Rally Poland 2019

Rally Poland 2019

28. 06. 2019 - 30. 06. 2019

Mitteametlikud tulemused
Kategooria nimekiri: Abarth
LK 12 - Uzranki 1
LK pikkus: 22.54km
koht Nr Juht / Kaardilugeja
Grupp LK aeg Keskmine kiirus
kaotus sek/km
Vahe liidriga
Vahe eelnevaga
1 28
Poloński D. / Sitek Łukasz
Fiat 124 Abarth RGT
RGT 00:13:36.1 99.43
2 27
Nucita Andrea / Pop A.
Fiat 124 Abarth RGT
RGT 00:14:06.6 95.85
koht Nr
Juht / Kaardilugeja
koht LK aeg
Aeg kokku Vahe liidriga
Vahe eelnevaga
1 27

Nucita Andrea / Pop A.
Fiat 124 Abarth RGT 
01:37:27.4 00:00:00.0
2 28

Poloński D. / Sitek Łukasz
Fiat 124 Abarth RGT 
01:57:24.8 00:19:57.4
LK informatsioon 12
retired (41 - Talaš Jan / Krajča Ondřej): technical problem - oil pump in SS 12
retired (42 - Hokkanen Miika / Suorsa Rami): didn't present the time-card at the stop control of SS 12
flash info (14 - Nobre Paulo / Morales Gabriel): The car is perfect, it looked ugly yesterday, but the Fabia is really strong and the team can make magics in few minutes. It looks like completely new.
flash info (42 - Hokkanen Miika / Suorsa Rami): It was very slippery in concrete braking, so we went wide and had pretty heavy crash. We are happy to be here. But we lost a time-card, it's a problem.
flash info (32 - Furuseth Sindre / Hjerpe Jim): This stage was so difficult. I tried to push but I had couple of moments.
retired (31 - Llarena Efrén / Fernandez Sara): accident in SS 12
flash info (34 - Torn Ken / Pannas Kauri): This time we have some fight with other guys and I enjoy every stage. Quite OK time.
flash info (21 - Kotarba Łukasz / Kotarba Tomasz): Little bit tricky, very hard stage. Lot of mistakes. We are happy we are there.
flash info (19 - Wróblewski Kacper / Szeja Marcin): It was really nervous, I didn't enjoy it.
flash info (2 - Ingram Chris / Whittock Ross): Last two stages were OK, some sections are really good.
retired (16 - Kołtun Jarosław / Pleskot Ireneusz): accident in SS 12
flash info (12 - Kasperczyk Tomasz / Syty Damian): I think it was good stage for us, but in the middle I lost the rhythm little bit. But we have fun.
flash info (3 - Lukyanuk Alexey / Arnautov Alexey): My mind is little bit distracted with handling of the car. We don't push.
flash info (5 - Huttunen Jari / Lukka Mikko): It's going OK, really difficult stage.
(7 - Mareš Filip / Hloušek Jan): I don't know why. Most of the stage I was behind Mikko, we lost some time with that, and then few kilometers before the finish we got a puncture.
flash info (11 - Marczyk Miko / Gospodarczyk Szymon): We had a puncture unfortunately. It's a part of the game. We didn't push, but we had to change it.
flash info (1 - Habaj Łukasz / Dymurski Daniel): It's really difficult, mixed surfaces, mixed conditions, it's hard to find the rhythm.
retired (8 - Arai Hiroki / Minor Ilka): accident - rolled in SS 12
flash info (22 - Domżała Aron / Baran Jarosław): This was the most demanding stage of the rally. I overshot one junction and we had to turn around.
flash info (9 - Adielsson Mattias / Johansson Andreas): Massive off on concretes. It was so slippery and we went wide. We lost at least 20 seconds. But we have so fun, we are really pushing.
flash info (4 - Griebel Marijan / Winklhofer Pirmin): The middle of the stage it was terrible driving from me. But so far no problems.