Rally Islas Canarias 2021

Rally Islas Canarias 2021

18. 11. 2021 - 20. 11. 2021

Neoficiální výsledky
Výpis pro skupiny: Abarth
RZ 8 - Santa Lucía 2
Délka rychlostní zkoušky: 13.07km
Poř. St. č. Jezdec / Spolujezdec
Skup. RZ čas Pr.rychl.
Ztráta ved.
Ztráta před.
1 27
García C. / Ghuneim Nazer
Fiat 124 Abarth RGT
RGT 00:08:23.3 93.49
2 23
Poloński D. / Sitek Łukasz
Fiat 124 Abarth RGT
RGT 00:18:23.3 42.65
Poř. St. č.
Jezdec / Spolujezdec
Poř. RZ čas
Celkový čas Ztráta ved.
Ztráta před.
1 27

García C. / Ghuneim Nazer
Fiat 124 Abarth RGT 
01:09:34.6 00:00:00.0
2 23

Poloński D. / Sitek Łukasz
Fiat 124 Abarth RGT 
02:19:24.0 01:09:49.4
Stage was cancelled.
Stagewas interrupted because of crash of st.no.44.
retired (44 - Cruz Fernando / Bonilla Ariday): havárie v RZ 8
flash info (28 - Franceschi Jean-Baptiste / Gorguilo Anthony): Quite OK, we managed the tyres as much as we could. Very good day for us.
flash info (29 - Bassas Josep / Coronado Axel): Very difficult day with lot of problems, the choice of tyres for this loop was not the best one.
flash info (34 - Soria Paulo / Itu Sergiu): It was lot better than before, clean run, no mistakes, it was OK. Difficult day but we tried to do our best.
flash info (30 - Pajari Sami / Salminen Marko): Really enjoyable, I think this one was my favourite from the loop.
flash info ( - / ): We had a puncture in the opening part and we changed it.
flash info (35 - Fotia Anthony / Dunand Arnaud): I think our tyres are on fire, but OK, the car is fine all day.
flash info (26 - Potiiko Serhii / Mishyn Ivan): Very good, I love Canarias.
flash info (21 - Pardo Javier / Pérez Adrián): Perfect, great stage. The car and feeling is great, today was very good for us.
flash info (24 - Vinyes Joan / Mercader Jordi): It's OK, we go slowly but we have big advantage from the second and I'm happy, the car is OK and ready for tomorrow.
flash info (20 - Torn Ken / Pannas Kauri): Nice, really enjoyable. In the morning we had to adjust the pacenotes but in the afternoon we improved our pace.
flash info (18 - Falcón Emma / Gonzalez Eduardo): We didn't have right tyres, we were losing time.
flash info (10 - Monzón Luis / Deniz Jose Carlos): Very fast stage, but I'm happy, we had a good speed. Everything is OK.
flash info (19 - Chwist Daniel / Heller Kamil): It was very slippery for us with these tyres, I'm happy to be here.
flash info (17 - Alonso Juan Carlos / Monasterolo Juan Pablo): Really enjoyable, wonderfull stage, I'm so happy. One more stage to finish today, we are improving and we are happy. Everything is OK.
flash info (16 - Kołtun Jarosław / Pleskot Ireneusz): Very good, but honestly it was completely dry.
flash info (7 - Vilariño Luis / Murado José): This one is very difficult, but I felt better in the car now. All OK for tomorrow.
flash info (12 - von Thurn und Taxis Albert / Ettel Bernhard): We put two soft on front and it wasn't the best choice. It cost us some time. But today really really good fun.
flash info (11 - Pernía Surhayen / Sánchez Alba): This loop was not bad, the times are good, I'm happy for the day.
flash info (3 - Lukyanuk Alexey / Arnautov Alexey): My favourite stage, I'm just happy, enjoying it a lot. Thanks to everyone who makes this possible for me.
flash info (4 - Solans Nil / Martí Marc): The car was working better now, we enjoyed it a lot, running flatout.
flash info (6 - Campedelli Simone / Canton Tania): I had one slide in one corner, I was lucky not to hit anything, I maybe missed the braking point. I really pushed today, I liked the feeling of the car.
flash info (9 - Solans Jan / Sanjuán Rodrigo): I think the tyre choice was not so good in this afternoon, this compound did not work.
flash info (2 - Llarena Efrén / Fernandez Sara): Not so bad, we tried our best. We are happy with our pace and pacenotes. We have two spares and we did safe tyre choice.
flash info (1 - Marczyk Miko / Gospodarczyk Szymon): It was good for us bbut probably quite tough for our tyres. We are here and we are happy, we are driving consistent.
flash info (5 - Bonato Yoann / Boulloud Benjamin): This one was completely wet, we had wet tyres in the back and not on the car so not perfect. But it's really nice rally. We are not on the fight for the victory but we try our best.