Rally Islas Canarias 2020

Rally Islas Canarias 2020

26. 11. 2020 - 29. 11. 2020

Nem hivatalos eredmények
Kategória lista: RC3
Gyors 17 - Arucas 2
gyorsasági szakasz hossza: 11.85km
Pozició Nem Pilóta / Navigátor
Csoport Szakasz idő Átlagsebesség
1 63
Domene Guerin N. / Billard E.
Citroën DS3 R3T
RC3 00:08:24.1 84.63
2 64
France Julien / Haddad Marc
Citroën DS3 R3T
RC3 00:08:31.3 83.43
Pozició Nem
Pilóta / Navigátor
Pozició Szakasz idő
Össz. idő Kül.elsőtől
1 64

France Julien / Haddad Marc
Citroën DS3 R3T 
01:17:13.3 00:00:00.0
2 63

Domene Guerin N. / Billard E.
Citroën DS3 R3T 
01:21:04.3 00:03:51.0
Információ a gyorsasági szakaszról 17
retired (50 - Amourette Marc / Gauduin Anaïs): excluded - breach of Appendix J Art. 261 (201-4)
retired (35 - Bassas Josep / Coronado Axel): excluded - breach of RRSR Art. 2.13
retired (23 - Solans Nil / Moreno Xavier): retired after SS 17 - CoC decision no. 8
flash info (36 - Molle Amaury / Barral Florian): Long rally, honestly I'm happy we finished, we had so many issues with the car. But I'm happy.
flash info (31 - Mabellini Andrea / Gonella Nicoló): Weekend in really difficult conditions for this car, but we are happy, happy with the whole seasons. Thanks to everybody allowing me to do this.
flash info (28 - Duffy Pauric / Case Jeff): Tough event, we had bad start on wrong tyres, it was a lot of learning, but last two stages went really well.
flash info (29 - Érdi Tibor jun. / Csökő Zoltán): This is amazing, we did hard job this year and I'm really happy.
flash info (26 - Falcón Emma / Carrera Cándido): Not really good weekend, this rally was really tricky. It was my first time with this car in such conditions.
flash info (17 - McErlean Joshua / Williams Keaton): Challenging and enjoyable rally, hard for everyone in the team. I hope to be here next year.
flash info (34 - Torn Ken / Pannas Kauri): It's cool actually, we learned a lot here, but we want to forget this weekend as fast as possible.
flash info (10 - Mayr-Melnhof Nikolaus / Welsersheimb Poldi): Thanks for the whole team, they did great job with the car. It the beginning of the season we were struggling with it, but now we had a lot of fun.
flash info (19 - López José María / Rozada Borja): We finished the second day and it secured us the Spanish championship, I'm happy.
(35 - Bassas Josep / Coronado Axel): overheating engine
flash info (3 - Munster Grégoire / Louka Louis): Not the result we expected, next time it will be better.
flash info (8 - Marczyk Miko / Gospodarczyk Szymon): It was fast and challenging, but I think we did a good job. We did a mistake with tyres on Friday morning, but it was a good experience.
flash info (15 - Pernía Surhayen / Gonzalez Eduardo): It was fantastic for us, we enjoyed every stage, really happy.
flash info (5 - Breen Craig / Nagle Paul): If we look where we started and where we are now we can be proud of the development during the season.
flash info (12 - Tempestini Simone / Itu Sergiu): We are here in the end, we are happy for this. It was not easy rally, we had to adapt to the car in tough conditions, but we learned a lot.
flash info (11 - Devine Callum / Fulton James): The grip level was really high here, the rally was difficult but we enjoyed it. Thanks to Motorsport Ireland Rally Academy.
flash info (7 - Mikkelsen Andreas / Jæger Anders): The weather was a nightmare this weekend, yesterday we lost everything and today were in no man's land. It was difficult with the tyre choice, we will work with it and hope to have some easier rallies.
flash info (23 - Solans Nil / Moreno Xavier): Disaster today because we were leading, let's see other guys who wins the championship.
flash info (9 - Ares Iván / Vázquez David): Tough rally, but we are happy.
flash info (20 - Fourmaux Adrien / Jamoul Renaud): Fantastic weekend for us, I want to thank to M-Sport and Michelin, each stage was a different comptition. Lot of new expereince.
flash info (18 - Bonato Yoann / Boulloud Benjamin): Many thanks to my team and to Michelin to their tyres, we did not do right tyre choice, but we are very happy.
flash info (22 - Suárez José António / Iglesias Alberto): It was a tough weekend for sure, yesterday hard tyre choice. Now we have to wait for the Spanish championship results.
flash info (21 - Monzón Luis / Deniz Jose Carlos): Most difficult rally in my life, I'm very happy, to finish rally like this is good, I'm happy. I hope to compete here again next year.
flash info (2 - Solberg Oliver / Johnston Aaron): Incrdedible, I'm so happy. I enjoyed the last stage, it was so sliding. It was incredible year. This championship gave so much experience on tarmac.
flash info (14 - Griebel Marijan / Winklhofer Pirmin): I want to thanks my sponsors for this difficult year. It was not possible to fight for the top positions after today's morning, I hope we can do something next year.
flash info (1 - Lukyanuk Alexey / Arnautov Alexey): I'm disappointed with my performance today, I did two mistakes , it was tough rally. I was waiting for this moment, there was so many pressure behind during the season, now I just need to breathe and relax.