolas): It's quite demanding, I would say. I tried to be careful because we had a puncture in the previous one and it's very hard on the car, you need to be careful.
flash info (18 - Katsuta Takamoto / Johnston Aaron): We are just focusing on our driving and luckily we have no water splashes today! There's a long way to go.
flash info (6 - Sordo Dani / Carrera Cándido): This one was a little bit better but it's a completely different surface. It's a really nice stage, really nice to drive.
flash info (4 - Lappi Esapekka / Ferm Janne): It was okay. All good. It's a different kind of challenge but I like it.
flash info (17 - Ogier Sébastien / Landais Vincent): I think the tyre tactic didn't play so much in this one becsause it's so fast, it probably helped more in the previous one. I tried to drive very clean and now I can say it was the right choice.
flash info (33 - Evans Elfyn / Martin Scott): It's been alright so far. I'm just trying to keep it clean and tidy but it's still difficult to know the right balance to push.
flash info (8 - Tänak Ott / Järveoja Martin): I didn't see Thierry anywhere. It's a bit hard for the suspension here but still quite smooth anyway.
retired (11 - Neuville Thierry / Wydaeghe Martijn): damaged suspension in SS 11
flash info (69 - Rovanperä Kalle / Halttunen Jonne): Quite a different style of stage, so for sure the understeer was not so big. A similar feeling but at least on this one it's not such a big issue.