Historic Vltava Rallye 2024

Historic Vltava Rallye 2024

19. 04. 2024 - 20. 04. 2024

Neoficiālie rezultāti
Saraksts visām kategorijām: C/2
Ātrumposms 9 - Petrovice u Sušice - Velhartice
Ātrumposma garums: 10.92km

Ātrumposma progress

Izvēlē nav ekipāžas

Informācija par ātrumposmu 9
retired (78 - Kovář David / Král Pavel): retired after SS 9
Stage continues.
Stage is stopped because of accident of car no. 31.
retired (31 - Alexandrescu Dorin Georgel / Moțescu Andrei Emilian): accident in SS 9