Rally di Roma Capitale 2024

Rally di Roma Capitale 2024

26. 07. 2024 - 28. 07. 2024


Datum und Zeit SP Information
27. 07. 2024 15:30 CET 5 flash info (15 - Crugnola Andrea / Ometto Pietro Elia): The stage is quite tricky so we prefer to push, but not 100 percent. Our goal with the Italian championship looks good so far.
27. 07. 2024 15:24 CET 5 flash info (21 - Andreucci Paolo / Briani Rudy): The feeling is better than this morning, it is not perfect but it is better than the first pass.
27. 07. 2024 15:24 CET 5 flash info (5 - Armstrong Jon / Treacy Eoin): Step in the right direction for sure, let's keep trying. Now I can drive a bit more like I want to, let's keep going. [Bancho] has been keeping me busy and I've been keeping me busy, the team are working really hard now so let's keep going.
27. 07. 2024 15:24 CET 5 flash info (19 - Scattolon Giacomo / Zanni Gabriele): In this stage, I drive good. But, the time is so-so and [we get] nothing
27. 07. 2024 15:23 CET 5 flash info (23 - Vincze Ferenc / Németh Gergely): We have no grip, lot of gravel on the road and we have brake problems, same as the morning.
27. 07. 2024 15:23 CET 5 flash info (18 - Basso Giandomenico / Granai Lorenzo): I don't have a big feeling with the car. I didn't make a mistake.
27. 07. 2024 15:22 CET 5 flash info (24 - Březík Adam / Krajča Ondřej): We have some kilometres here so we will get better and better, step by step.
27. 07. 2024 15:22 CET 5 flash info (4 - Østberg Mads / Barth Patrik): We try to tackle the loop better. Straight away I feel a bit more comfortable when I am repeating the stages. We need to carry on like I did now. The car is working now, we did some small changes. Nothing too new for the second pass, just more mindset and feeling comfortable.
27. 07. 2024 15:21 CET 5 flash info (22 - Lefebvre Stéphane / Hamard Anthony): It's a bit better, I think we started to find the way to work. We lost five seconds on this small stage.
27. 07. 2024 15:21 CET 5 flash info (6 - Tempestini Simone / Itu Sergiu): The real target is to enjoy and be happy about this oppportunity we have, the stages today are really nice and we like them so we are feeling good for the moment. The 30km stage will be a real challenge for everybody.
27. 07. 2024 15:20 CET 5 flash info (12 - Mareš Filip / Bucha Radovan): This run was better than the first pass, we changed something in the service where we tried to find some extra speed. I really enjoyed this one but we will see for the long one.
27. 07. 2024 15:20 CET 5 flash info (16 - Campedelli Simone / Canton Tania): Everything is working right now, we made a couple of small changes that give me a bit more confidence for the car. Let's see for the next one.
27. 07. 2024 15:20 CET 5 flash info (7 - Marczyk Miko / Gospodarczyk Szymon): I feel really well, time could be a little bit faster but we are in a group of really fast drivers. Now for the long stage, Santopadre, I hope we can make a difference on this stage.
27. 07. 2024 15:19 CET 5 flash info (26 - Daprà Roberto / Guglielmetti Luca): I didn't like this stage, it is hard for me to find a good rhythm. There was a dirty corner wide and we went right and hit a hole, we thought we damaged something. So we'll see.
27. 07. 2024 15:19 CET 5 flash info (1 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): Not too many changes as there is more gravel pulled out, it was a messy stage for us. Surprised we didn't lose more time as we didn't really gel very well.
27. 07. 2024 15:18 CET 5 flash info (20 - Avbelj Boštjan / Andrejka Damijan): We had some changes but the feeling here is good. In the junction we went a little too wide and almost spun. It's okay, let's keep going.
27. 07. 2024 15:18 CET 5 flash info (8 - Mabellini Andrea / Lenzi Virginia): The pop-off valve opened three times. I am losing some time.
27. 07. 2024 15:18 CET 5 flash info (11 - Wagner Simon / Hain Jara): Quite similar to the morning, I was hoping for a bigger step of difference but let's see for the other stages.
27. 07. 2024 15:17 CET 5 flash info (2 - Llarena Efrén / Fernandez Sara): We made some changes, the car is working. More weather, let's see. I think this afternoon will be really long.
