Barum Czech Rally Zlín 2018

Barum Czech Rally Zlín 2018

24. 08. 2018 - 26. 08. 2018

Neoficiální výsledky
Výpis pro skupiny: 13
RZ 10 - Halenkovice
Délka rychlostní zkoušky: 13.72km

Průběh RZ

Poř. St. č. Jezdec / Spolujezdec
Skup. RZ čas Pr.rychl.
Ztráta ved.
Ztráta před.
1 90
Zabloudil Š. / Novák Petr
Subaru Impreza 555
13 00:09:38.7 85.35
Poř. St. č.
Jezdec / Spolujezdec
Poř. RZ čas
Celkový čas Ztráta ved.
Ztráta před.
1 90

Zabloudil Š. / Novák Petr
Subaru Impreza 555 
01:31:03.3 00:00:00.0
retired (138 - Matuš Daniel / Urbaník Juraj): technická závada - poloosa po RZ 10
retired (107 - Frána Lukáš / Odvárka Pavel): technická závada - řízení v RZ 10
retired (110 - Suchý Dan / Koutský Miroslav): havárie v RZ 10
(107 - Frána Lukáš / Odvárka Pavel): byl mimo trať
retired (52 - László Martin / Zsiros Gábor): technická závada - převodovka po RZ 10
retired (115 - Baďura Martin / Nešpor Jan): neodstartoval do 2. etapy
retired (44 - Furuseth Sindre / Hjerpe Jim): technická závada - zavěšení v RZ 10
retired (62 - Hanuš Vladimír / Kubala Jan): odstoupil po RZ 10
(50 - Kamenec Matěj / Jurka Adam): byl mimo trať
(44 - Furuseth Sindre / Hjerpe Jim): defekt
(28 - Monteiro Aloísio / Eiró Sancho): havárie v RZ 10
(62 - Hanuš Vladimír / Kubala Jan): defekt
retired (87 - Čapka Jakub / Říhánek Ivan): zdravotní problémy před RZ 10
flash info (19 - Avcioğlu Orhan / Korkmaz Burçin): It was really really difficult, Pellier went off. It was so tricky, it´s gonna be muddy in the afternoon. I started to be quite cautious so it was OK.
flash info (10 - Pellier Laurent / Combe Geoffrey): I don´t know, we had no grip in the second corner. I pushed the brake and we went off the road. The car looks OK, no problem.
flash info (12 - Černý Jan / Černohorský Petr): It wasn´t a good stage for us, there was a lot of mud on the road.
flash info (1 - Lukyanuk Alexey / Arnautov Alexey): This stage was quite slippery, with dangerous cuts full of mud. We are driving to keep it safe.
flash info (4 - Kopecký Jan / Dresler Pavel): I find it difficult today, there was a lot of places full of mud. We have to be cautious, we wanted to be faster but we´d be out of game.
flash info (9 - Gryazin Nikolay / Fedorov Yaroslav): Really slippery and difficult but OK. At some places, it was hard.
Zkouška je zastavena kvůli havárii st.č.56.
flash info (5 - Sordo Dani / Del Barrio Carlos): It was a really bad stage, car was moving alot on these tires. Lot of standing water. We drive really bad.
retired (56 - Štajf Vojtěch / Horniaček Emil): havárie v RZ 10
flash info (18 - Mareš Filip / Hloušek Jan): The stage was muddy at some places at the beginning. It was tricky. It's important to keep the car on the road.
flash info (7 - Kreim Fabian / Christian Frank): Barum rally is always tricky. Like yesterday, we had grip but I didn't use it
(10 - Pellier Laurent / Combe Geoffrey): was out of road, but continued
flash info (21 - Tarabus Jaromír / Trunkát Daniel): After two cars it was really dirty in the stage. After the start, it was very slippery and we already had a moment there. We tried to push and it was OK.
flash info (11 - Ingram Chris / Whittock Ross): We are trying to be cautious because it´s very tricky, but I enjoy it. To be honest, I was scared yesterday, I didn´t want to damage this beautiful car.
flash info (2 - Magalhães Bruno / Magalhães Hugo): It was a difficult start today, we are trying new compound but OK, the conditions are not so good so we are keeping it safe. The grip level was not so bad but the setup was not correct, the car is difficult when you brake.
Slippy and tricky tarmac is expected in the stages today.
Stages are expected to be very slippery, muddy and treacherous due to rainfall.