Rallye Monte Carlo 2017

Rallye Monte Carlo 2017

19. 01. 2017 - 22. 01. 2017

Meeke Kris
Kris Meeke
Paul Nagle
Citroën Total Abu Dhabi World Rally Team
Citroën C3 WRC
Nagle Paul
Peale LK
LK Lk nimi Pikkus (km) Aeg Järjekord LK Vahe liidriga
Keskmine kiirus Järjekord peale LK Aeg kokku Vahe liidriga Karistus
9 Lardier-et-Valença – Oze 1 31.17 00:24:42.7 9. 00:00:39.8
75.68 9. 00:24:42.7 00:00:39.8
10 La Batie Monsaleon – Faye 1 16.78 00:34:04.6 57. 00:24:49.4
29.55 56. 00:58:47.3 00:25:28.2
11 Lardier-et-Valença – Oze 2 31.17 00:23:17.2 7. 00:00:24.2
80.31 54. 01:22:54.5 00:26:40.3 00:00:50.0
12 La Batie Monsaleon – Faye 2 16.78 00:09:29.8 9. 00:00:33.1
106.02 52. 01:32:24.3 00:26:58.4 00:00:50.0
13 Bayons – Breziers 2 25.49 00:14:35.4 3. 00:00:07.9
104.83 43. 01:46:59.7 00:26:58.7 00:00:50.0
Kuupäev ja kellaaeg LK Informatsioon
21.01.2017 20:01 13 retired (7 - Meeke Kris / Nagle Paul): accident on road section after SS 13
21.01.2017 15:01 13 flash info (7 - Meeke Kris / Nagle Paul): The road was far from clean. Okay, no snow, but a lot of pollution pulled out. It's good to explore the car in these more consistent conditions.
21.01.2017 12:01 12 flash info (7 - Meeke Kris / Nagle Paul): We're on a bit of a test mission now. We have to get through this rally and look forward to the next one.
21.01.2017 12:01 11 flash info (7 - Meeke Kris / Nagle Paul): I'm not comfortable but that's where we are at the moment.
21.01.2017 11:01 10 (7 - Meeke Kris / Nagle Paul): His technical problem on SS10 was related to the ignition switch
21.01.2017 10:01 10 flash info (7 - Meeke Kris / Nagle Paul): We had a problem with ignition and had to stop and do some repairs.
21.01.2017 10:01 10 (7 - Meeke Kris / Nagle Paul): moving again
21.01.2017 09:01 10 (7 - Meeke Kris / Nagle Paul): Car parked off the road. The bonnet is up. Looks like a mechanical problem. No Rally 2 opportunity for Sunday on Rallye Monte-Carlo.
21.01.2017 09:01 10 (7 - Meeke Kris / Nagle Paul): Stopped in stage. 800 metres from the start.
21.01.2017 09:01 9 flash info (7 - Meeke Kris / Nagle Paul): Good to be back but I was hesitating in here. When that happens it's easy to lose a lot of time.
LK 11
Ajakontroll 10A
00:00:50.0 Late in TC