27. 07. 2024 15:17 CET 5 flash info (9 - Cais Erik / Bacigál Igor): The time is not as bad as the morning but we had a big moment in the morning. In some places, I was surprised there was not so much dust but in some places there was a lot.
27. 07. 2024 13:27 CET 4 Stage is stopped.
27. 07. 2024 13:24 CET 4 retired (38 - Pesavento Davide / Gonella Nicoló): accident in SS 4
27. 07. 2024 12:41 CET 4 flash info (18 - Basso Giandomenico / Granai Lorenzo): We are pushing, I don't know what is going on. Now, I am thinking how I can get faster.
27. 07. 2024 12:41 CET 4 flash info (24 - Březík Adam / Krajča Ondřej): We did a puncture, I hit something, maybe some stone.
27. 07. 2024 12:41 CET 4 (24 - Březík Adam / Krajča Ondřej): puncture
27. 07. 2024 12:40 CET 4 flash info (4 - Østberg Mads / Barth Patrik): We have some things to sort out, because it is not working so great. We will fix that, the team is already aware so they will fix that. For the afternoon we need to fix the speed, it has not been easy discovering these roads, but we are here for the first time and everyone else has been here before. It is weird having so much experience but to be here where everything is new. Now, I will check my pace notes and watch some onboards.
27. 07. 2024 12:40 CET 4 flash info (22 - Lefebvre Stéphane / Hamard Anthony): It was a tricky first loop for us. I have struggled with the car, I know where I lost the time but I can do more.
27. 07. 2024 12:40 CET 4 flash info (6 - Tempestini Simone / Itu Sergiu): We enjoyed this one, I have not had a really clean run. We touched a stone at the beginning, I was thinking about that and I had a few corners where I pushed a bit too much. It's nice, we are learning the car, enjoying the Tarmac and we are happy.
27. 07. 2024 12:39 CET 4 flash info (12 - Mareš Filip / Bucha Radovan): Difficult stage, I am usually not the best one on this stage but I tried to precise and aggressive and on the limit of the tyre. We need to continue working and I hope that it is going to be better.
27. 07. 2024 12:39 CET 4 flash info (16 - Campedelli Simone / Canton Tania): Usually I have more grip with this one, but the guys in front of me they are cutting. It has been a good stage, not so easy to understand. I tried to push but it is difficult to understand if the pace is right. I tried to be quick on the first one.
27. 07. 2024 12:39 CET 4 flash info (7 - Marczyk Miko / Gospodarczyk Szymon): I would say every stage was better and better and I have more and more fun, we hope to continue like that. This was typical Italy, we drove a little bit quick for a part, this is the idea for the second loop; to drive a little bit quicker on each of the stages.
27. 07. 2024 12:39 CET 4 flash info (26 - Daprà Roberto / Guglielmetti Luca): From the inside it seems a bad stage, but the time is not bad so we are happy. We have a bit of understeering so we try and work with it but it is okay, thank you.
27. 07. 2024 12:38 CET 4 flash info (1 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): We're fighting with what we've got, we're doing the best job we can. This stage was a bit harder for the car, lots of uphill which she doesn't really like, prefers the downhill. The car is alright.
27. 07. 2024 12:38 CET 4 flash info (20 - Avbelj Boštjan / Andrejka Damijan): In general we can be happy, first stage win in a European championship is nice. I think we can do a bit better in this stage, we can find something in the car.
27. 07. 2024 12:37 CET 4 flash info (8 - Mabellini Andrea / Lenzi Virginia): Not the best one. Many corners missed, many corners.
27. 07. 2024 12:36 CET 4 flash info (11 - Wagner Simon / Hain Jara): We have a lot of understeering, trying to sort this out and then let's see. Lot of ideas.
27. 07. 2024 12:34 CET 4 flash info (2 - Llarena Efrén / Fernandez Sara): It was quite okay, for sure I need to do some changes on the setup but we are more or less happy.
27. 07. 2024 12:34 CET 4 flash info (9 - Cais Erik / Bacigál Igor): It was okay, I never did it in this way so new stage for me. It is a really difficult one corner to corner, we really enjoyed it so we have improved a lot. Hopefully we can improve into the next loop.
27. 07. 2024 12:34 CET 4 flash info (3 - Franceschi Mathieu / Malfoy Andy): It was a normal morning, we find confidence again so we are going step by step. In this one the grip is really low, so we were careful. Now we check the pace notes and the car. The temperature in the car is like 40 degrees celsius.
