Rally di Roma Capitale 2024

Rally di Roma Capitale 2024

26. 07. 2024 - 28. 07. 2024

Armstrong Jon
Jon Armstrong
Eoin Treacy
Armstrong Jon
Ford Fiesta Rally2 MkII
Treacy Eoin
Gyorsasági szakasz után
Gyors Gyorsasági neve Hossza (km) Idő Sorrend ezen szakaszon Kül.elsőtől
Átlagsebesség Sorrend ezen szakasz után Össz. idő Kül.elsőtől Büntetés
1 Colosseo ACI Roma 1.3 00:00:59.5 21. 00:00:03.5
78.66 21. 00:00:59.5 00:00:03.5
2 Alatri 6.96 00:04:26.0 16. 00:00:04.9
94.20 16. 00:05:25.5 00:00:07.3
3 Santopadre - Fontana Liri 28.74 00:17:44.4 16. 00:00:20.0
97.20 15. 00:23:09.9 00:00:27.3
4 Guarcino - Altipiani 11.58 00:06:36.5 14. 00:00:08.7
105.14 15. 00:29:46.4 00:00:36.0
5 Alatri 6.96 00:04:22.7 9. 00:00:02.7
95.38 15. 00:34:09.1 00:00:36.9
6 Santopadre - Fontana Liri 28.74 00:17:39.9 15. 00:00:19.8
97.62 15. 00:51:49.0 00:00:47.3
Dátum és idő Gyors Információ
27.07.2024 15:07 5 flash info (5 - Armstrong Jon / Treacy Eoin): Step in the right direction for sure, let's keep trying. Now I can drive a bit more like I want to, let's keep going. [Bancho] has been keeping me busy and I've been keeping me busy, the team are working really hard now so let's keep going.
27.07.2024 11:07 3 flash info (5 - Armstrong Jon / Treacy Eoin): It's pretty tough to be honest, the conditions are so hard. We lost our brakes on the last bit. We're having to keep a window open because it's so hot. Let's see how the time stacks up.
27.07.2024 11:07 3 flash info (5 - Armstrong Jon / Treacy Eoin): It's pretty tough to be honest, the conditions are so hard. We lost our brakes on the last bit. We're having to keep a window open because it's so hot. Let's see how the time stacks up.
27.07.2024 08:07 2 flash info (5 - Armstrong Jon / Treacy Eoin): The road has a couple of areas of pollution. We're quite happy with our run, it's been quite abrasive. We had a small moment where we went wide and clipped a rock, thought we had a puncture, but other than that it is alright.
27.07.2024 08:07 1 flash info (5 - Armstrong Jon / Treacy Eoin): The Rally3 is a bit more narrow for sure. It is so easy to make a mistake on these stages, you're not gonna win a rally or a podium here so we just had to get through. But it is good to see so many spectators at an iconic location. The rally starts tomorrow.