Rallye Monte Carlo 2015

Rallye Monte Carlo 2015

22. 01. 2015 - 25. 01. 2015

Koči Martin
Martin Koči
Lukáš Kostka
Styllex Slovak National Team
Ford Fiesta R5
Kostka Lukáš
Gyorsasági szakasz után
Gyors Gyorsasági neve Hossza (km) Idő Sorrend ezen szakaszon Kül.elsőtől
Átlagsebesség Sorrend ezen szakasz után Össz. idő Kül.elsőtől Büntetés
10 Lardier-et-Valença - Faye 51.7 00:33:38.5 3. 00:00:56.1
92.21 3. 00:33:38.5 00:00:56.1
11 Prunières - Embrun 2 19.93 00:11:29.6 4. 00:00:05.0
104.04 3. 00:45:08.1 00:01:01.1
12 Sisteron - Thoard 36.85 00:29:15.5 11. 00:03:36.6
75.57 6. 01:14:23.6 00:04:37.7
Dátum és idő Gyors Információ
24.01.2015 16:01 12 flash info (43 - Koči Martin / Kostka Lukáš): It was perfect, the battle was there. The driveshaft is broken, all the oil drained out and we have only rear-wheel drive. Such a disaster. I came here to fight for points. but I'm happy we can continue and tomorrow we fight.
24.01.2015 16:01 12 (43 - Koči Martin / Kostka Lukáš): driving with broken driveshaft
24.01.2015 15:01 12 (43 - Koči Martin / Kostka Lukáš): problems with driveshaft before SS 12
24.01.2015 15:01 11 (43 - Koči Martin / Kostka Lukáš): problems with driveshaft after SS 11
24.01.2015 14:01 11 flash info (43 - Koči Martin / Kostka Lukáš): I think we have a puncture. We must check. We had the same super-soft tyres as Lefebvre.
24.01.2015 15:01 10 flash info (43 - Koči Martin / Kostka Lukáš): One of the hardest stages I have ever done, but it's a good fight! I have very happy with my time, I did the same as Lefebvre.