27. 07. 2024 13:21 CET 3 Stage was cancelled.
27. 07. 2024 13:20 CET 3 Stage was stopped.
27. 07. 2024 13:16 CET 3 retired (83 - Greco Matteo / Brovelli Edoardo): accident in SS 3
27. 07. 2024 12:40 CET 3 (57 - Tomek David / Baďura Vítězslav): spun
27. 07. 2024 11:33 CET 3 flash info (15 - Crugnola Andrea / Ometto Pietro Elia): I was trying to drive in my pace, I managed something in the car which in the end was okay so I am pretty happy with my stage.
27. 07. 2024 11:31 CET 3 flash info (5 - Armstrong Jon / Treacy Eoin): It's pretty tough to be honest, the conditions are so hard. We lost our brakes on the last bit. We're having to keep a window open because it's so hot. Let's see how the time stacks up.
27. 07. 2024 11:31 CET 3 flash info (5 - Armstrong Jon / Treacy Eoin): It's pretty tough to be honest, the conditions are so hard. We lost our brakes on the last bit. We're having to keep a window open because it's so hot. Let's see how the time stacks up.
27. 07. 2024 11:30 CET 3 flash info (19 - Scattolon Giacomo / Zanni Gabriele): This stage is long but more difficult. The feeling is not 100 percent.
27. 07. 2024 11:30 CET 3 flash info (23 - Vincze Ferenc / Németh Gergely): Not good today. No brake in the middle of the stage, no grip. Too much brake pump. The time is not good.
27. 07. 2024 11:29 CET 3 flash info (18 - Basso Giandomenico / Granai Lorenzo): So-so. I didn't have a good feeling, but the car is okay. I don't know the reason for the time.
27. 07. 2024 11:29 CET 3 flash info (24 - Březík Adam / Krajča Ondřej): It's really crazy because there is a lot of slippery Tarmac and many places where the grip changes. You have to be very careful, we don't have any knowledge of this stage because we are here for the first time so we are just learning.
27. 07. 2024 11:27 CET 3 flash info (4 - Østberg Mads / Barth Patrik): It was tough. A lot of issue with the pop-off valve in there so we lost quite a lot of time to be honest. Every time I go for the power in the second half of the stage, we are losing time. The grip is going up and down, but we learnt it now so we can come back and improve on the second pass.
27. 07. 2024 11:24 CET 3 flash info (22 - Lefebvre Stéphane / Hamard Anthony): Not so comfortable and I have no front, so I can't push in the corners. I can't do anything more for the moment, we need to work and see what we can do.
27. 07. 2024 11:24 CET 3 flash info (6 - Tempestini Simone / Itu Sergiu): This one is a really nice one, we njoyed a lot. I felt in a few places that I wanted to be a bit too fast and I lose a few seconds. With this hot temperature it is not easy to find a good compromise to keep a good rhythm and arrive at the end of the stage with a perfect run. We learnt a lot, let's see for the next one.
27. 07. 2024 11:23 CET 3 flash info (12 - Mareš Filip / Bucha Radovan): Quite good to be honest, I took it quite reasonably because it is a long stage and we need to manage the tyres. We are still learning the tyres. It was a good run, without any crucial mistakes. We are still quite far from the fastest time.
27. 07. 2024 10:27 CET 3 flash info (16 - Campedelli Simone / Canton Tania): My feeling was okay, I tried to keep the tyres on the regular temperature and I believe that we made a good run. Probably on the last downhill we can push a bit more, but generally it is quite fine.
27. 07. 2024 10:23 CET 3 flash info (7 - Marczyk Miko / Gospodarczyk Szymon): Still not bad, but the driving was not good. I struggle with the feeling of the brake on the corner, I have the brakes properly but I need to push a bit more to the end.
27. 07. 2024 10:21 CET 3 flash info (26 - Daprà Roberto / Guglielmetti Luca): You can't compare the Rally2 and Rally4, you can brake later and much faster. The car is amazing, the new RS is better than the Evo. We are trying to compete.
27. 07. 2024 10:17 CET 3 flash info (1 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): A new section in the middle which is quite tricky on the pace notes. Conditions are harder this year because within the first 10km the tyres were overheating and it felt like you were on a gravel rally. Good fun though.
