Rallye Monte Carlo 2025

Rallye Monte Carlo 2025

22. 01. 2025 - 26. 01. 2025

Evans Elfyn
Elfyn Evans
Scott Martin
Toyota Gazoo Racing WRT
Toyota GR Yaris Rally1
Martin Scott
Después del Tramo Cronometrado
TC Nombre TC Longitud [km] Tiempo Orden en TC Dif. 1ro.
Velocidad promedio Posiciones después de TC Tiempo total Dif. 1ro. Penalización
1 Digne-les-Bains - Chaudon-Norante 1 19.01 00:11:34.3 2. 00:00:03.9
98.57 2. 00:11:34.3 00:00:03.9
2 Faucon-du-Caire - Bréziers 21.18 00:11:20.2 5. 00:00:08.8
112.10 3. 00:22:54.5 00:00:12.7
3 Avançon - Notre-Dame du Laus 1 13.97 00:10:06.3 1. 00:00:00.0
82.95 2. 00:33:00.8 00:00:02.0
4 Saint-Maurice - Aubessagne 1 18.68 00:11:57.8 9. 00:00:19.5
93.69 1. 00:44:58.6 00:00:00.0
6 La Bréole - Selonnet 1 18.31 00:11:11.2 4. 00:00:10.4
98.21 1. 00:56:09.8 00:00:00.0
7 Saint-Maurice - Aubessagne 2 18.68 00:10:35.6 1. 00:00:00.0
105.80 1. 01:06:45.4 00:00:00.0
8 Saint-Léger-les-Mélèzes - La Bâtie-Neuve 2 16.68 00:09:46.4 7. 00:00:14.7
102.40 2. 01:16:31.8 00:00:06.8
9 La Bréole - Selonnet 2 18.31 00:10:41.4 3. 00:00:05.8
102.77 2. 01:27:13.2 00:00:12.6
10 La Motte-Chalancon - Saint-Nazaire 1 27 00:16:33.6 6. 00:00:05.0
97.83 2. 01:43:46.8 00:00:16.8
11 Aucelon - Recoubeau-Jansac 1 15.48 00:10:45.9 3. 00:00:09.0
86.28 3. 01:54:32.7 00:00:12.8
12 La-Bâtie-des-Fonts - Aspremont 1 17.85 00:10:47.2 8. 00:00:09.6
99.29 3. 02:05:19.9 00:00:20.0
13 La Motte-Chalancon - Saint-Nazaire 2 27 00:16:09.8 2. 00:00:01.9
100.23 2. 02:21:29.7 00:00:18.4
14 Aucelon - Recoubeau-Jansac 2 15.48 00:10:55.3 5. 00:00:15.7
85.04 3. 02:32:25.0 00:00:25.1
15 La-Bâtie-des-Fonts - Aspremont 2 17.85 00:10:43.5 2. 00:00:02.0
99.86 2. 02:43:08.5 00:00:20.3
16 Avançon - Notre-Dame du Laus 2 13.97 00:10:54.0 2. 00:00:04.0
76.90 2. 02:54:02.5 00:00:24.3
17 Digne-les-Bains - Chaudon-Norante 2 19.01 00:12:23.3 3. 00:00:17.8
92.07 2. 03:06:25.8 00:00:18.2
18 La Bollène-Vésubie - Peïra-Cava 17.92 00:12:58.8 2. 00:00:00.3
82.84 2. 03:19:24.6 00:00:18.5
Fecha y hora TC Información
26.01.2025 13:01 18 flash info (33 - Evans Elfyn / Martin Scott): I wasn't expecting that ice there at the end, we clipped the bank. We got through. Looks like it's alright, but it wasn't looking so good about 1km back there.
26.01.2025 09:01 17 flash info (33 - Evans Elfyn / Martin Scott): Not a surprise, I struggled so much in here. We knew after the first one it would be difficult to keep Fourmaux behind now, but we do what we can do. Of course he wants second, it's his to lose now. That's it, we are gonna keep trying till the end.
26.01.2025 07:01 16 flash info (33 - Evans Elfyn / Martin Scott): So difficult, I couldn't see for a lot of the stage I had so much dirt on the windscreen. Let's see how the tyre choice works out for the rest of the day.
25.01.2025 17:01 15 flash info (33 - Evans Elfyn / Martin Scott): It is getting dark now, all okay. Pretty bad mud in places but that is normal for this rally. It's not stressful, it is easy to know what to do in a podium fight.
25.01.2025 16:01 14 flash info (33 - Evans Elfyn / Martin Scott): It's a horrible stage, there is nowhere to go if you make a slight mistake and there is loads of mud on corners. We tried a few times but had a few big slides in corners. Naturally, we paid the price for that.
25.01.2025 15:01 13 flash info (33 - Evans Elfyn / Martin Scott): It felt pretty okay, no drama.
25.01.2025 11:01 12 flash info (33 - Evans Elfyn / Martin Scott): I had a bit more feeling at the beginning. Found everything a bit nervous, it's like that. More complicated than we expected this morning for sure, the cuts are much wetter and that is making the road dirtier, but that is part of the game.
25.01.2025 10:01 11 flash info (33 - Evans Elfyn / Martin Scott): Not good for me at all, a lot more cutting than expected and in my notes. Lots more pollution again, but that is how it is, it's the same for all these guys in the back so we need to try and be better in the next one.
25.01.2025 09:01 10 flash info (33 - Evans Elfyn / Martin Scott): Quite a lot more dirt and pollution than expected, it is dragging out from all the cuts, so not as straightforward as I thought. I'm not looking anywhere on the standings, I am just looking at me.
24.01.2025 17:01 9 flash info (33 - Evans Elfyn / Martin Scott): No real ice in this one, normal damp conditions, no real issues.
24.01.2025 16:01 8 flash info (33 - Evans Elfyn / Martin Scott): I was proper steady, it just started to go and I couldn't recover. I was on the ice, we just went a margin too far, we were almost there. We had the information, it was just Bambi on ice.
24.01.2025 16:01 8 (33 - Evans Elfyn / Martin Scott): spun
24.01.2025 15:01 7 flash info (33 - Evans Elfyn / Martin Scott): I'm not sure if you'd call that conistent, bit less mud than expected, think it is drying quickly.
24.01.2025 12:01 6 flash info (33 - Evans Elfyn / Martin Scott): Not too good, very difficult. The sun is out, lot of the places the gravel crew marked icy but when you are in and out of the shade it is difficult to trust it.
24.01.2025 09:01 4 flash info (33 - Evans Elfyn / Martin Scott): Very difficult I'll be honest, very hard to know where the grip was good or not. So difficult to read, not ideal, but it is what it is. I think the tyre choice was reasonably pokay but the conditions are more challenging than the tyre choice.
23.01.2025 21:01 3 flash info (33 - Evans Elfyn / Martin Scott): Moderately happy. Few slides in that middle one early on, I lost my confidence and couldn't see, couldn't seem to read the grip anymore. So mixed in terms of grip. Feeling was fine, happy to be at that point, let's see what the others do.
23.01.2025 20:01 2 flash info (33 - Evans Elfyn / Martin Scott): Very difficult, I found it difficult. Difficult to read the grip, felt like there was a layer of mud or dirt in places. I had a few slides in places, I was expecting the same level of grip everywhere. Tricky.
23.01.2025 18:01 1 flash info (33 - Evans Elfyn / Martin Scott): I lost my confidence a bit, there was a slippery part that looked like it continued longer than it did. A bit dramatic at the end there, otherwise not too bad.