Croatia Rally 2024

Croatia Rally 2024

18. 04. 2024 - 21. 04. 2024

López José María
José María López
David Vázquez
Lopez Jose Maria
Škoda Fabia RS Rally2
Vázquez David
KP KP naam Lengte [km] Tijd Tussenstand in KP Verschil leider
Gemiddelde snelheid Tussenstand na KP Totale tijd Verschil leider Straftijd
1 Krašić - Sošice 1 23.63 00:13:56.8 2. 00:00:21.5
101.66 2. 00:13:56.8 00:00:21.5
2 Jaškovo - Mali Modruš Potok 1 9.48 00:05:34.0 3. 00:00:09.2
102.18 2. 00:19:30.8 00:00:30.7
3 Ravna Gora - Skrad 1 10.13 00:06:21.1 2. 00:00:04.6
95.69 2. 00:25:51.9 00:00:35.3
4 Platak 1 16.63 00:09:28.4 2. 00:00:11.3
105.33 2. 00:35:20.3 00:00:46.6
5 Platak 2 16.63 00:09:45.1 6. 00:00:17.0
102.32 2. 00:45:05.4 00:01:03.6
6 Ravna Gora - Skrad 2 10.13 00:06:44.1 9. 00:00:31.8
90.24 2. 00:51:49.5 00:01:35.4
7 Jaškovo - Mali Modruš Potok 2 9.48 00:05:26.6 5. 00:00:05.1
104.49 2. 00:57:16.1 00:01:40.5
8 Krašić - Sošice 2 23.63 00:13:50.0 2. 00:00:22.0
102.49 2. 01:11:06.1 00:02:02.5
9 Smerovišće - Grdanjci 1 15.72 00:10:55.7 2. 00:00:02.0
86.31 2. 01:22:01.8 00:02:04.5
10 Stojdraga - Gornja Vas 1 20.77 00:13:19.4 4. 00:00:08.5
93.54 2. 01:35:21.2 00:02:13.0
11 Vinski Vrh - Duga Resa 1 8.78 00:04:52.9 4. 00:00:02.9
107.91 2. 01:40:14.1 00:02:15.9
12 Pećurkovo Brdo - Mrežnički Novaki 1 9.11 00:05:08.7 4. 00:00:06.0
106.24 2. 01:45:22.8 00:02:21.9
13 Smerovišće - Grdanjci 2 15.72 00:11:04.1 1. 00:00:00.0
85.22 2. 01:56:26.9 00:02:11.3
14 Stojdraga - Gornja Vas 2 20.77 00:13:27.7 6. 00:00:08.9
92.57 2. 02:09:54.6 00:02:17.4
15 Vinski Vrh - Duga Resa 2 8.78 00:04:48.5 2. 00:00:00.8
109.56 2. 02:14:43.1 00:02:18.2
16 Pećurkovo Brdo - Mrežnički Novaki 2 9.11 00:05:05.9 3. 00:00:03.4
107.21 2. 02:19:49.0 00:02:21.6
17 Trakošćan - Vrbno 1 13.15 00:07:33.6 2. 00:00:04.8
104.37 2. 02:27:22.6 00:02:26.4
18 Zagorska Sela - Kumrovec 1 14.24 00:08:54.5 3. 00:00:11.5
95.91 2. 02:36:17.1 00:02:37.9
19 Trakošćan - Vrbno 2 13.15 00:07:31.9 2. 00:00:01.5
104.76 2. 02:43:49.0 00:02:39.4
20 Zagorska Sela - Kumrovec 2 (Power Stage) 14.24 00:08:36.9 3. 00:00:02.6
99.18 2. 02:52:25.9 00:02:41.0
Datum en tijd KP Informatie
21.04.2024 20:04 20 flash info (21 - López José María / Vázquez David): Thank you, it was difficult for us on the first pass. We are happy and proud and it's good for the championship.
21.04.2024 20:04 19 flash info (21 - López José María / Vázquez David): There was more grip this time, understanding the car a lot more. We were trying on the road section to get a feeling with this kind of road and we did a good job.
21.04.2024 20:04 18 flash info (21 - López José María / Vázquez David): It's like a rollercoaster, first time on this stage is really crazy. Let's see for the second loop.
21.04.2024 20:04 17 flash info (21 - López José María / Vázquez David): Not too good, I did a mistake with the setup, changing the springs and I'm not sure if it's working here. We can try to find something, but there is no general feeling.
21.04.2024 20:04 16 flash info (21 - López José María / Vázquez David): Went OK, tried to go through the stage because tomorrow is an important day. Let's see what tomorrow brings.
21.04.2024 20:04 15 flash info (21 - López José María / Vázquez David): Much better, I can feel the car more than in the first stage of the loop. The tyres feel better too.
21.04.2024 20:04 14 flash info (21 - López José María / Vázquez David): I think we struggled with our tyres, it didn't rain, but that's a lottery.
21.04.2024 19:04 12 flash info (21 - López José María / Vázquez David): I'm trying to be more confident as we enter service and hope for the best for the afternoon loop.
21.04.2024 19:04 11 flash info (21 - López José María / Vázquez David): It's a really nice stage, it was OK for us, we tried to keep our pace during the day, so we'll see.
21.04.2024 19:04 8 flash info (21 - López José María / Vázquez David): We had a puncture in this last stage, we need to arrive to the service and try to make some changes for tomorrow. I don't know how we got it, we had a very big moment on the stage with the digs and the cuts.
21.04.2024 19:04 6 flash info (21 - López José María / Vázquez David): We had a moment in a gravel area and we had to reverse, some cosmetic damage.
21.04.2024 18:04 6 (21 - López José María / Vázquez David): spun
21.04.2024 18:04 5 flash info (21 - López José María / Vázquez David): More difficult in the forest, really challenging. Let's see, we need to change some things to get the feeling on the next few stages.
21.04.2024 18:04 4 flash info (21 - López José María / Vázquez David): It was OK I just tried to do the stages, for sure today is not my day with the feeling with the car. It's a good position, for us, for the championship but we have to keep going.
21.04.2024 18:04 1 flash info (21 - López José María / Vázquez David): Good, it was not an easy stage. We had all black tyres on the car.