27. 07. 2024 10:14 CET 3 flash info (20 - Avbelj Boštjan / Andrejka Damijan): This stage we had some small problems, so we have to adjust the setup I think. Good feeling, good rhythm and all okay for now.
27. 07. 2024 10:14 CET 3 flash info (8 - Mabellini Andrea / Lenzi Virginia): I hit a pole with the rear left in a junction. We didn't expect smooth gravel, when we touched it, it was like driving on ice. I think the car is okay.
27. 07. 2024 10:13 CET 3 flash info (11 - Wagner Simon / Hain Jara): Too much braking, not committed enough. Let's see, the rally is still long.
27. 07. 2024 10:11 CET 3 flash info (2 - Llarena Efrén / Fernandez Sara): Road position was okay, the people on the back have a lot of gravel. I need to go, I have hot brakes!
27. 07. 2024 10:11 CET 3 flash info (9 - Cais Erik / Bacigál Igor): It's just the pilot! Everything is okay. I could push much more in a lot of places but I'm happy with how it was. we didn't have any moments and we need to improve. I didn't know a lot of places on this stage but we'll improve.
27. 07. 2024 10:10 CET 3 flash info (3 - Franceschi Mathieu / Malfoy Andy): Wooh! Long one. At the end it was difficult because the car was moving a lot. It is good for the spectator but not for the time.
27. 07. 2024 13:16 CET 2 retired (97 - Dello Russo Giovanni Battista / Aiezza Venanzio): retired after SS 2
27. 07. 2024 10:09 CET 2 Stage is cancelled.
27. 07. 2024 09:38 CET 2 Stage is stopped.
27. 07. 2024 09:37 CET 2 retired (48 - Aragno Francesco / Guzzi Giancarla): accident in SS 2
27. 07. 2024 09:09 CET 2 flash info (15 - Crugnola Andrea / Ometto Pietro Elia): It was an okay stage for us, we knew that we could have more pollution on the road and at the end we had it. It's fine, the pace is okay. I trust the car and the setup so I'm fine.
27. 07. 2024 08:59 CET 2 flash info (21 - Andreucci Paolo / Briani Rudy): Not bad, better than yesterday. It's okay, a short one. We go to the next stage, very long.
27. 07. 2024 08:59 CET 2 flash info (5 - Armstrong Jon / Treacy Eoin): The road has a couple of areas of pollution. We're quite happy with our run, it's been quite abrasive. We had a small moment where we went wide and clipped a rock, thought we had a puncture, but other than that it is alright.
27. 07. 2024 08:54 CET 2 flash info (23 - Vincze Ferenc / Németh Gergely): Virtual chicane was not good for me, too slow. But the stage was good, perfect.
27. 07. 2024 08:53 CET 2 flash info (18 - Basso Giandomenico / Granai Lorenzo): Okay. We are pushing, it was bumpy but everything is okay.
27. 07. 2024 08:49 CET 2 flash info (24 - Březík Adam / Krajča Ondřej): It's completely different, the grip is different here. Much more slippery so we have to adapt and learn a lot of things.
27. 07. 2024 08:49 CET 2 flash info (4 - Østberg Mads / Barth Patrik): To be honest I felt embarrassed through the stage because it felt really slow, I just struggle to get around the speed you carry on this rally because I'm an old dog. The grip here is unreal, you can forget everything you learned for 100 years and do something else. My pace notes are correct but step by step I need to go up to the limit, in here the limit is not bad but for now I lose time so we need to work on that.
27. 07. 2024 08:49 CET 2 flash info (22 - Lefebvre Stéphane / Hamard Anthony): My car is a bit kangaroo-y, it is jumping a lot. We need to learn this car, I need some kilometres and try to find a way with the setup.
27. 07. 2024 08:48 CET 2 flash info (6 - Tempestini Simone / Itu Sergiu): It felt good, I just missed the first hairpin. I get angry from the third corner but then it was a good feeling. The stage was quite tricky, many bumpy places with rough cuts, but it is okay we are learning the car.
27. 07. 2024 08:48 CET 2 flash info (12 - Mareš Filip / Bucha Radovan): I was quite surprised in some corners it was quite slippery but overall it was okay. For sure, there is space to improve, especially in the braking. I was too cautious in places but it is a good start.
