Wales Rally GB 2016

Wales Rally GB 2016

27. 10. 2016 - 30. 10. 2016

Latvala Jari-Matti
Jari-Matti Latvala
Miikka Anttila
Volkswagen Motorsport
Volkswagen Polo R WRC
Anttila Miikka
OS Nazwa OS Długość [km] Czas Kolejność na OS Strata do lidera
Śred. prędkość Kolejność po OS Łączny czas Strata do lidera Kary
17 Clocaenog 1 7.7 00:04:20.8 4. 00:00:01.8
106.29 4. 00:04:20.8 00:00:01.8
18 Brenig 1 7.93 00:05:27.0 3. 00:00:03.9
87.30 3. 00:09:47.8 00:00:05.7
19 Alwen 1 10.41 00:05:49.7 6. 00:00:07.6
107.17 4. 00:15:37.5 00:00:13.3
20 Clocaenog 2 7.7 00:04:21.9 5. 00:00:03.5
105.84 4. 00:19:59.4 00:00:16.8
21 Alwen 2 10.41 00:05:47.8 8. 00:00:08.1
107.75 6. 00:25:47.2 00:00:24.9
22 Brenig 2 (Power Stage) 7.93 00:05:23.8 4. 00:00:04.8
88.17 5. 00:31:11.0 00:00:29.7
Data i czas OS Informacja
30.10.2016 18:10 22 flash info (2 - Latvala Jari-Matti / Anttila Miikka): It's been ok, I can't say that I've driven a great performance but we're now at the finish and scoring Manufacturers' points. I changed the car a little bit for today and it's understeering a bit. A little mistake with the setup but you learn and it's done.
30.10.2016 18:10 21 flash info (2 - Latvala Jari-Matti / Anttila Miikka): It's fine, I'm grappling with the grip a lot. I'm naturally disappointed with my performance on this stage. It's very greasy on the top and this is why it's difficult. I'm finding it hard to feel the grip level. I also made some changes and it's not turning in as well as it was yesterday which is distrubing me. If you look at the times of the others, I don't think I will get Power Stage points, I'll get through and concentrate on the manufacturer points.
30.10.2016 16:10 19 flash info (2 - Latvala Jari-Matti / Anttila Miikka): It was a difficult stage for me, I spun and nearly stalled the engine on one of the corners. I didn't drive very well and I'm struggling with the grip. I had a good feeling in the previous stage. We'll fight with Mads on the Power Stage.
30.10.2016 16:10 18 flash info (2 - Latvala Jari-Matti / Anttila Miikka): Last year it was raining really heavily and the grip was much better than it was this time. I'm sure someone will spin in there.
30.10.2016 15:10 17 flash info (2 - Latvala Jari-Matti / Anttila Miikka): We have a fight with Mads and that's the first priority this morning.