Rally di Roma Capitale 2024

Rally di Roma Capitale 2024

26. 07. 2024 - 28. 07. 2024

Mabellini Andrea
Andrea Mabellini
Virginia Lenzi
Team MRF Tyres
Škoda Fabia RS Rally2
Lenzi Virginia
After SS
SS SS name Length [km] Time Order in SS Diff. leader
Aver. speed Order after SS Total time Diff. leader Penalty
8 Fiuggi 5.9 00:03:24.2 10. 00:00:01.5
104.02 10. 00:03:24.2 00:00:01.5
9 Rocca di Cave - Subiaco 32.3 00:19:44.2 12. 00:00:11.0
98.19 11. 00:23:08.4 00:00:12.4
10 Monastero - Jenne 8.63 00:05:03.1 14. 00:00:06.2
102.50 10. 00:28:11.5 00:00:18.6
11 Fiuggi 5.9 00:03:24.5 8. 00:00:01.9
103.86 10. 00:31:36.0 00:00:20.5
12 Rocca di Cave - Subiaco 32.3 00:19:43.5 9. 00:00:14.8
98.25 10. 00:51:19.5 00:00:35.3
13 Monastero - Jenne (Power Stage) 8.63 00:05:01.6 10. 00:00:06.5
102.99 10. 00:56:21.1 00:00:41.8
Date and time SS Information
28.07.2024 16:07 13 flash info (8 - Mabellini Andrea / Lenzi Virginia): I think we had a great run, today especially with the long one. We were at our maximum. I am happy that the tyre man from MRF came to see us and support us, thanks to MRF for the support. It is okay like this, I would like to thank everyone in the team for supporting us, it is not easy like this. Let's see for the others.
28.07.2024 14:07 12 flash info (8 - Mabellini Andrea / Lenzi Virginia): In 32km, same time is not so bad. It is getting hotter, you can feel it while driving. In the middle part, we lost a little bit. The engine is not working as this morning. Now we will go for the Power Stage.
28.07.2024 14:07 11 flash info (8 - Mabellini Andrea / Lenzi Virginia): I am at home, not really, but in Italy. I am glad so many are supporting us, it is so important for our humour. It was nice, we had a clean run, let's see in the next one.
28.07.2024 10:07 10 flash info (8 - Mabellini Andrea / Lenzi Virginia): It's different, totally different from any other stage of this rally. There is quite a lot of grip, we didn't trust it from the beginning. In the second pass we will fix it. Now for service and to enjoy the rest of the day.
28.07.2024 09:07 9 flash info (8 - Mabellini Andrea / Lenzi Virginia): It was not so bad, we keep our pace, no mistakes. For sure, in the ERC it is impossible to finish the stage without any moments but it is part of the stage when you are pushing like this. I think the pace is quite high.
28.07.2024 08:07 8 flash info (8 - Mabellini Andrea / Lenzi Virginia): It's a good start to the day just to warm up a bit, quite short and a little bit faster than the others. No problem for this one, let's see the 32km one.