27. 07. 2024 08:48 CET 2 flash info (16 - Campedelli Simone / Canton Tania): I accelerated too much on the virtual chicane, it is better to slow down than get a penalty but it is something I could manage better. It is always a gamble to choose a position to start but it is okay.
27. 07. 2024 08:47 CET 2 flash info (7 - Marczyk Miko / Gospodarczyk Szymon): Not perfect, not best start of the day. We are on average speed and it is good because I still struggle a bit with the feeling on the Tarmac and it is a good start to the race.
27. 07. 2024 08:47 CET 2 flash info (26 - Daprà Roberto / Guglielmetti Luca): Enjoyed it! One of the trickiest stages, narrow, bumpy. We had a bit of understeer but we try to fix and go ahead.
27. 07. 2024 08:47 CET 2 flash info (1 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): Not worried about that, tyre wear is not an issue here; it's more about overheating of the tyres. We have a long road section now so the tyres will cool down. Tyre wear is not an issue, you just have to be flat out on this rally from start to finish.
27. 07. 2024 08:46 CET 2 flash info (20 - Avbelj Boštjan / Andrejka Damijan): Everything okay, car works fine. Thanks to our team, I think we found a good setup. Now we keep pushing, onto the long one.
27. 07. 2024 08:46 CET 2 flash info (8 - Mabellini Andrea / Lenzi Virginia): I think it is a great start to the day, but as Franceschi said I love when you say this! It is a great stage, good beginning to the day. Now we go for the long one, this one will be a tough one.
27. 07. 2024 08:46 CET 2 flash info (11 - Wagner Simon / Hain Jara): It was fine, no mistakes but we can push a bit more.
27. 07. 2024 08:45 CET 2 flash info (2 - Llarena Efrén / Fernandez Sara): Very well, quite happy. I need to go.
27. 07. 2024 08:45 CET 2 flash info (9 - Cais Erik / Bacigál Igor): I'm feeling much better, so I probably pushed too much and we had a moment at the beginning. I was too optimistic in one corner but other than that a good stage. We stalled the car a bit so we lost a few seconds. Probably not five but about four.
27. 07. 2024 08:44 CET 2 flash info (3 - Franceschi Mathieu / Malfoy Andy): I am fastest? I love it when you say 'you are fastest through.' It's a short stage, now focus for the long one.
27. 07. 2024 08:43 CET 2 Weather in Fiuggi is sunny, temperature around 30°C.
27. 07. 2024 08:01 CET 2 flash info (19 - Scattolon Giacomo / Zanni Gabriele): The time is not good, but this stage is difficult for me and the first stage of the day.
27. 10. 2024 08:33 CET 1 flash info (9 - Cais Erik / Bacigál Igor): What makes me happy is reaching the finish because you have zero chance to make a mistake. I am happy and the beautiful stages are starting tomorrow. Goodnight.
27. 07. 2024 08:43 CET 1 flash info (45 - Lupu Ciprian-Daniel / Aitculesei Andrei): I am feeling very fine, it was a little hard to do. On this stage, I have only two hands and it is difficult! I need more than two!
27. 07. 2024 08:42 CET 1 flash info (43 - Stratieva Ekaterina / Avramov Georgi): It is crazy, I hope to enjoy it. First stage was a little bit scary, it was so fast and I didn't expect to finish.
27. 07. 2024 08:42 CET 1 flash info (41 - Rendina Michael / Cipriani Fabiano): It's a very special stage, the colosseum is fantastic and the atmosphere is fantastic. My friends and family are fantastic!
27. 07. 2024 08:42 CET 1 flash info (40 - Cogni Giorgio / Brachi Simone): It's always beautiful racing in Rome. Tonight we didn't push so much, just tried to do a good race. We look forward to competing in the ERC4.
27. 07. 2024 08:41 CET 1 flash info (39 - Pisani Gianandrea / Moriconi Massimo): Very good, very enjoyable. Beautiful stage, the best of the Italian championship and European championship. We hope to do a good race and we'll see what happens tomorrow and after.
27. 07. 2024 08:41 CET 1 flash info (38 - Pesavento Davide / Gonella Nicoló): I thought it would be more difficult with the high temperature. I am happy to be here for my sportsmanship, my federation. I am happy with the result.
27. 07. 2024 08:41 CET 1 flash info (37 - Bertalan Márton / Paizs Róbert): It's very good, but I felt really bad. Really slippery in the first corner. Very good for the spectators and the fans, the rally will start tomorrow. Big adventure for us.
