Sata Rallye Açores 2013

Sata Rallye Açores 2013

23. 04. 2013 - 27. 04. 2013

Magalhães Bruno
Bruno Magalhães
Nuno Rodrigues da Silva
Magalhães Bruno
Peugeot 207 S2000
Rodrigues da Silva Nuno
Após PE
PE Nome da PE Extensão (km) Tempo Ordem na PE Dif. p/líder
Média, velocidade Ordem após PE Tempo total Dif. p/líder Penalização
13 Graminhais 1 20.82 00:16:53.4 5. 00:00:45.1
73.96 5. 00:16:53.4 00:00:45.1
14 Tronqueira 1 21.33 00:18:50.7 5. 00:00:23.4
67.91 5. 00:35:44.1 00:01:06.5
15 São Brás / Vila Franca 2 6.14 00:05:03.3 6. 00:00:11.2
72.88 5. 00:40:47.4 00:01:17.7
16 SSS Grupo Marques 2 2.2 00:02:03.6 3. 00:00:01.3
64.08 5. 00:42:51.0 00:01:19.0
17 Lomba da Maia 8.27 00:05:49.0 5. 00:00:11.1
85.31 5. 00:48:40.0 00:01:30.1
18 Graminhais 2 20.82 00:16:18.9 5. 00:00:28.9
76.57 5. 01:04:58.9 00:01:59.0
19 Tronqueira 2 21.33 00:18:25.1 3. 00:00:04.7
69.49 5. 01:23:24.0 00:02:03.7
Data e hora PE Infomação
27.04.2013 19:04 19 flash info (8 - Magalhães Bruno / Rodrigues da Silva Nuno): It was better than the previous stage. We found the right setup for the mud. It's shame, that it came now and not earlier.
27.04.2013 18:04 18 flash info (8 - Magalhães Bruno / Rodrigues da Silva Nuno): We have to get to the finish. We changed the suspension and now I see what setup we should use from the beginning of the rally.
27.04.2013 14:04 16 flash info (8 - Magalhães Bruno / Rodrigues da Silva Nuno): The car is working on this surface, but on stages with lose surface we are struggling.
27.04.2013 12:04 14 flash info (8 - Magalhães Bruno / Rodrigues da Silva Nuno): It was impossible to drive the car in these two stages. I need the car to be softer. We have absolutely no grip, especially on brakes it doesn'ť work.
27.04.2013 11:04 13 flash info (8 - Magalhães Bruno / Rodrigues da Silva Nuno): Very difficult. In the first kilometers there impossible to see anything. Then I saw a car next to the road and I lost the concentration. It was Bernardo, he's OK, but he went straight.