Rally di Roma Capitale 2024

Rally di Roma Capitale 2024

26. 07. 2024 - 28. 07. 2024

Mabellini Andrea
Andrea Mabellini
Virginia Lenzi
Team MRF Tyres
Škoda Fabia RS Rally2
Lenzi Virginia
Después del Tramo Cronometrado
TC Nombre TC Longitud [km] Tiempo Orden en TC Dif. 1ro.
Velocidad promedio Posiciones después de TC Tiempo total Dif. 1ro. Penalización
1 Colosseo ACI Roma 1.3 00:00:57.4 4. 00:00:01.4
81.53 4. 00:00:57.4 00:00:01.4
2 Alatri 6.96 00:04:23.1 5. 00:00:02.0
95.23 5. 00:05:20.5 00:00:02.3
3 Santopadre - Fontana Liri 28.74 00:17:38.9 12. 00:00:14.5
97.71 9. 00:22:59.4 00:00:16.8
4 Guarcino - Altipiani 11.58 00:06:36.2 13. 00:00:08.4
105.22 11. 00:29:35.6 00:00:25.2
5 Alatri 6.96 00:04:23.4 12. 00:00:03.4
95.13 10. 00:33:59.0 00:00:26.8
6 Santopadre - Fontana Liri 28.74 00:17:39.5 14. 00:00:19.4
97.65 11. 00:51:38.5 00:00:36.8
7 Guarcino - Altipiani 11.58 00:06:31.5 11. 00:00:05.7
106.48 10. 00:58:10.0 00:00:38.4
Fecha y hora TC Información
27.07.2024 18:07 7 flash info (8 - Mabellini Andrea / Lenzi Virginia): It's the same feeling cause the stage is the same. I did a little bit better, I tried to change myself, I used the handbrake to change the car. I used third gear in the corners and it seemed a little better.
27.07.2024 18:07 6 flash info (8 - Mabellini Andrea / Lenzi Virginia): I was just driving. Nothing to tell. I drive and that is the time. I cannot do anything more than this. I drive in the same way, the split was the same, but cannot do more than this.
27.07.2024 15:07 5 flash info (8 - Mabellini Andrea / Lenzi Virginia): The pop-off valve opened three times. I am losing some time.
27.07.2024 12:07 4 flash info (8 - Mabellini Andrea / Lenzi Virginia): Not the best one. Many corners missed, many corners.
27.07.2024 10:07 3 flash info (8 - Mabellini Andrea / Lenzi Virginia): I hit a pole with the rear left in a junction. We didn't expect smooth gravel, when we touched it, it was like driving on ice. I think the car is okay.
27.07.2024 08:07 2 flash info (8 - Mabellini Andrea / Lenzi Virginia): I think it is a great start to the day, but as Franceschi said I love when you say this! It is a great stage, good beginning to the day. Now we go for the long one, this one will be a tough one.
27.07.2024 08:07 1 flash info (8 - Mabellini Andrea / Lenzi Virginia): It was clean, no mistakes. I thought it was a little worse than this. It's incredible to start from here in front of the colosseum, very good for the spectators and thanks to the organisers who made it happen. Tomorrow is the real rally.