27. 07. 2024 08:40 CET 1 flash info (36 - Tomov Aleksandar / Spasov Dimitar): I like it much more, this car. Back in the day, we drove a Renault Clio 5. There is a lot of power in this car.
27. 07. 2024 08:40 CET 1 flash info (35 - Kowalczyk Hubert / Hryniuk Jarosław): I am into road mode, my stage was broken. I don't know what happened.
27. 07. 2024 08:39 CET 1 flash info (34 - Ravenščak Martin / Ravenščak Dora): I think it is going to be very hard because of the heat, technical and fast long stages. Try to have fun and enjoy and go to the finish line.
27. 07. 2024 08:38 CET 1 flash info (33 - Kohn Filip / Woodburn Tom): Crazy atmosphere, crazy people. I love it here and am enjoying every moment, I am so happy to be here. We need a few more results to win the trophy so we just need to keep it together and get to the end.
27. 07. 2024 08:37 CET 1 flash info (32 - Kazaz Kerem / Silvestre Corentin): Only a little damage? I touched it on the hairpin, I was just going through the stage and didn't push but the hairpin was a little slippery. I was not sure if the handbrake would work or not but it is okay.
27. 07. 2024 08:36 CET 1 flash info (31 - Widłak Igor / Marczewski Michał): I will try to go for the win, but I think I am better on gravel. I expected this stage to go better.
27. 07. 2024 08:36 CET 1 flash info (30 - Kołtun Jarosław / Pleskot Ireneusz): Beautiful stage, I would like to send greetings to the director of this rally. I have known him a long time and this rally is very nice.
27. 07. 2024 08:36 CET 1 flash info (28 - Molle Amaury / Dubois Alex): o be honest I am happy to be back in the ERC and Rome because I love this rally. For my return in the ERC I have a Rally2 car, I have to thank my main sponsor. We are looking at more events this year and a big programme next year, so we will see.
27. 07. 2024 08:35 CET 1 flash info (24 - Březík Adam / Krajča Ondřej): It is gonna be a big challenge but we are here to enjoy it. It's a great start with the spectators and the real rally starts tomorrow.
27. 07. 2024 08:35 CET 1 flash info (27 - Somaschini Rachele / Arena Nicola): It's amazing, in front of the colosseum and it is amazing to be here. I am so happy.
27. 07. 2024 08:35 CET 1 flash info (23 - Vincze Ferenc / Németh Gergely): We are waiting for tomorrow, first race outside home.
27. 07. 2024 08:34 CET 1 flash info (26 - Daprà Roberto / Guglielmetti Luca): Absolutely amazing to be back, a really good opportunity for me in the WRC and then for me on my home rally, thank you to all the people for having me.
27. 07. 2024 08:34 CET 1 flash info (14 - László Martin / Zsiros Gábor): I was very careful because I didn't want to make any mistakes as the race is very long. Let's see what we can do now.
27. 07. 2024 08:34 CET 1 flash info (12 - Mareš Filip / Bucha Radovan): It was quite tricky with the car because it is on the edge right now, in the first corner it was not easy to catch the first corners but there we go.
27. 07. 2024 08:33 CET 1 flash info (11 - Wagner Simon / Hain Jara): Not easy for sure, but a lot of fun. A lot of spectators. Tomorrow, the real rally starts. Not so fun driving on soft tyres.
27. 07. 2024 08:30 CET 1 flash info (22 - Lefebvre Stéphane / Hamard Anthony): It's a brand new rally for me, so it is hard to expect something clear. It is a new car for me too, let's see what we can do.
27. 07. 2024 08:28 CET 1 flash info (8 - Mabellini Andrea / Lenzi Virginia): It was clean, no mistakes. I thought it was a little worse than this. It's incredible to start from here in front of the colosseum, very good for the spectators and thanks to the organisers who made it happen. Tomorrow is the real rally.
27. 07. 2024 08:28 CET 1 flash info (7 - Marczyk Miko / Gospodarczyk Szymon): I was hoping for a better run but it was clear. We felt a big action but we felt the confidence and perception to put on the stage like that.
27. 07. 2024 08:27 CET 1 flash info (20 - Avbelj Boštjan / Andrejka Damijan): This is a Power Stage for us, so it is really important for the championship. Some mistakes but you can push on the concrete. Satisfied.
