Rally di Roma Capitale 2024

Rally di Roma Capitale 2024

26. 07. 2024 - 28. 07. 2024

Marczyk Miko
Miko Marczyk
Szymon Gospodarczyk
Marczyk Miko
Škoda Fabia RS Rally2
Gospodarczyk Szymon
OS Nazwa OS Długość [km] Czas Kolejność na OS Strata do lidera
Śred. prędkość Kolejność po OS Łączny czas Strata do lidera Kary
1 Colosseo ACI Roma 1.3 00:00:58.2 12. 00:00:02.2
80.41 12. 00:00:58.2 00:00:02.2
2 Alatri 6.96 00:04:25.7 15. 00:00:04.6
94.30 9. 00:05:23.9 00:00:05.7
3 Santopadre - Fontana Liri 28.74 00:17:37.1 10. 00:00:12.7
97.88 11. 00:23:01.0 00:00:18.4
4 Guarcino - Altipiani 11.58 00:06:34.1 9. 00:00:06.3
105.78 10. 00:29:35.1 00:00:24.7
5 Alatri 6.96 00:04:24.2 15. 00:00:04.2
94.84 11. 00:33:59.3 00:00:27.1
6 Santopadre - Fontana Liri 28.74 00:17:46.0 19. 00:00:25.9
97.06 14. 00:51:45.3 00:00:43.6
7 Guarcino - Altipiani 11.58 00:06:31.3 10. 00:00:05.5
106.54 14. 00:58:16.6 00:00:45.0
Data i czas OS Informacja
27.07.2024 18:07 7 flash info (7 - Marczyk Miko / Gospodarczyk Szymon): We'll say it is an OK day, despite the Santopadre stage on the previous loop. Other stages were okay but we lost a lot on the long day. We tried to be consistent and save the pace.
27.07.2024 18:07 6 flash info (7 - Marczyk Miko / Gospodarczyk Szymon): From the feeling it was not so bad. I don't know I was trying, but it is what it is. I would say the driving is more clean and proper in some places, but we need to check it.
27.07.2024 15:07 5 flash info (7 - Marczyk Miko / Gospodarczyk Szymon): I feel really well, time could be a little bit faster but we are in a group of really fast drivers. Now for the long stage, Santopadre, I hope we can make a difference on this stage.
27.07.2024 12:07 4 flash info (7 - Marczyk Miko / Gospodarczyk Szymon): I would say every stage was better and better and I have more and more fun, we hope to continue like that. This was typical Italy, we drove a little bit quick for a part, this is the idea for the second loop; to drive a little bit quicker on each of the stages.
27.07.2024 10:07 3 flash info (7 - Marczyk Miko / Gospodarczyk Szymon): Still not bad, but the driving was not good. I struggle with the feeling of the brake on the corner, I have the brakes properly but I need to push a bit more to the end.
27.07.2024 08:07 2 flash info (7 - Marczyk Miko / Gospodarczyk Szymon): Not perfect, not best start of the day. We are on average speed and it is good because I still struggle a bit with the feeling on the Tarmac and it is a good start to the race.
27.07.2024 08:07 1 flash info (7 - Marczyk Miko / Gospodarczyk Szymon): I was hoping for a better run but it was clear. We felt a big action but we felt the confidence and perception to put on the stage like that.