auto24 Rally Estonia 2014

auto24 Rally Estonia 2014

16. 07. 2014 - 20. 07. 2014

Sohlberg Kristian
Kristian Sohlberg
Peter Flythström
Sohlberg Kristian
Ford Fiesta R5
Flythström Peter
Gyorsasági szakasz után
Gyors Gyorsasági neve Hossza (km) Idő Sorrend ezen szakaszon Kül.elsőtől
Átlagsebesség Sorrend ezen szakasz után Össz. idő Kül.elsőtől Büntetés
1 Kambja 1 14.93 00:07:34.7 14. 00:00:34.0
118.21 14. 00:07:34.7 00:00:34.0
2 Sulaoja 1 24.42 00:12:16.1 16. 00:00:46.4
119.43 14. 00:19:50.8 00:01:20.4
3 Kambja 2 14.93 00:07:18.8 15. 00:00:24.9
122.49 14. 00:27:09.6 00:01:45.3
4 Sulaoja 2 24.42 00:11:45.2 12. 00:00:25.6
124.66 12. 00:38:54.8 00:02:10.9
5 Arula 1 9.39 00:04:38.1 13. 00:00:13.1
121.55 12. 00:43:32.9 00:02:23.4
6 Rüa 1 12.43 00:06:27.2 25. 00:00:35.4
115.57 12. 00:50:00.1 00:02:58.8
7 Arula 2 9.39 00:04:35.6 13. 00:00:13.4
122.66 12. 00:54:35.7 00:03:12.2
8 Rüa 2 12.43 00:06:01.9 12. 00:00:13.4
123.65 12. 01:00:37.6 00:03:25.6
9 Tartu 1.33 00:01:10.6 14. 00:00:04.5
67.82 12. 01:01:48.2 00:03:30.1
Dátum és idő Gyors Információ
18.07.2014 19:07 9 flash info (12 - Sohlberg Kristian / Flythström Peter): Lot of sliding. The chicane was not there when we did the recce, it was only in the road book.
18.07.2014 17:07 8 flash info (12 - Sohlberg Kristian / Flythström Peter): I tried to push now, but I did mistake. It's coming, but slowly.
18.07.2014 17:07 7 flash info (12 - Sohlberg Kristian / Flythström Peter): I was following the lines and then there were rocks so we thought we got a puncture. Finally we didn't, but it's just not my day.
18.07.2014 15:07 6 flash info (12 - Sohlberg Kristian / Flythström Peter): I don't know what happened, we probably hit something and broke the steering arm.
18.07.2014 15:07 5 flash info (12 - Sohlberg Kristian / Flythström Peter): I just need more time in the car, then it will be okay.
18.07.2014 13:07 4 flash info (12 - Sohlberg Kristian / Flythström Peter): In the beginning I was driving like my granma, now I drive like my grandpa. It's going step by step. My personal goal is to match the pace of top drivers during tomorrow.
18.07.2014 12:07 3 flash info (12 - Sohlberg Kristian / Flythström Peter): I'm not happy generally with my driving. And now we have little problem with our car, with the temperature.
18.07.2014 10:07 2 flash info (12 - Sohlberg Kristian / Flythström Peter): I overshot one junction. I missed in the recce and now I went straight in full speed.
18.07.2014 10:07 1 flash info (12 - Sohlberg Kristian / Flythström Peter): We weren't drivin six months on stage, so I trust my pacenotes, but don't trust myself. I'm driving like my grandmother.