27. 07. 2024 08:26 CET 1 flash info (6 - Tempestini Simone / Itu Sergiu): I said to Itu that I made a little mistake on the pace notes on the last corner so it is Peter Mackay's fault! It is a really nice stage for the people around, but the real rally starts tomorrow.
27. 07. 2024 08:25 CET 1 flash info (19 - Scattolon Giacomo / Zanni Gabriele): For us, the stage is more important for the Italian championship. It is more difficult, but beautiful.
27. 07. 2024 08:23 CET 1 flash info (5 - Armstrong Jon / Treacy Eoin): The Rally3 is a bit more narrow for sure. It is so easy to make a mistake on these stages, you're not gonna win a rally or a podium here so we just had to get through. But it is good to see so many spectators at an iconic location. The rally starts tomorrow.
27. 07. 2024 08:22 CET 1 flash info (46 - Signor Marco / Michi Daniele): For me it is very difficult to start with cold [tyres], it is a difficult feeling. Tomorrow is the race.
27. 07. 2024 08:22 CET 1 flash info (4 - Østberg Mads / Barth Patrik): I would have said]I wouldn't believe you to drive by the colosseum. It is hard to believe you're doing a rally when you visit these places. It is a nice mix between 2000-year-old history and the modern rally car.
27. 07. 2024 08:22 CET 1 flash info (18 - Basso Giandomenico / Granai Lorenzo): Everything okay, I didn't make a mistake but this is the time.
27. 07. 2024 08:21 CET 1 flash info (3 - Franceschi Mathieu / Malfoy Andy): Too excited! I'm really excited for tomorrow, the stages are looking really interesting. It will be a big challenge for the crew and everything. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow and like I said earlier, I tried to sleep last two weeks and didn't do anything!
27. 07. 2024 08:21 CET 1 flash info (16 - Campedelli Simone / Canton Tania): It's always a good battle, we don't want to make any mistake on these kind of battles but on the other side we need to get points for the championship so that is a compromise.
27. 07. 2024 08:21 CET 1 flash info (2 - Llarena Efrén / Fernandez Sara): Last year it was almost 4sec so today it was a bit better! Tarmac drivers have the stage here in the Italian championship, so let's see. It's okay.
27. 07. 2024 08:20 CET 1 flash info (15 - Crugnola Andrea / Ometto Pietro Elia): It's amazing atmosphere in front of the colosseum, it is like a dream for the Italian guys to compete in front of such a beautiful monument. The stage went quite well, I think it is impossible to be perfect and neat in these stages. We will see what this means for the Italian championship.
27. 07. 2024 08:20 CET 1 flash info (1 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): This stage is right up there, it is one of the coolest ones you do. The stage is irrelevant, it is all about the location. I'd like to open up Paddon's tours. Five bucks, pretty building on the right and you're there!
27. 07. 2024 08:20 CET 1 flash info (93 - Andolfi Fabrizio jun. / Iguera Massimo): It's a very fantastic stage, it is short but very difficult and I am very happy to hold this contest in Rome.
27. 07. 2024 08:19 CET 1 flash info (86 - Mazzocchi Alessandro / Gallotti Silvia): A good stage, is very good to be here and I am very happy. We will see tomorrow for the very special stages.
27. 07. 2024 08:19 CET 1 flash info (85 - Vidori Asia / Manfredi Jasmine): I'm so emotional, I am so happy. The stage was amazing, with the colosseum. I am so happy.
27. 07. 2024 08:18 CET 1 Weather in Rome is sunny, temperature around 32°C.
27. 07. 2024 08:18 CET QS flash info (21 - Andreucci Paolo / Briani Rudy): Not good today, this morning we have a little problem with the setup but I think [now to] the service.
27. 07. 2024 08:17 CET QS flash info (20 - Avbelj Boštjan / Andrejka Damijan): Little moment after the compression because we touched the ground so much, but the feeling is good with the car so we will keep going.
27. 07. 2024 08:17 CET QS flash info (19 - Scattolon Giacomo / Zanni Gabriele): This stage is more difficult but the time is not good.
27. 07. 2024 08:17 CET QS flash info (18 - Basso Giandomenico / Granai Lorenzo): I think it went okay, I don't like this stage. Very short! We'll see tomorrow, I like Rally di Roma Capitale, but I like the longer stage.
