Central European Rally 2024

Central European Rally 2024

17. 10. 2024 - 20. 10. 2024

Serderidis Jourdan
Jourdan Serderidis
Fréderic Miclotte
M-Sport Ford World Rally Team
Ford Puma Rally1
Miclotte Fréderic
Peale LK
LK Lk nimi Pikkus (km) Aeg Järjekord LK Vahe liidriga
Keskmine kiirus Järjekord peale LK Aeg kokku Vahe liidriga Karistus
1 SSS Velká Chuchle 2.55 00:02:01.1 23. 00:00:11.8
75.81 23. 00:02:01.1 00:00:11.8
2 Klatovy 1 11.78 00:07:00.9 28. 00:01:00.7
100.76 27. 00:09:02.0 00:01:11.4
3 Klatovy 2 11.78 00:06:48.3 28. 00:00:54.3
103.86 27. 00:15:50.3 00:02:05.7
4 Strašín 1 26.69 00:16:08.5 28. 00:02:42.9
99.21 28. 00:31:58.8 00:04:44.1
5 Šumavské Hoštice 1 16.85 00:10:00.0 9. 00:00:35.5
101.10 27. 00:41:58.8 00:05:19.0
6 Klatovy 3 11.78 00:06:36.6 24. 00:00:48.8
106.93 28. 00:48:35.4 00:06:07.4
7 Strašín 2 26.69 00:15:21.0 29. 00:02:22.0
104.33 28. 01:03:56.4 00:08:29.4
8 Šumavské Hoštice 2 16.85 00:11:10.4 27. 00:01:57.9
90.48 29. 01:15:16.8 00:10:36.8 00:00:10.0
9 Granit und Wald 1 20.05 00:12:15.2 21. 00:01:23.4
98.18 26. 01:27:32.0 00:11:52.9 00:00:10.0
10 Beyond Borders 1 24.33 00:14:32.9 21. 00:01:42.7
100.34 26. 01:42:04.9 00:13:33.3 00:00:10.0
11 Schärdinger Innviertel 1 17.35 00:10:35.2 28. 00:01:11.4
98.33 25. 01:52:40.1 00:14:42.7 00:00:10.0
12 Granit und Wald 2 20.05 00:11:55.6 25. 00:01:20.8
100.87 25. 02:04:35.7 00:16:00.1 00:00:10.0
13 Beyond Borders 2 24.33 00:14:15.2 27. 00:01:41.6
102.42 25. 02:18:50.9 00:17:41.7 00:00:10.0
14 Schärdinger Innviertel 2 17.35 00:10:15.5 21. 00:01:12.0
101.48 24. 02:29:06.4 00:18:53.7 00:00:10.0
15 Knaus Tabbert am Hochwald 1 12.17 00:07:00.7 20. 00:00:51.5
104.14 23. 02:36:07.1 00:19:36.2 00:00:10.0
16 Passauer Land 1 14.87 00:08:19.0 21. 00:00:54.9
107.28 22. 02:44:26.1 00:20:29.2 00:00:10.0
17 Knaus Tabbert am Hochwald 2 12.17 00:06:57.5 21. 00:00:48.1
104.94 21. 02:51:23.6 00:21:16.3 00:00:10.0
18 Passauer Land 2 (Power Stage) 14.87 00:08:21.6 21. 00:00:59.3
106.72 20. 02:59:45.2 00:22:10.6 00:00:10.0
Kuupäev ja kellaaeg LK Informatsioon
20.10.2024 14:10 18 flash info (19 - Serderidis Jourdan / Miclotte Fréderic): I enjoyed more and more throughout the weekend. Driving on the asphalt was difficult throughout the weekend. I was hoping for top 20, I think we are near that. You will see me in Kenya.
20.10.2024 12:10 17 flash info (19 - Serderidis Jourdan / Miclotte Fréderic): Even more tricky, a lot more dirty, a lot of gravel. It is really dangerous. If you want to commit on everything, I'm not sure you can commit on the stage. It is very difficult.
20.10.2024 11:10 16 flash info (19 - Serderidis Jourdan / Miclotte Fréderic): I don't know what happened, everything okay with Mikkelsen? I think there was an issue with an hybrid. I am happy to not have it on this car.
20.10.2024 09:10 15 flash info (19 - Serderidis Jourdan / Miclotte Fréderic): It's not a good start for me, Andreas did not pass, we had a message he stopped and then we did not get the info for the virtual chicane. A lot of disturbing things.
19.10.2024 17:10 14 flash info (19 - Serderidis Jourdan / Miclotte Fréderic): Very much, I enjoy more and more. Let's see tomorrow if I enjoy even more. For this season, it is finished. For the next one, Kenya will be difficult to avoid.
19.10.2024 16:10 13 flash info (19 - Serderidis Jourdan / Miclotte Fréderic): I fixed the power issues on the service. I am so lucky to do that kind of stage, it is so nice and so fun. The issue was the mapping I think.
19.10.2024 14:10 12 flash info (19 - Serderidis Jourdan / Miclotte Fréderic): More dry, but more tricky because there is a lot of gravel. Some places are really tricky. More dangerous than the morning, but faster.
19.10.2024 10:10 11 flash info (19 - Serderidis Jourdan / Miclotte Fréderic): It is damp, dry and I think it will be worse with the passes. It is damp and quite slippery. A nice stage.
19.10.2024 09:10 10 flash info (19 - Serderidis Jourdan / Miclotte Fréderic): It is more challenging stage. We don't have any power, it is like we don't have gust, so it is quite challenging. It is a nice stage. I don't know what is happening, we push and we have nothing coming.
19.10.2024 08:10 9 flash info (19 - Serderidis Jourdan / Miclotte Fréderic): Sometimes damp, foggy, but not so much so it is not catastrophic. Normally it is a sweeping stage, nice one.
18.10.2024 18:10 8 flash info (19 - Serderidis Jourdan / Miclotte Fréderic): We did it! This one, there is a lot inside there. It is fast, little bit dirty, with the leaves and it is dark. We are happy.
18.10.2024 17:10 7 flash info (19 - Serderidis Jourdan / Miclotte Fréderic): When the sunshine is coming for the Greek guys, it looks much better than this morning.
18.10.2024 14:10 6 flash info (19 - Serderidis Jourdan / Miclotte Fréderic): That one was too clean compared to the previous one. I think it is the last one we enjoy today!
18.10.2024 09:10 3 flash info (19 - Serderidis Jourdan / Miclotte Fréderic): Better start yes! Now I see something. When it is darker, it is difficult. You don't see a lot. It is about confidence as well.
17.10.2024 19:10 2 flash info (19 - Serderidis Jourdan / Miclotte Fréderic): Difficult stage, in the night the grip is changing all the time and it is dirty in places you don't think it is dirty. Quite difficult.
17.10.2024 15:10 1 flash info (19 - Serderidis Jourdan / Miclotte Fréderic): So far, good day! Not bad. Within the team it is top. In the park, not bad as well. The rally starts tonight with a nice stage.
LK 8
Ajakontroll 8
00:00:10.0 Steward's penalty