auto24 Rally Estonia 2016

auto24 Rally Estonia 2016

15. 07. 2016 - 17. 07. 2016

Habaj Łukasz
Łukasz Habaj
Piotr Woś
Ford Fiesta R5
Woś Piotr
Gyorsasági szakasz után
Gyors Gyorsasági neve Hossza (km) Idő Sorrend ezen szakaszon Kül.elsőtől
Átlagsebesség Sorrend ezen szakasz után Össz. idő Kül.elsőtől Büntetés
11 Ristimäe 1 19.96 00:10:26.5 3. 00:00:29.6
114.69 3. 00:10:26.5 00:00:29.6
12 Vissi 1 13.32 00:06:18.2 4. 00:00:15.2
126.79 3. 00:16:44.7 00:00:44.8
13 Saverna 1 7.85 00:03:48.1 3. 00:00:11.1
123.89 3. 00:20:32.8 00:00:53.0
14 Ristimäe 2 19.96 00:10:09.6 4. 00:00:24.8
117.87 3. 00:30:42.4 00:01:17.8
15 Vissi 2 13.32 00:06:10.5 4. 00:00:14.4
129.43 3. 00:36:52.9 00:01:32.2
16 Saverna 2 7.85 00:03:41.1 5. 00:00:06.8
127.82 3. 00:40:34.0 00:01:39.0
Dátum és idő Gyors Információ
17.07.2016 13:07 16 flash info (11 - Habaj Łukasz / Woś Piotr): We had some bad luck yesterday, without the puncture the result would be very good for us. Anyway we made a great expreience on these roads, I hope we will get back next year.
17.07.2016 13:07 15 flash info (11 - Habaj Łukasz / Woś Piotr): The car is in great shape, we have no technical problem. The team did great job yesterday when they repared many things. Today I enjoy it, I drive with big smile on the face.
17.07.2016 12:07 14 flash info (11 - Habaj Łukasz / Woś Piotr): It's really enjoyable, the stage was quite easy for us now. I know the stage now little bit so I could enjoy the ride.
17.07.2016 10:07 13 flash info (11 - Habaj Łukasz / Woś Piotr): Lot of cleaning for us, but I feel I start to feel the car. But it's hard for me, we have no experience with these roads so we are adjusting pacenotes.
17.07.2016 09:07 11 flash info (11 - Habaj Łukasz / Woś Piotr): This stage is incredible, a lot of fun. We had a clean run but I had a feeling that we were cleaning a little bit.