27. 07. 2024 08:17 CET QS flash info (16 - Campedelli Simone / Canton Tania): Where's my cake? We had a good run, I never liked this stage in my life. In the last two years it is getting better and better! Nice feeling to be back on the ERC, we played a bit with this one, bit of strategy tomorrow. Let's see if we can do something tomorrow if we are cleaning the road. We have a good team, good tyres. I am happy.
27. 07. 2024 08:16 CET QS flash info (15 - Crugnola Andrea / Ometto Pietro Elia): I made some mistakes, so I need to see the service park with the team because the time is not good so we need to investigate. The car is working fine, but it's my confidence.
27. 07. 2024 08:16 CET QS flash info (14 - László Martin / Zsiros Gábor): Much better this year, very great to be back in the FIA ERC. About five months ago I had a very big crash in Croatia, so I try to get back my confidence and I'm very happy to be here.
27. 07. 2024 08:15 CET QS flash info (2 - Llarena Efrén / Fernandez Sara): I am happy, we are enjoying and smiling so that is really important. For sure it is a good time, we are on good speed. This stage is not on the rally but we know the stages from other years.
27. 07. 2024 08:15 CET QS flash info (12 - Mareš Filip / Bucha Radovan): Was quite a good run for us, I did a small mistake which cost me a few seconds. I hit an anticut in the third or fifth corner, but I am happy that the car is working well and I am looking forward to the race.
27. 07. 2024 08:15 CET QS flash info (11 - Wagner Simon / Hain Jara): Not bad, two small mistakes but happy with the setup we found so let's enjoy the next two days.
27. 07. 2024 08:14 CET QS flash info (9 - Cais Erik / Bacigál Igor): It feels amazing to be back in ERC, it could've been some points a bit faster but a clean run. It's my type of bread. The team prepared the car really well, I have to thank them. Hopefully a good start position for the race but let's see.
27. 07. 2024 08:14 CET QS flash info (8 - Mabellini Andrea / Lenzi Virginia): I was not thinking to drive, but I want to say happy birthday to my friend Alberto, I hope he is watching us! It was okay, we had a clean run! I can hear Virgi Lenzi with this new cable!
27. 07. 2024 08:14 CET QS flash info (7 - Marczyk Miko / Gospodarczyk Szymon): I really like Tarmac, but after so much gravel experience where step by step we increased our pace. We are quite similar on gravel and Tarmac. I feel like we did some good testing. We need to work, improve and do the proper Rally Roma di Capitale race.
27. 07. 2024 08:13 CET QS flash info (6 - Tempestini Simone / Itu Sergiu): It was slower than a lot of people's run, it was a strange feeling in the last section. I don't know why we had a little issue with a pop-off [valve]. The Qualifying stage is the first few kilometres with the car and we enjoy it. This rally will be really challenging and the drivers will be really fast, but I am looking forward to the Italian asphalt.
27. 07. 2024 08:13 CET QS flash info (5 - Armstrong Jon / Treacy Eoin): Not too bad, we're not on the pace in Free Practice but we're trying to improve now. I think we have time to get faster and see how close we can get to the front guys.
27. 07. 2024 08:13 CET QS flash info (4 - Østberg Mads / Barth Patrik): I'm not used to discovering rallies anymore, to come to a brand new rally with such special character, I feel really lost a bit! I need to search for my driving style on this kind of rally and get used to the grip. As I go, I feel I move step by step, but I'm not even closer to the limit!
27. 07. 2024 08:12 CET QS flash info (3 - Franceschi Mathieu / Malfoy Andy): Feel really nice, the first section of the stage was like Barum Rally Zlín, very fast. We enjoyed a lot and we are happy to be back on asphalt because we worked a lot between Estonia and now, so we go again.
27. 07. 2024 08:12 CET QS flash info (1 - Paddon Hayden / Kennard John): At time this morning in practice and qualifying we've been identical to tenths of a second to times last year. That shows where we're at with the car, so we'll see what we can do. There's a lot of fast people here.
27. 07. 2024 08:11 CET QS Weather in Fiuggi is sunny, temperature around 38°C.
26. 07. 2024 08:25 CET FP1+FP2 (24 - Březík Adam / Krajča Ondřej): puncture
27. 07. 2024 13:48 CET Stage continues.